Thursday, October 17, 2024

To Find A Killer Guest Post

A Natural State Murder Mystery, Book 1


Murder Mystery

Date Published: 10-04-2024



When Atlanta Detective Tammy Sharp's past collides with her present, it's a wild ride of bullets, broken hearts, and chilling mysteries.

In her hometown of Pocahontas, Arkansas, she faces not just her ex, Jace Eubanks, but also a dangerous killer on the prowl.

With murders old and new intertwining, Tammy faces a choice: team up with her ex or let justice slip away.

As the clock ticks down to a sinister ultimatum, will Tammy outsmart the sociopath or fall prey to a deadly game of cat and mouse?


 Guest Post

Top 5 Author Tools I Love

When I began my writing journey, I sought out tools on the internet to create my book covers. I hesitated to invest in professional design services without knowing how things would turn out. However, since then, I have found many resources that have significantly contributed to my growth as an author and increased my productivity. I am excited to share my top five favorite resources with you in this post.

Atticus has been a real game-changer for me. It's my favorite word processor and book formatting software. Even though I use Microsoft Word to write my novels, once my editor is done, I upload the updated novel to Atticus, and it formats everything perfectly. There are several options to change your text to quotes, messages, and more! I make sure there are no extra spaces at the end of sentences so they don't look wonky.

Atticus only costs $147 for unlimited books and ebooks, a one-time purchase for a lifetime. With $147, you'll get the current version of Atticus and all future updates.

Plus, there's no subscription, so you won't risk losing access to your work.

Check it out here.

Book Brush is my top choice for designing book covers and other graphics. It's more cost-effective than hiring a graphic designer and much more straightforward than creating designs from scratch. The best part about Book Brush is that a free option allows you to test it out before committing to a paid plan. I highly recommend exploring this invaluable resource for authors. You can discover how Book Brush can benefit you here.

I rely on Canva daily. Sometimes, I put together graphics and book covers on Canva and then use them in Book Brush to finalize the design. I cannot stress enough how seamlessly Book Brush and Canva work together. While there is a free option, I strongly recommend trying out their paid option here.

If you're running contests, KingSumo is an invaluable tool. It has significantly streamlined my processes for managing entries, selecting winners, and collecting email addresses for my mailing list. They currently offer a free option and a lifetime plan for $49. Check it out here.

Once you have your giveaway lined out, use Mailerlite to send a newsletter. The free option has provided ample features to keep my community engaged. KingSumo and Mailerlite work seamlessly together to help you expand your reach as an author. Set up a Mailerlite account here.

I hope you have a fulfilling and successful writing journey!

For more information about me, visit my website,

About the Author

Leah Brewer writes all kinds of things.

Sometimes, she writes Christian Fiction (Seeds of Faith Series). Other times it’s Historical Fiction (Petunia 1949). Right now, it’s all about murder. The first novel in her Natural State Murder Mystery series, To Find a Killer, is set to release this October.

In 2019, after an Ovarian Cancer diagnosis, Leah decided to pursue her passion for writing. Being cancer-free, she now revels in her life as an author.

With an extensive 28-year career that encompasses diverse leadership roles in a Fortune 500 company, Leah brings an authentic perspective to her storytelling.


Contact Links


Facebook: @writingleahbrewer

Twitter: @leahlbrewerr


Instagram: @writingleahbrewer

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Symphony of a Heart In Pieces Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Date Published: September 15, 2024



One heiress. One normal guy.

A love that will stand the test of time.

A family that won’t.


Victoria Smith is born rich and beautiful. She has fame and a name that opens any door. But there’s one thing she doesn’t have: Love.

Not until she meets Australian, Jeff Richardson, anyway.


Despite her family’s objections to her marrying a “nobody” Victoria chooses love over money.

And as they build a family, Victoria learns where true wealth lies: Love is the Richardson’s way.


But as Victoria builds a business empire of her own, she has to navigate her family through the challenges of growing up rich.

The Smiths made sure she understood that money talks. But she wants the Richardsons to believe that love is the greater gift.


When tragedy strikes, will love see their family through?

Or will love fail in a world obsessed with wealth?


About the Author

Hello there, lovely readers! Welcome to my corner of the literary world, where fiction comes alive in all its glory! I am E. Masson, a captivating romance author with my pen dipped in dreams and a heart full of romance, I set my readers on the path of unforgettable journeys through the depths of the human heart. From whirlwind romances to slow-burning love stories, each page of my books are infused with warmth and emotion, leaving readers yearning for more.

I have a talent for creating characters you'll adore while feeling like old friends and settings that transport you to new worlds. I am here to sweep you off your feet with every word. So, get ready to rediscover the joy of falling in love with my enchanting romance novels. Welcome to the adventure!


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Wine Explained Book Blitz #rabtbooktours



Date Published: June 4, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


"Wine Explained - The Answer to all your Wine Questions" is the ultimate guide for wine lovers who want to expand their knowledge and appreciation of wine. This book, written by Fabrizio Di Rienzo, a highly experienced professional in the field, covers in a question-and-answer format all the essential topics, from wine production to tasting techniques, interesting facts, and many other tips and tricks related to wine.

Fabrizio's impressive qualifications as an Advanced Sommelier, Italian Wine Specialist, and more, combined with his practical experience, shine through in the book. It offers easy-to-follow explanations, making wine accessible to both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to learn the basics or refresh your knowledge, "Wine Explained" provides expert insights and practical tips to navigate the world of wine like a pro

This Must-Have book equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills to enjoy wine confidently. Fabrizio's passion and expertise make "Wine Explained" an invaluable guide for anyone eager to delve into the fascinating world of wine."


About the Author

Purchase Links


Barnes and Noble

RABT Book Tours & PR

Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Someone She Knows

Content warning: Death of a child

I saw this movie when it first came out. My son was four years old at the time. There's no such thing as being too careful. I honestly don't think it's possible to rehabilitate child molesters. They're wired wrong. Yet they get released back into society all the time, often placed in working-class communities or tiny rural towns like the one I live in.

Anyone who frames being attracted to children as a sexual orientation is a wrong-un themselves. It is not normal for adults to be attracted to children, period. 

Perhaps some of you might not know what I'm talking about, and if you don't, you're lucky. I may have spent too much time on Twitter/X and gotten brain rot, but I'm not kidding. Some people say adults being attracted to minors is a sexual orientation. To them, I say, no, it's not. It's a paraphilia.

There is such a thing as being so "open-minded" that your brain falls out. However, when it comes to issues like this, I don't think those who defend attraction to children are doing so from an open-minded position. I think they have a sinister agenda. I will never trust pedo apologists. 

Yeah, this wasn't a fun one. If you're not in a good mental state, skip it.

This is what happens when my insomnia takes over.

Ornery Owl and friends standing up for the protection of children.
Free use image from Pixabay

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cotton Pre-Order Blitz #rabtbooktours


(Hades Abyss MC)


Motorcycle Club Romance, Age Gap, Suspense

Date Published: October 18, 2024



Sometimes love is the only weapon against unspeakable evil.

Lavinia -- I thought love was my salvation, until my Prince Charming turned out to be not so princely. Then my pregnancy only made my relationship with Tyler spiral into an even worse nightmare. Trapped in a cycle of pain and fear, I worry there’s no escape. Until Cotton rides into my life. He sees through my pain and vows to keep me safe. But Tyler isn’t finished with me, and this time there’s more at stake. Escaping may cost me everything. Maybe even my life.

Cotton -- I’ve seen my share of darkness, but the cruelty Lavinia has endured is heartbreaking. I know I’m too old for her, but I’m all she’s got. Whatever it takes, I have to keep her from Tyler. Even if it means making her mine. I promised her protection, gave her nights full of passion… but when danger strikes, my promise is broken. I’ll get her back, even if it means sending Tyler straight to hell. Because Lavinia is mine, and I won’t stop until she’s back in my arms.

Embark on this thrilling, emotional ride and see if love can conquer all.


WARNING: intended for readers 18+ due to bad language, violence, and adult situations. Cotton contains scenes that may trigger sensitive readers.





I sat on the edge of the bed, my hands clasped together so tightly my knuckles turned white. The pressure helped ground me, keeping me tethered to the present. The past threatened to suck me under, drag me back down to the dark place where sleep was nearly impossible. I’d come a long way in the last year, but the guilt still ate at me, gnawing at my insides until I thought I might explode from the pain. My head bowed, so I closed my eyes, resting my elbows on my knees.

No matter how much time passed, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to forgive myself. Roe had told me more than once what happened wasn’t my fault. The demons in my head didn’t seem to care. Roe had been a victim. So had I. Knowing that hadn’t stopped me from thinking I could have done more, something to prevent what happened.

My brow furrowed, and my jaw clenched. The tension in my body made my muscles ache. Would I ever be able to let it go? Hell, would I ever want to? As the memories played in a continuous loop, I shifted on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position. When that didn’t help, I dragged my hand through my hair. The knots in my stomach made me nauseous. I hadn’t eaten much in the last few days. Seemed like the demon in my head had decided to visit.

Those memories could go fuck themselves. I knew I should get up, eat something, maybe hang out in the clubhouse. Except I couldn’t seem to make myself move. As I sat there, the edge of the bed digging into my ass, I stared at the room. Never needed a lot, but even this felt like it was closing in on me.

A few personal items dotted the room. Nothing too girly. I had a framed photo of Roe, something I probably should have put away. The book on my nightstand had been read so many times it was about to fall apart. Next chance I got, I’d order another one.

I peered down at my arm, my gaze snagging on the US Navy-themed ink. Remembering my time back then wasn’t always easy. The weight of what I’d done sometimes kept me awake, but those memories? They were easier to live with than what happened a year ago.

When I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of the photo. My chest tightened, and I forced myself to look away. Once I’d found out where Roe was living, I’d tried to let it all go… the guilt mostly. Thinking about her didn’t help. Roe had moved on, gotten married. She didn’t need me to protect her, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to make sure she was always safe. Not like I could help her if shit ever hit the fan. I’d been fucking useless that night.

I pushed to my feet and paced the room. As I made my third or fourth round, I sat on the edge of the bed again with a sigh. The tension in my shoulders was back, and I knew no matter how tired I was, sleep would evade me. I rubbed at my chest, wishing the ache sitting right behind my sternum would ease.

The silence didn’t help. If anything, it made things worse. I could hear every creak of the floorboards as I moved. Even my sighs sounded loud in the otherwise empty space. Maybe I needed to get back to work. Sitting on my ass around the house hadn’t done me any favors. I still hadn’t worked up the nerve to hunt down a woman to scratch my itch. Did I even have an itch anymore? It should have been impossible for me to go this long without pussy. I hadn’t had sex since…

I buried my face in my hands and inhaled deeply, then slowly blew it out. Despite how much I didn’t want to admit it, guilt pressed in on me. The same guilt that kept me from wanting to find someone. The same guilt that ate at me every day.

I straightened and lifted my head. I’d been the victim of a crime. So had Roe. The club hadn’t blamed me, and they’d let me stay without any questions. Don’t know what I’d have done without them.

Would there ever come a time I could think of Roe without pain piercing my chest? If I’d known the drinks were drugged, that she wasn’t willing, I’d have never touched her. But I couldn’t change the past.

My phone rang, and I jumped, startled out of my thoughts. I reached for it, my hand hesitating. My jaw tightened when I spied Bear’s name on the screen. “Yeah?”

“Think you can join us for a drink at the clubhouse?” Bear’s gruff voice came through the speaker. “We’re going to shoot some pool, maybe play some cards.”

I didn’t say anything. Hell, I didn’t know what to say. On the one hand, I could use a drink. On the other, what good was a beer if I couldn’t stop thinking about Roe?

“We’re worried about you. Don’t want to push, but you’ve been cooped up in that house for a long damn time. Might do you some good to hang out for a little while.” Bear’s tone softened, enough I knew he meant the words.

I ran a hand through my hair and rested it on the back of my neck. “You’re offering to babysit me?”

Bear snorted. “The fuck we are. I’m saying we need one more guy for a proper poker game and you’re it. If you want to drink a beer or shoot a game of pool while you’re at it, so be it.” He huffed out a breath. “It’s not babysitting. It’s called spending time with your brothers.”

“I don’t think I --”

“Don’t give me that. If you didn’t want company, you wouldn’t still be with us. You could have moved on. Instead, you stayed. That means you’re still one of us, and you need to get your ass over here. Don’t make me come find you.”

A smile tugged at my lips, but it felt rusty. How long since I’d genuinely smiled? “Fine. I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”

“Good. I’m going to set the table up. Don’t keep us waiting long,” he warned as he hung up.

I stared at Roe’s photo one more time. I kissed the tips of my fingers and pressed them to the glass. “Maybe someday you’ll be out of my head. Until then, I guess I’m just going through the motions.” I nodded to myself and headed to the clubhouse.

As I stepped through the doors, the sounds of my brothers’ laughter, clinking beer bottles, the scent of leather pulled me in. I paused just inside the entrance and took a deep breath. Biker life. My life. Why was I having a hard time reminding myself of that? I let my breath out slowly as I surveyed the room.

Some of the guys were shooting pool. The old, worn-down pool table had seen better days. Fox had found it at a garage sale and brought it here a few months ago. Now that we didn’t have women at the clubhouse, it was a nice addition. With all the families around here, things seemed to constantly change. For the better in all honesty.

Bear came toward me and lifted a beer in my direction. I hesitated and then reached out and took it. He didn’t say anything, just gave me a nod. Fangs walked over and slapped me on the back.

“Good to see you out and about, brother. You clean up all right.” He gave me a crooked grin. “Glad you joined us.”

I handled the beer, my fingers curling around the bottle. I took a few steps into the room before I froze. I forced a smile that felt more like a grimace.

It didn’t take long before everyone made it a point to come over and say something to me. My brothers didn’t blame me for what had happened, and they did their best to make sure I knew that every day. Even after Roe left. While that support should have made me feel better, it hadn’t. Because I blamed myself.



About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book. She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies. Visit Wylde's website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and don't forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts and other exciting perks.


Author on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok: @harleywylde


Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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RABT Book Tours & PR

I Know A Guy Named Noah Guy Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Children's Book


I Know a Guy Named Noah Guy is a delightful and imaginative rhyming picture book that will capture the hearts of young readers! Follow along with Noah Guy, a character who knows he’s in a book, as he takes you on whimsical adventures where the only limit is your imagination. From riding bulls at the rodeo to joining the circus, Noah shows that anything is possible with a friend by your side.

This charming story celebrates friendship, teamwork, and the power of never giving up. The rhythmic verses are designed to engage young minds, promoting speech, cognitive development, and early literacy skills. Children will love the playful language, sound patterns, and the chance to predict what comes next—just like in their favorite nursery rhymes.

About the Author

My name is Jeanne Ward, I am a mother of three, grandmother of two and a business owner.  Family is everything to me.  Me and my eldest brother married siblings, creating a unique environment of double cousins and a close-knit family.   I live in Brooklyn NY where I own and operate an Early intervention program for young children with autism.  I opened my school in 1998, and I have all 3 of my siblings, had all 3 of my children, my daughters-in-laws, all my nieces and nephew, and my uncle work there at one time or another.  Additionally, I have my brother and brother-in-law who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the school remains a success.  I am a special educator, and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and love what I do for a living.

My eldest are twins.  One lives right outside Asheville North Carolina with his wife and daughter.  He, like me, is a special educator and a BCBA. Although he has a physics degree from NYU, he found a passion working with children with autism after he graduated college and working for me while applying to graduate school.   My other son, my partner in these books has moved back from Nashville Tenn and currently lives in Newburgh NY with his wife and newborn son.  My youngest, Phoenix, will leave for High Point University in North Carolina in a month.   I lost my husband to cancer nearly 6 years ago and I am about to be an empty nester.  It is my sincere hope to spend my days writing Noah Guy stories, running my school and being the best mom and grandma I can be.



RABT Book Tours & PR

Twin Firs #GayBookPromotions


Book Title: Twin Firs

Author: Paul Bright

Publisher: Cascadian Western Press

Cover Artist: Abby Simmons

Release Date: September 1, 2024

Tense/POV: Third person, past tense, alternating POV

Genres: Contemporary MM Rom-Com

Tropes: Lonely train station agent who doesn’t think he’ll fall in love

Themes: New romance after painful breakup

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 91 200 words/366 pages 

It is the first book of the series. It does not end on a cliffhanger, but many stories will continue in the next book. 


Buy Links -  Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

A lonely train station agent waits for true love to arrive.

Updated Blurb

Train station agent Ethan Tremblay believed he'd never find the perfect man to love. Elementary school teacher Leo Grabowski believed no one would love him if they found out who he really was. When they met at the isolated Twin Firs train depot in an idyllic mountain resort in the Pacific Northwest everything conspired to keep them apart, especially their own insecurities, until they finally learned how to become themselves.


The afternoon lunch crowd at Amélie's diner kept her busy tending to her customers at the gay resort but she made time to talk to her son and his new 'friend.'

“Here's your trout, Leo,” Amélie said as she replaced his uneaten salad. “And here's your lasagna. Do you ever comb your hair?”

Ethan glared at his mother. “I don't want lasagna.”

“Well that's what I brought you.”

“You're not helping me lose weight.”

“Absurde,” she demurred and turned to Leo. “There's nothing wrong with a little meat on the bones. What do you think, Leo?”

“I prefer a guy I can grab a hold of,” he said and cast a devilish glance at Ethan's mother.

“I do too. Ethan's father was very handsome but lean. Part Mohawk.  Ohhh, my parents were not pleased when they met him. They were 'Good Catholics' and when they found out I was pregnant they were beside themselves. Calice! It was bad enough I was dating a patient I met during med school residency, la la. But an Indian - that's what they called him...”

“You don't need to tell him your life story, Maman,” Ethan interjected.

“Why not? Leo told me about his mother. Nothing wrong with friendly conversation.”

“I don't want to pry.” Leo attempted to dispel Ethan's discomfort.

“You're not,” Amélie assured him. “I simply want you to know I raised Ethan well despite being a single mother. I also taught him how to use a comb, though lately he seems to have forgotten.”

Leo looked down at his plate, embarrassed for Ethan.

“You also changed my diapers. Want to tell Leo about that?”

Amélie feigned shock. “Let's not go too far.”

“Too late...” slipped out of Leo's mouth before he could stop.

Ethan burst out laughing. He slapped the table and spilled his iced tea.  Leo laughed with him.

Amélie chided them, “All right, all right, make fun of me.”

Ethan sobered up and asked, “How're you doing, Maman?”

“Oh, the same old.  The young ones complain about the older ones moving too slow. The older ones complain about the young ones slipping away during shift to give blow jobs. I bet they wouldn't bitch if they were on the receiving end. I started rubbing lidocaine on my wrist. It helps. Nothing to complain about.”

“Mama Amélie!  Mama Amélie,” a customer shouted from the other side of the diner.

“Oh, I'm needed.” She looked over the tables to see who was calling, then turned to Leo.

“Take good care of him. He's the only son I've got."

She kissed Ethan on both cheeks and limped across the room gleefully shouting, "I'm coming boys!”

Ethan watched her leave, then focused on Leo. “You came looking for me?”

“Yeah,” Leo hesitated, “I wanted to apologize for being so abrupt last night.”

“No, I was totally saying the wrong things. My brain thinks things and they don't come out right.”

“You were right,” Leo said. “I don't know when we'll see each other again.”

“If you keep missing trains I don't know when I'll get rid of you.”

Leo was taken aback. “Oh.”

“I didn't mean it like that,” Ethan blurted out quickly. “I don't want to get rid of you.”

Amélie returned with fresh iced tea for Ethan. “I'm back. They saw your trout and wanted to know why it's not on the menu.”

“Why isn't it?” Leo asked.

“This is a cannibal themed restaurant, la la. Alferd Packer. Donner Trail...'Have Family for Lunch'...”

“That's in California,” Leo interrupted.

Ethan quietly reminded Leo, “Everything at this resort is fake.”

“Creative license, sa coche. Anyway, eating fish has a whole different connotation with gay men.”

“Riiiight...” Leo slowly nodded.

“And I've never told you,” she turned to Ethan, “but I've always wondered where you got the gay. Because your father definitely wasn't. He loved eating fish.”

Leo spit lemonade across the table.

“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!” Ethan shrieked.

Amélie continued dreamily, “He used to whisper to me in Iroquois when we were making love.”


“I often regret never teaching you his language.”

“I don't want to know! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!”  Ethan pushed his chair away from the table. “Don't tell me about your sex life!”

“You told me about yours this morning.”

“NO I DIDN'T. That was autocorrect!”

“I'm simply comparing you to your father. You get the shyness from him.”

“Please stop,” Ethan countered. “You're embarrassing me in front of someone I barely know.”

“The fact that you barely know him isn't my fault,” she declared. “I'll leave you alone so you can remedy that.”

Amélie trudged away and returned to work.

About the Author 

Paul Bright wrote/produced/directed twelve feature films that are internationally distributed including Pocket Mouse Protector, Angora Ranch and Altitude Falling. 

When he was the Artistic Director of the Gaslight Theater in Austin TX, Paul produced 32 stage plays and directed many of them including Loot, The Master and Margarita, Rhinoceros, Death and the Maiden, and Lazarus Laughed. 

He lives in the Columbia River Gorge of the Pacific Northwest in a tiny house with two cats. 

He likes trains.

Twin Firs is his first novel. 

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions