Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Another Autumn is Free April 14 thru April 18 #MFRWAuthor #MFRWHooks #8Sunday #SnipSun


A mixed bag of poetry from the deranged brain behind Naughty Netherworld Press.

This is the second poem from Another Autumn.

Blotted Out

For Gem

beautiful sad eyes

you always seemed so aware

beneath the surface

darkness loomed inside your brain

overtook and erased you

Buy Link


This book will be free to own from April 14 thru April 18. 

The usual price is 99 cents.

It is always free to borrow from Kindle Unlimited.

This month I gave the subscribers to my newsletter a free and exclusive poetry collection. If you enjoy receiving free literary goodies and mindless blather in your inbox, be sure to sign up now. 

What will be in the May newsletter? Even I don't know that yet, but I promise it won't be anything from the Whizzo Quality Assortment. Unless you're one of those odious people with a perfectly organized newsletter and a metric crap-ton of subscribers. In that case, prepare yourself, and when you're least expecting Crunchy Frog, expect it!


The Hops You Want

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