Sunday, January 26, 2025

New Substack Post + Story Offer Still Active #8Sunday #SnippetSunday


I fell flat on my face this past week. I didn't do a sampler post for my fellow participants in the Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors blog hops, and I didn't even share last week's post with Snippet Sunday. 

I'm keeping my free story offer active until the end of the month. Here's another excerpt.

“Azathoth is a powerful energy that forms other powerful energies,” Nyarlathotep speculated. “The needs of Azathoth are creation and domination. Like Azathoth, my siblings are powerful beings wielding powerful energies. I possess attributes that they do not. I am adaptable, orderly, and reasonable. I am powerful yet peaceful. I love the worlds that I assist and the creatures that dwell therein. Yet despite my satisfaction with my accomplishments, I feel an emptiness within. I am lonely. I wish I might find someone who would understand me.”

You can read the previous snippet here.

Follow this link to read this week's Substack post and learn how to get your free copy of Nyarlathotep's Journey.

If you'd like to read the poem that appears at the beginning of this story, follow the link below.

With Love,

Ornery Owl

1 comment:

I try to get comments published as quickly as possible. I don't always reply to comments on my blog, but I do try to visit as many people as possible when I participate in blog hops and I share links where possible to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and such so others can discover your work. I do read and appreciate your comments.