Monday, October 28, 2024

The Blue-Eyed Butterfly Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Historical Fiction

Date Published: Sept. 29 2024

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.


Three women, Callie, Lillian, and Lydia faced an adversary that would change their lives forever. He resided in the only home that Callie had ever known, ensnaring her into his vicious web of dominance and cruelty. His insatiable thirst for exacting fear soon traps Lillian and Lydia in his household. In due course, his own demise takes him down the road of no return.

About the Author

Sharon is a first-time author, retired nurse, mother, and grandmother. She grew up in the Appalachian Mountains and writes with a deep appreciation and admiration for women who live there. She chronicles the life of each character so her readers can be inspired by and benefit from their remarkable stories.

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Perfectly Imperfect Week Blitz #rabtbooktours


Children’s Books



From a nose that's a tad too big, to a giggle that lights up the room, you are perfect, just the way you are. 

Witness the charm of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the whimsy of the Mona Lisa's smile, and the joyous laughter of a girl who's unapologetically herself. Meet a dad whose scar tells a story of bravery, and see how even a heart with a band-aid has its own perfect place in the world.

Discover why the most beautiful thing in the world is to be fearlessly, wonderfully, uniquely you!

About the Author

Meet Cara Davis. She lives in East Nashville with her two kids, a dog, a cat, a rabbit, and two chickens. Cara really likes to check out fun places nearby and listen to music when she’s not writing stories like this!


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Instagram: @carabakerdavis


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Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: The History of Godzilla, Mothra, and King Gidorah

Here's something cool for fans of iconic Japanese movie monsters. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Contraption Review #rabtbooktours


Psychological Thriller

Date Published: 03/25/2024

Publisher:  Great Whale Books



The wedding was weeks away for two young lovers, who had counted themselves lucky to have found one another. Then, it was over, as one of them abruptly disappeared. Audrey was not abducted. Not exactly. She was not taken against her will. Rather, her will itself had been taken. Coerced and controlled. Deceived and derailed. Matthias cannot walk away from the catastrophe, though he has nothing to go on, and is in the dark beyond all personal darkness he has ever known . . .

The Contraption is a novel that deals with the challenges faced by a woman who has been recruited into a dangerous, coercive religious cult. Her fiancé is left not knowing even where she is. Her name has been changed and she has been relocated to another state. The cult, Church of the Mountain of Radiance, is an all-controlling psychological prison.


 “Have you ever wondered what was special about all the great geniuses and special people of history? Was it genetics? No. They were simply able to align their minds with the great field of Spherules, and transition off into eternities of infinite radiance! Only with the emergence of the Beneficence, Earnest Seamark, fifty years ago, was there a real hope for the average person to align, and ascend. Why do you think we even have a consciousness, anyway?”

As unexpected and unreal as this shpiel was, there was something about the women themselves, especially the one who seemed to be in the lead. She believed it. The others did, too. And Audrey had not ever seen anything like their belief. Nor had she ever felt the warmth and depth of love these strangers had for her. So, what was the reality that drove their belief?

Standing alone with them in the empty park in muted morning light, a moment of the surreal took shape. It felt and looked like a scene from an old black-and-white arthouse movie.

Did Audrey want to try to align her mind with the boundless sea of the spheres?

Audrey did.

Sheer curiosity, as much as anything, launched her into what became multiple hours of subtle head movements. Mostly it was with eyes closed, sometimes facing the sun, other times face down. Alignment could be a matter of microns. The pineal gland behind the forehead and the medulla at the base of the brain stem had to form an equilateral triangle with one single Spherule in the array. Feel your way. The conjunction had to hold long enough that her consciousness recognized what was happening.

The tiny spheres could vary in size or spacing depending on location, and some other conditions, but on that morning, at that place, things were said to be especially promising. One of the ladies quickly aligned, and cooed and sang about the loveliness of it. Two of them eventually were in, but the third was dedicated to helping Audrey.

It was fatiguing beyond words, the precise positioning of her head. At more than one point she was sure she would fall over, or scream out – What in hell was this all about?! They kept talking to her, trying to help her find “it.”

She thought she saw a fuzzy, indistinct blob or ball in her mind’s eye.

I think … I see something,” she said.

Is it perfectly spherical?!” the leading lady wanted to know.

It was. I don’t really see it anymore,” Audrey said.

You were almost there,” she informed her . . .

. . . They had told her she would easily be able to deal with her various responsibilities while she studied Ascendant Scripture. They spoke of how she and Matthias should get married at a Mountain of Radiance center. But for now, she had to keep it all entirely quiet. She was so new to the understanding of MOR that she was not authorized to speak about it to others just yet. There could be some legal issues involved with doing so, too. Intellectual property and copyright considerations, they said. She didn’t understand what that could be. But anyway, just for the time being, they said, it was imperative to keep all of this to yourself.

She recalled having every intention of continuing on with her past affiliations. All of them. The marriage was still on. It had been a few days since she had spoken to Matt. But she had to get things all straightened out regarding the new paradigm of reality that had hit her like a floodlight in the face. After she came to a proper place to pause in her scriptural studies, she had planned on picking right back up with everyone. She had to have things together in her head so that she had something cogent, or at least coherent, to say to Matt and the family.

That had been the plan. But after myriad on-line study modules, all-day seminars at a hotel, the Spherule alignments, the group outreach sessions to higher-order sentient forms, and the three-day formal Adherency Inception ceremony in her white-draped bedroom, her previous life was finished. All of that was dead. True life, life in the light, began in a very big way.

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Ornery Owl's Review

Rating: Four out of Five Stars

This story has a fascinating premise that kept me hooked from the first line, but the execution needs work. The narrative sometimes borders on melodramatic and can be hard to follow, such as when Matthias' focus shifts between past and present. 

I remained interested in finding out whether Matthias could save Audrey from the cult that had brainwashed her.  It might seem implausible that such a bunch of over-the-top weirdos could fool anyone, but they have a sinister secret making mind control easy. 

Overall, The Contraption is a cool psychological thriller that could use a little tune-up to improve its performance.

About the Author

The author, Barton A. Stewart, is a long time student of the cult phenomenon, and literary fiction. The Contraption marries together his two long time interests. Stewart has lived all over the United States, is presently single, and currently calls Metro Boston home. His book will be among the most realistic fictional depictions of the kinds of things that can happen in cases like this. Avoiding the sensationalism of so many novels on this subject, Stewart offers a look into another world, which unfortunately exists in the here and now.


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Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Amber's Story

This 2006 movie tells the story of the events leading to the creation of the Amber Alert. In 1996, Amber Hagerman was a nine-year-old girl living in Arlington, Texas. She was abducted while riding her bike near a Winn Dixie loading dock and found murdered several days later. Her killer has never been found.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Why We Fall Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Why Pain and Suffering Are Our Greatest Teachers



Date Published: August 26, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media

Have you ever questioned the importance behind the pain, suffering, and desperation we feel in life? Often times, it's easy for us to lose ourselves in the moment and not see the big picture of things. Yes, pain is uncomfortable, suffering is horrible, and desperation makes us feel like we're losing ourselves before we've had the opportunity to find ourselves. Often times, these emotions have so much they can teach us, yet we avoid them because we don't want to experience any kind of suffering in our lives.

In Why We Fall, I take you through a journey to uncover the truth behind the importance of these emotions in our lives. I walk you through the importance of learning to understand them and how to find the best way to cope with them. It's not an easy journey, but once you grasp the concepts and ideas that we'll discuss in the pages of this book, you'll find that living a fulfilling life and one that you feel satisfied with, has never been easier.


About the Author

It’s not easy. Before we move on, remember this. It’s like going against your own nature. You’re programmed to behave in a certain way. Your genetic code tells you that it’s ok to be the victim and to believe that everything that happens to you happens because there is a certain type of secret conspiracy working against you. We enjoy and crave being the victim. It’s comfortable and we like it. Easy things are what the mind naturally cherishes the most. Well, we’re going against this. We’re going to challenge ourselves to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and instead begin to think in a “problem-solving” mentality.

A true warrior has their values so aligned with God that no matter what happens they know that everything is happening according to God’s plan. There’s no need to feel scared or uncertain because they know that God is testing them and making sure that they’re following the right path. A true warrior knows that they’re going to be tough times and that they need to find ways to solve them because only then will they be able to say that they got stronger. Only then can they actually find a sign of improvement. Only then can they feel like they’re making progress and moving on. Even when they fall, they fall forward. Falling back is not an option for them, because they know that that’s letting the victim’s mentality kick in, and they don’t do that anymore.


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Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: The Bad Son

It would be appropriate to call this excellent 2007 crime drama based on true events The Bad Family. From the sleazy slum lord uncle to the bitchy controlling mother enmeshed in an emotionally incestuous co-dependent relationship with the titular Bad Son, these people turbo-suck. Lock 'em all up and throw away the key in the Crack of Doom.

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Friday, October 25, 2024

Death By Blood Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Paranormal Romance

Date Published: January 26, 2023


Shawna Davies, a relentless South Beach narcotics detective, is hell-bent on taking down a sinister drug lord infiltrating the club scene with a lethal designer drug, La Petit Mort. Tormented by an insatiable longing for something more in her existence, she grapples with the maddening absence of a vital piece of her soul. Unsure of how to escape the void in her life, a flicker of hope emerges with his arrival.

Eric Black, a formidable vampire enforcer serving the council of elder vampires who govern the paranormal realm, is assigned to assist Shawna in her treacherous quest. However, Eric faces his own agonizing demons and dreads the prospect of a partner in his shadowy world. As fate intertwines Eric and Shawna's destinies, he must confront the possibility of entrusting her with his darkest secrets while attempting to resist an undeniable, fiery attraction. Unbeknownst to him, Shawna harbors concealed mysteries of her own.

Bound together under dire circumstances, an intense passion ignites between them. But as their entwined worlds unravel further, Eric's cryptic past threatens to obliterate any chance of love. Can they overcome the dangers lurking behind hidden truths, or will their buried secrets ultimately consume them both?

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Hard White Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

Literary / Historical Fiction

Date Published: 09-25-2202

Publisher: Woodpecker Lane Press


In this vividly-rendered novel, Melanie Dugan reimagines the life of Alice Neel, a groundbreaking American painter who revolutionized the art of the portrait in the twentieth century. Born in 1900 into a straitlaced middle-class family, Neel charted her own unconventional path. Her lifetime spanned World War I, the 1918 flu pandemic, women winning the right to vote, the Great Depression, World War II, the McCarthy Era, the Civil Rights Era, and second-wave feminism. She worked for decades in obscurity, wrestling with depression, poverty, and misogyny, loving the wrong men, fighting to live life on her own terms, and above all to paint.

About the Author

Melanie Dugan is the author of Bee Summers (“a carefully wrought portrayal of the way we carry trauma with us through life.” Brenda Schmidt, Quill & Quire), Dead Beautiful (“the writing is gorgeous,” A Soul Unsung), Revising Romance (“heartwarming, amusing and…downright sexy,” Midwest Book Review), and Sometime Daughter (“Stunning debut,” Kingston Whig-Standard). Her short stories have been shortlisted for several awards, including the CBC Literary award. She lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.


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Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Baby Snatcher

David Duchovny had it easy in this excellent 1992 made-for-TV drama based on true events, as his character was also named David. Movie David was a bit of an immature wanker who wanted to screw around with his secretary, Karen, but took minimal responsibility when she got pregnant. 

One simple rule: if you wouldn't make her your wife, don't make her a mother.

Movie David wasn't the titular Baby Snatcher. That dishonorable mention goes to Bianca, who pretends to be pregnant to keep her husband from divorcing her. She then poses as a potential nanny and runs off with Karen's baby while Karen's mother is distracted.

The FBI agent is a major asshole, as is one slimy slug of a reporter, both accusing Karen of murdering her child with no proof. The only time I really liked Movie David was when he was going for the FBI agent's throat, and I liked Karen even more when she kicked Slimy Slug Reporter out of her house.

This drama is filled with excellent performances. The cast really worked well together. If you enjoy movies based on true events, you'll like this one.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Code Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


The Secret Code Hidden In the English Language


Non-Fiction, Historical Biography

Date Published: October 2024



The Code is a fascinating exploration of history, linguistics, numerology and philosophy that endeavors to explain the discovery of a secret code that is hidden in the English language. After conducting extensive research and hiring a statistician to independently test all of his work, the Codebreaker came to the conclusion that the Code is not accidental, but intentional and irrefutable. The existence of the Code is nothing short of life-changing and the implications are monumental.

The Code tells the story of the discovery of the Code and presents overwhelming evidence showing that there is a force at work – a force that many call God. The ongoing narrative of the discovery is supplemented with tables that demonstrate how particular historical events are related to central historical figures. The book also contains brief histories of the events and brief biographies of the people to give the reader some historical background. Pictures highlight each section, bringing the discovery of the Code to life. There are also statistics for significance, for the probability of the results occurring randomly, and for tests of four claims regarding the incredible propositions that the Codebreaker makes.


About the Author

David is The Codebreaker who has been cracking codes, ciphers and number theories all his life. From writing the book, “The Mentalist Code” which details his discovery of the identity of Red John in the TV series The Mentalist to revealing the identity of real-life serial killers, David has devoted his life to studying secret codes.

In addition, as an educator for the past twenty-four years, David continues to develop theories about personal growth and development, which has led to him writing parenting literature with his wife.


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The Silent Echo Of My Childhood Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


A Story of survival from foster homes and children's prison to business success



Date Published: October 4, 2024


At just twelve years old, Sylvie Lariviere-Traub's world shattered. Abandoned by her alcoholic father and left to fend for herself when her mother became too ill, she found herself in the care of her older brother. But a cascade of unfortunate events soon thrust her into the harsh reality of the Canadian foster care system. Here, Sylvie endured juvenile institutions that treated her more like a prisoner than a ward of the state.

Against all odds, Sylvie battled through addiction, abuse, and poverty to rise as a successful entrepreneur. Yet, just as she began to find peace and meaning in her existence, the love of her life passed away, stirring the haunting echoes of her past. This profound loss sent her on a journey to rediscover her roots and find a place to truly call home.

The Silent Echo of My Childhood is a gripping memoir of resilience and triumph, where Sylvie's indomitable spirit shines through even the darkest of times. Her story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the universal quest for belonging and peace.

About the Author

Sylvie Lariviere-Traub is an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and aspiring author whose career has been marked by a series of groundbreaking accomplishments. Originally from Montreal, Quebec, Sylvie moved to California to pursue new business ventures, a decision that led to the creation of several successful enterprises.

In 2004, Sylvie founded Dreamkeeper Films, where she and her late husband, Dan Traub, produced historical documentaries that captured significant moments in history. This endeavor not only fulfilled her passion for storytelling but also established her as a creative force in the film industry.

Sylvie’s entrepreneurial spirit has been recognized with numerous awards, including the prestigious 2002 Fresno Entrepreneur of the Year. Her contributions to the community and her outstanding achievements have also earned her several Congressional Recognition Certificates and the California State Assembly Award of Excellence.

Despite her success in business and film, Sylvie has always dreamed of becoming a writer. After the loss of her husband, she devoted herself to this lifelong dream by working on her memoir, The Silent Echo of My Childhood. Over the past four years, Sylvie has poured her heart into this deeply personal project, which recounts her journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a successful entrepreneur and filmmaker.

Sylvie's story is one of resilience, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of her dreams. Following the publication of her memoir, Sylvie plans to continue her writing journey with two more books. The first will be a self-help guide on coping with the profound loss of a soulmate, offering insights drawn from her own experiences. The second will be a dystopian novel, a story originally envisioned as a film that evolved into a book after the passing of her husband. Through these works, Sylvie aims to touch lives, offering solace and imagination to her readers.


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Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Ultimate Betrayal

I saw this drama based on true events when it first came out in 1994. Adult sisters leading troubled lives recall being molested by their abusive rageaholic father. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Everlasting Rose Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

Medical Memoir


Through a humorous lens, I took a dramatic journey of survival through three life threatening cancers (pancreatic, t-cell lymphoma, and leukemia), and their treatments (chemo, radiation, and bone marrow transplant), plus sepsis and other conditions from age 56 to my present age of 80. Everlasting Rose provides you with hope and disease prevention tools and techniques to overcome the odds. With all these conditions it was determined that I had a 1 in 1,000 chance of survival. My mission is to help you with your journey.


About the Author

In the beginning I was a Catholic Italian girl, growing up in a sheltered Italian community and in the end, I had traveled extensively in the United States and Europe.  My education as a nurse with a Bachelor’s and Masters afforded me opportunities to experience many aspects of health care: teaching, administration, sales, and consulting. However, at age 56 I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and my long tortuous journey through disease after disease began. During these years I endured much pain, suffering and anxiety. However, I always stayed positive, even joyful and hopeful for the next day. I am now 80 and would like to share my unbelievable survival story with you.

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