Sunday, March 31, 2024

Ornery Literary Services Update


Free use image by Marisa Sias on Pixabay

I am open for new editing projects in April.

Hello everyone,
Colorado Medicaid stuck it to a whole bunch of people, so I'm no one special in my status of being one of those who got the shaft. They now cover my mostly useless Medicare B premiums, but no medical services. I can buy back in at $25 per month if I can show proof of self-employment. However, I can't make too much money, or SSDI will discontinue my benefits. Hard place, meet rock.

Thus, I offer my services as a line editor/proofreader on a pay-what-you-can-afford basis. The cost is a minimum of $5, but I greatly appreciate it if you can afford to pay more. 

Please email me at chartley65 at Gmail or carahartley at protonmail to request assistance. I can generally thoroughly proofread a 10,000-word story in 2 or 3 days. I have many years of experience editing what may be the worst writing in existence (mine). Surely, I can help you with yours!

I'm not a dev editor, but I will point out areas that could benefit from rephrasing or clarifying. I keep my eyes open for the sort of thing where the writer knows exactly what's going on but doesn't quite explain it to the reader. Of course, I never do things like that. My writing is always perfectly clear and never includes too much backstory or anything of that nature because I am literary perfection personified!

My dumb sense of humor is an additional service I offer free of charge.

Seriously, if you'd like me to give your manuscript the once-over, you can pay me as little as five bucks. There's pretty much no limit on length, but if you're submitting a five-hundred-page manuscript, maybe you could up the ante. You'll have another set of eyes on your manuscript, and you'll be helping me a lot.

Regarding book reviews, I still do these free of charge, but I would appreciate a tip if you liked the review. I will not guarantee a five-star review. It is rare for me to give less than three stars. You can do a search for reviews on this site to see samples of my style. I prefer to receive ARCs as a PDF, but if you only have an epub, I can convert it to a PDF. 

For promotion, I strongly suggest that you compare the book tour services featured at the bottom of the blog and choose one of them to work with. Their rates are reasonable, and they will get your book in front of a lot more eyes than I can as a solo blogger. Feel free to leave a comment on any recent post telling me the name of the book and who you're working with and I will sign up to help if I have availability.

I am also willing to swap a post for a post. In other words, I feature your book on this blog, and you feature one of my books on your blog. 

If you would like to do a guest post, I will need a Blogger-friendly HTML file or a media kit plus a picture of your book cover, blurb, purchase links, and an excerpt from the book. You can also include an author bio if you wish. 

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free use image from Open Clipart Vectors

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