Tuesday, April 30, 2024

800 Sayings By Old Folks Who Raised Us Teaser Tuesday #rabtbooktours



Date Published: 07-08-2021

Publisher: Pageturner Press and Media


The parents and grandparents of William Rocky Brown, 3rd, who raised him, had roots in the southern USA. Along with that Southern upbringing came the ability to turn everyday activities or things of nature into wise sayings. His mother and grandmother had old down-home sayings that took him a while to understand. After talking to others, he realized he wasn’t alone in this beautiful experience growing up, so he compiled the wise sayings in his book, 800 Sayings by Old Folks Who Raised Us.

The wise sayings—to be passed down from generation to generation—in this book are pearls of wisdom that relate to the past generations, while the present and future generations may take time to understand, just as Brown experienced. It creates good family fun and memories. It can also be used in the form of an intergenerational family game. 



Let me begin by saying that God is the Head of my life, Jesus is my Savior and the Holy Spirit is my Comforter.

Our parents or grandparents, who had roots in the South, raised many of us. Now, along with that Southern raising came the ability to take every day activities or things of nature and turn them into wise sayings. My mother was from Greenville, North Carolina and my grandmother who raised me was from Mobile, Alabama. They both had old sayings from ‘Down Home’ that took me a while to really understand what they were saying. After talking to others, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who had this wonderful experience growing up, so I decided to compile these 800 sayings.

It is my hope that they will bring you fond memories and laughter and you will share them with your children and grandchildren.

This book is dedicated to my mother Gwendolyn Regina Carraway Brown and my grandmothers: Ethel-Mae Knight Brown (Mother-dear), Halease Moore Wooten-Reid and my great-grandmothers Willie-Mae Knight and Carrie Skipper. My grand’s are the women on the cover and that’s me at 2 months old. (By the way, that’s a design on the chair and not a ribbon in my hair. lol)

Special thanks to my friend Ellen Graham, my Bethany Baptist Church members, my Facebook friends and the contributions I found that were posted on the internet by others who also enjoy these sayings.


Enjoy my friends!

WRB, 3rd


About the Author

The Honorable Reverend Dr. William Lewis Rocky Brown, 3rd, was born and raised in Chester, PA. He has three daughters and three grandchildren. Dr. Brown received his Bachelor’s from Cheyney University, his Master’s from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate from Jameson Christian College. He studied at the MLK Jr. Center in Atlanta and the University of the Virgin Islands and completed The F.B.I. and D.E.A. Citizens Academies.

Dr. Brown is an ordained 45-year Baptist Minister now serving at the Bethany Baptist Church in Chester, creator and host of Saturday Night Live Prayer & Praise Weekly Service, and a Master Police Chaplain. He’s also the author of “800 Sayings By Old Folks Who Raised Us” and The 3N1: A Trilogy Of Spiritually Filled Motivational Messages”. He has a weekly column in Scoop USA and a daily Blog on his website: www.yourspiritualmotivation.com. In the 80s and 90s, he traveled around the country, motivating youngsters to stay in school and to say no to drugs and violence, using the art of Rap. Thus, he was affectionately known as the “Rappin Rev.” He is a former elected member of the City Council of Chester. He was also elected twice as Chester City Controller and was elected in 2021 as a Pennsylvania State Constable.

Dr. Brown has been involved in numerous community and civic organizations. He is a Prince Hall 33-degree Mason, Past Master, Grand Chaplain Emeritus, Past Grand Worthy Patron, and an Elks and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity member. He has received over 200 awards and commendations.


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Jagged Ends New Release #GayBookPromotions


Book Title: Jagged Ends

Author: Thom Collins

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Cover Artist: Kelly Martin

Release Date:  April 30, 2024

Genre. Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Suspense, thriller, small town

Themes: Second chance, revenge

Length: 61 912 words/ 248 pages

Heat Rating:  4 flames

It’s a standalone romance that forms part of a wider series 

and does not end on a cliffhanger.


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Jerico is about to meet two figures from his past. 

One filled with love, the other consumed by vengeance.


The coastal town of Nyemouth is the perfect location for celebrity chef Jerico Osman to fulfil a lifetime ambition. With it’s stunning harbour and brisk holiday trade, there’s no better place for him to open his first restaurant. It’s a dream that has been a decade in the making. But there’s another attraction in Nyemouth, one Jerico was completely unaware of.

Andy Quinn is content with his life. He has a great job managing Quay House, the popular waterfront hotel, and a peaceful home with a cat called Patches. Andy spent his twenties working in the cruise industry, exploring the world and has finally settled in his home town of Nyemouth. Those years at sea were a time of adventure and discovery, including a ship bound romance with a young Jerico. After fifteen years, Andy doubts the famous chef will even remember him, but from the moment they reconnect, the time they spent apart falls away. 

Andy isn’t the only figure from Jerico’s past. A week before the restaurant is due to open, an act of reckless sabotage puts everything he cares about in danger, including Andy. Jerico has made an enemy, someone who will stop at nothing to see his long-realised dream become a nightmare. As a plan for vengeance is played out, who will survive until the end?

Fall in love with compelling new characters and rediscover some old favourites in the fifth and final instalment of the Jagged Shores series.


The evenings in Nyemouth were beautiful in the summer, when the blue sky was transformed to the most startling shades of purple, pink and red. It was Andy’s favourite time of the year, and tonight, it was even better, as he walked the South Point cliff with Jerico.

“It reminds me of all those sunsets we saw when we were at sea,” Jerico remarked.

Andy nodded his agreement. “I come up here a lot when I have the time, if I get finished at the hotel early enough. It helps me to relax. At this time of year, there’s nothing I like more.”

“It seems like you’ve always been drawn to the sea.”

“Mmm, probably. I grew up at the coast, worked on ships. I can’t imagine ever being far away from it.”

He was aware of Jerico watching him and tried to keep his gaze on the path ahead, though the temptation to turn and feast his own eyes was huge. Instead, he filled his lungs with the salty air coming from the water. Up here, the sticky heat of the hotel and the town centre was forgotten.

“What did you do?” Jerico asked. “After we lost touch. You have me at a disadvantage. You can find out about me online, everything I’ve ever done is there. But you, apart from your professional CV, there’s nothing.”

Now Andy could not resist looking at him, raising a bemused eyebrow. “So, you’ve been cyber-stalking me?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

His brown skin looked glorious in the evening light. Andy’s mouth was dry. Jerico looked more handsome than he’d ever known him. How had they come to be here, after all this time? Andy knew he wasn’t dreaming. This was very real.

He wet his lips. “It’s a similar story to your own. I kept working at sea until I was around thirty.”

“Doing the same as before? Excursions and tours?”

“For a while, yes. But when I moved to another cruise company, an opportunity arose to join the hotel management side of the ship, and I found I enjoyed that even more. I became Deputy Hotel Manager after just two years. I loved being on the ships. I’m so glad I did all that. For a young guy in his twenties to travel the world and see all those places, how many people are lucky enough to do that?”

Jerico nodded. “It was great, though I don’t miss the force-eleven gales and ten-metre waves.”

Andy laughed. “Yeah, I think I’ve pushed those to the back of my mind and just remember the calm waters and sunsets.”

“I remember some really bad nights, trying to sing and dance while the stage was going up and down beneath my feet.” He gave a dramatic shudder and chuckled.

“But look at it now,” Andy said, gesturing to the peaceful North Sea. Tonight, there wasn’t even a white cap to ruffle its surface. “When I see it like this, I do miss being out there.”

“Would you ever go back? To working on the ships?”

“Nah. Been there, done that. I’m happy here. I’ve got my dream job and my family close by. I’ve seen almost all the world has to offer, so now I’m content to stay home. How about you?”

“I’ve done a couple of themed culinary cruises in the last few years—guest speaking and cookery demonstrations, that kind of thing. It’s a lot different on the other side. The guest staterooms are a lot nicer than those tiny crew cabins we had to stay in.”

“I’ll bet. That’s something I’ve never done, experiencing a cruise ship from a passenger perspective. I imagine it’s a different world from what we were used to.”

“Yeah, but when you’re young, you don’t care, do you? You just need a place to sleep and shag. They could have put me in a cupboard, and I’d have been happy.” He gave Andy a flirtatious wink.

“I remember what you were like, all right.”

They paused and stood side by side and looking out to sea together. For a moment, Andy lost himself in those memories…of standing on the deck of a ship or the shores of exotic countries with Jerico. Were those the best days of his life? No, he decided. The best days were still ahead of him. Be positive and keep moving forward.

It had gone eight o’clock. “I’m getting hungry,” he said. “Do you fancy something to eat?”

“Starving,” Jerico said. “What do you suggest?”

Check out the other books in the Jagged Shores series

About the Author 

Jagged Ends is Thom Collins’ tenth novel. As well as the Jagged Shores series, he is the author of the Anthem Trilogy andCloser by Morning. He has lived in the North East of England his whole life. He grew up in Northumberland and now lives in County Durham with his husband and cat. He loves all kinds of genre fiction, especially thrillers, romance and horror. He is also a cookery book addict with far too many titles cluttering his shelves. When not writing he can be found in the kitchen trying out new recipes. He’s a keen traveler but with a dislike of flying that gets worse with age. Since 2013 he prefers to see the world by sea.

Check out his website for news updates and a free ebook The Night.

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one of 5 ebook copies of Jagged Ends

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Opium Et Moi Book Blitz #rabtbooktours




Every perfume is a unique work of art, no different than a piece of music or a painting in its ability to evoke feelings in its audience. In 1976, Yves Saint Laurent fell in love with the idea of creating a new perfume that would convey the lush, sensual mood of the name he had already chosen, OPIUM.

Working with Yves, his personal and business partner Pierre, and so many others in the world of high fashion and fragrance could be exhilarating, infuriating, and often, a simmering pot-au-feu threatening to boil over. This narrative takes you behind the scenes, providing a glimpse of that fascinating world and the people who kept it spinning.

It is a highly personal story, and one I know well. It is my story.

About the Author

As a young boy, I was always absorbed in books about history—particularly that of the United States—and geography, yet still managed a healthy appetite of sports and a weekly outing to see the latest cowboy or adventure movie. Later, I was exposed to the Broadway stage and developed a great fondness for musical theater, at one point picturing it as a future career choice. But alas, as I grew older and realized I was not that talented, I became more serious about the future.

Fortunately, I wound up in a creative segment of the business world, which provided me the opportunity to travel the globe and stimulated my interest in world history. It also opened avenues into entertainment and politics. I found a home in the fashion industry and served as President of Charles of the Ritz Group, Ltd., then a wholly owned subsidiary of Squibb Corporation, where I also served on its Board of Directors. Here, I was deeply involved with well-known fashion designers, Yves Saint Laurent and Gianni Versace; Hollywood stars, Linda Evans and John Forsythe; and because of the success of the perfume, Opium, wound up in Washington meeting with senators, representatives and administration officials to obtain relief from gray market goods flooding the United States in the early 1980’s.

After my retirement, I wrote two novels based on my many years of experience in the fashion industry, and continually pursued my interest in history. Following a short break to write a non-fiction book on the relationship of taxes and jobs, I spent much of my time these past several years studying the biblical account of the rise of Christianity from the varying narratives of religion, history and archaeology. The results of that research were a source of information and inspiration for my wife, Leslie Schweitzer Miller, in writing her first novel, DISCOVERY.

Now my interest is in public policy on issues that affect the United States such as healthcare, taxes, job creation and foreign affairs, about which I will be commenting periodically.


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Monday, April 29, 2024

The Dove That Didn't Return Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Holy Cow! Press


A poet and female commander in the Israeli Defense Forces creates an original perspective from the war-torn front lines of the Middle East conflict.

The Dove That Didn’t Return tackles the canon of war poetry, an almost exclusively male-penned body of poems. In the book, biblical stories, verses, and fragments are rewritten through the eyes of a female lieutenant in the Israeli Army. It is a contemporary poetics on the revelations of war from an Israeli perspective never before told—a woman, and a soldier at that.

This debut full-length collection follows upon the publication of her critically acclaimed chapbook, Between Sanctity and Sand, from Finishing Line Press.


About the Author

Yael S. Hacohen earned a Ph.D. at UC Berkeley. She has received research/teaching fellowships from Tel Aviv University and Bar Ilan University. She has an MFA in Poetry from New York University, where she was an NYU Veterans Workshop Fellow, International Editor at Washington Square Literary Review, and Editor-in-Chief at Nine Lines Literary Review. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in The Poetry Review, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Bellevue Literary Review, LIT, Prairie Schooner, New York Quarterly Magazine, Colorado Review, and many more. Hacohen published her chapbook Between Sanctity and Sand with Finishing Line Press in 2021. Hacohen served as a lieutenant in the 162nd Armored Division of the Israeli Defense Forces. She lives with her family in Tel Aviv, Israel.


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The Sorcerer's Gambit #GayBookPromotions


Book Title: The Sorcerer’s Gambit (The Ring of Worlds, Book 2)

Author: C.S. Harris

Publisher: A New Reality Publishing

Cover Artist: Christopher S. Harris

Release Date: April 25, 2024

Genre: Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, polyamory 

Tropes: Lovers reunited after a long separation, heroes

Themes: Coming together, being free, self-discovery, making a life

Heat Rating: 2 - 3 flames

Length: 93 000 words/ 337 pages

It is not standalone story and ends on a cliffhanger. Book 3 comes out this summer.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK 

Love, Longing, Great Magic, and a Fat Orange Cat.


Alex, Imara, and Sirenī thwarted the Unified Government's relentless edicts and fled their homeworld of Gaea to seek refuge elsewhere in the Ring of Worlds. Hunted by the elite squadrons of Zeta Force and the Tèng Empire's Dragon Guard, the Three encountered a new problem as soon as they arrived on Earth: Jack Carter, the man tasked with killing them. Carter expected to kill the Three or die trying, but instead, he traveled along with them. The four strangers must settle into a new life on their adopted world with the people they first met: Jordan McInerney and Richard Bryson.

Maria McInerney, Jordan’s grandmother, helped Alex, Imara, and SirenÄ« decades before when they briefly stopped on Earth during their quest to defeat Sogma. Meeting Jordan is like coming full circle, and the travelers work to settle into their new life. While adjusting to Earth, the people of Gaea quickly realize that their grand reunion was merely the beginning of their journey. Not everything on Earth is as it seems, and the dark magic of the necromancer has yet to manifest.

Please note:

The central narrative follows a group of main characters engaged in a polyamorous relationship. Initially, the relationship comprises one man and two women, evolving to include an additional man, forming a balanced quartet where each individual shares a deep, equitable connection with the others. Although the story is rooted in the genres of epic and urban fantasy, rather than romance, it includes moments of intimacy that encompass a spectrum of orientations and identities, including interactions among women, men, and supernatural beings such as vampires. Additionally, the narrative features a secondary character who identifies as non-binary. The same gender relations are blatant.


“Carter says those two people have been following us since we left the house,” Jordan whispered to Imara and SirenÄ« as she pretended to browse the women’s clothes. “He added that if you don’t do something about it, he will.”

“I know,” Imara said placidly. “They’ve been talking about us. I think they’re also flirting, but I’m not certain.”

Jordan watched Imara turn her gaze to Sirenī; she swore she could feel a conversation between them even though neither said a word. After a few seconds, Imara smiled and glanced at the suspected spies. The man looked to be in his forties, while the woman seemed younger.

She was an athletic-looking natural blonde, clearly of Scandinavian extraction, and had bright blue eyes. They weren’t as luminous as Alex’s, but they had that icy look that so many people found alluring.

“We’ll handle it,” SirenÄ« assured Jordan. “I’d prefer not to make a scene. Muscles probably isn’t the most discreet at things like this.”


Drëndi breezed by in feigned excitement as she looked at a shirt that, Brent thought, would flatter her lithe, fit form.

Contemplating Drëndi’s fitness made him think of his own, which was poor. Watching the jacked fellow who’d gone into the dressing room made him think about his health. Brent wasn’t obese and out of shape, but he wasn’t as fit as his partner, either. She took her health more seriously than he took his, but maybe it was time for him to change that.

Fabric rustled nearby. He looked up from the shirt he was pretending to contemplate and froze for an instant as he stared into the sharp eyes of one of the two women. She stood two steps away, studying him.

Damn it! How’d she get so close?


Drëndi flinched and clapped a hand to her cheek. It felt like someone just flicked her! She looked around and saw one of the women they’d been surveilling next to Brent. The woman raised a hand and beckoned haughtily, and Drëndi slunk over, still rubbing her cheek.

“Did you do that?” she asked the stranger.

The PID agent was more curious than upset. The woman stood still and appeared to study Drëndi and Brent. She noticed that the stranger’s pupils didn’t contract or dilate, but was that odd? Walmart’s lighting wasn’t great.

The woman spoke; her voice was calm and strangely resonant. Drëndi looked at her partner and wondered if the hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end, too.

“I did. I’m curious why you’ve been following us. I’ve heard you two talking about us since you were out in the parking lot.” She paused, then added, “And Carter noticed you following us in your vehicle when we left the house.”

“Huh…” Brent grunted.

He looked at Drëndi, and she knew he was thinking the same thing: if the stranger had heard the two agents talking from such a distance, her hearing was well beyond the average.

“That’s some sharp hearing you have,” her partner observed.

Drëndi looked at him like, Really, Brent? He shrugged with a small, crooked smile.

“You have no idea,” the woman said dryly. She narrowed her dark eyes slightly. “We’re not being secretive, you know. My name is Imara Inanna. My companions are SirenÄ« Adamma and Jack Carter. Our Earthen companion is Jordan McInerney. Now, why are you following us?”

About the Author 

I'm an artist and author who's been crafting stories since my childhood. My debut series, 'The Ring of Worlds,' is inspired by my love of high-fantasy and science fiction. When I'm not writing, I enjoy gaming, reading, and exploring new worlds—real and imaginary.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Friday, April 26, 2024

Playing to Win Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


A Chandler Billionaire Romance, Book 1

Contemporary Romance

Date Published:  March 2024


Every male in the family has scaled the marriage mountain only to take catastrophic tumbles.

They’ve dubbed it The Chandler Curse.

Angel Harris has been sitting on the sidelines since her husband’s death three years ago. Her long-held dream of having a family of her own is slipping away because grief left her frozen in time.

Winston Chandler will do anything for his friend and business partner’s widow. By helping her move forward, perhaps the survivor’s guilt he suffers because of his friend’s death will ease. He believes a makeover will show both Angel and others an external transformation has taken place.

Trouble is, he’s too good at the job. Win is drawn to Angel 2.0. They cross the friend line, but Winn isn’t the man to complete the perfect life she envisions. Chandlers and romance are a volatile mix that end in one way. Disaster.

What will it take for Winn to challenge his family’s legacy of failure and conquer The Chandler Curse?

Celebrating family, friendships, and the power of love. Stories with heart, heat, and humor. 

*Playing to Win is the first book in A Chandler Billionaire Romance series. All the books have interconnected characters, no cliffhangers, happily ever afters, and can be read as standalones.

*A billionaire, fake dating, friends to lovers, forced proximity, forbidden romance.


About the Author

Lynn Mapp is a daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, teacher, writer...obviously a multi-faceted diamond, princess cut.

Lynn was a navy brat, born in San Diego, California. While she was born in California, her Idaho roots are deep. Her mother and grandfather were Idaho natives.

She has always looked for happily ever afters, the light after the darkness. Families and humor are central in her life and her stories.

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

In the Mind of a Spy Release Blitz #rabtbooktours

The Mind Sleuth Series #7


Mystery; Spy Thriller

Date Published: 04-25-2024

Publisher: Mind Sleuth Publications



When Jesse Bolger ran into an old acquaintance from his high school days, Robert Gleason, he wondered if the man still had an imagination that was unencumbered by reality. His question was answered in the affirmative that evening. After insisting they talk inside his homemade, electronically shielded room so no one could listen to their thoughts—no tinfoil hat was good enough for Robert—he confided that he’d stumbled onto two KGB-era Russian spies intent on destroying the United States. And he wanted Jesse’s help to stop them.

Jesse was certain, of course, that it was just a hoax, but he played along. It didn’t prove to be one of his better decisions, however, as the next thing he knew, he was being detained by the FBI under suspicion that he was a double agent. And where was Robert Gleason, the man who had started this whole fiasco, the unemployed eccentric who lived in his grandmother’s basement in a retirement community while he was learning to talk to self-aware computers? He was nowhere to be found.

Knowing he was out of his league to investigate a missing persons case, Jesse hired private investigator Rebecca Marte, hoping she could unravel a case that one minute looked like a spy spoof and the next, a terrorist plot that would plunge the United States into financial pandemonium.


About the Author

Bruce Perrin has been writing for more than twenty-five years, although you will find much of that work only in professional technical journals or conference proceedings. After receiving a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and completing a career in psychological research and development at a major aerospace company, he’s now applying his background to writing fiction. Not surprisingly, most of his work falls in the techno-thriller, mystery, and hard science fiction genres, examining the intersection of technology and the human mind now and in the future. Besides writing, Bruce likes to tinker with home automation and is an avid hiker. When he is not on the trails, he lives with his wife in Aurora, CO.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Reunion of the Three Book Blast #GayBookPromotions


Book Title: Reunion of the Three

Author: C.S. Harris

Publisher: A New Reality Publishing

Cover Artist: Christopher S. Harris

Release Date: February 29, 2024

Genres: Urban fantasy, epic fantasy, space opera, polyamory 

Tropes: Lovers reunited after a long separation, heroes

Themes: Reunion, coming together, being free, being authentic, self-discovery

Heat Rating: 2 - 3 flames

Length: 95 000 words/320 pages

It is not a standalone book. It is book 1 in the Ring of Worlds series.

Book two is out on April 25, and book three this summer.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |   Amazon UK   

Love, Longing, Great Magic, and a Fat Orange Cat.


Foreseeing the annihilation of Gaea by the Tèng Empire and the demonic Sogma, Alexander Eldred and his allies, Imara Inanna and Sirenī Adamma, marshaled their magic to thwart the calamity. Their triumph brought them back to their homeland of Demurria, only to be sundered by a government edict citing their immense combined strength as a threat: Alex is a magical prodigy and never forgets a spell once he's seen it written or cast. Imara hears the universe as a symphony and can control reality with her voice. Sirenī is blessed with fatal beauty, a power so great it can compel into obsession any who behold her.

After fifty years of enforced separation, compelled by a fresh premonition, Alex challenges the mandate to reunify with Imara and Sirenī. This time, the peril extends beyond Gaea, endangering the entirety of the Ring of Worlds, threatened by a formidable necromancer's dark influence. To prevent the spread of this malignant corruption across myriad planets, the trio must reunite and elude the Unified Government's grasp, racing against time to safeguard the future.

Please note: The central narrative follows a group of main characters engaged in a polyamorous relationship. Initially, the relationship comprises one man and two women, evolving to include an additional man, forming a balanced quartet where each individual shares a deep, equitable connection with the others. Although the story is rooted in the genres of epic and urban fantasy, rather than romance, it includes moments of intimacy that encompass a spectrum of orientations and identities, including interactions among women, men, and supernatural beings such as vampires. Additionally, the narrative features a secondary character who identifies as non-binary. The same gender relations are blatant.


Barefoot, Alexander left the primary bedroom and walked through the quiet halls of Eldred Manor. He descended to the first floor and passed the library on his way to the workroom. Once there, he stepped through the large double doors and shut them.

The room was massive and had Spaera Mystica—arcane circles for conjuration—etched into the floor in varying sizes. He stepped over to a small one and held out his hands with his palms facing up. An orange-red glow flared around them, and he began to chant in his natal tongue.

Within moments, mist began to swirl above the sigils etched into the floor. He continued to chant until a hemispherical dome flared into existence, shimmering with striations of faint color like a rainbow. He turned his palms down and changed his chant.

Now the ancient syllables of Darhavil rolled from his lips, and mist filled the Spaera Mystica. Alexander finished his spell, dropped his hands to his sides, and waited. It took several minutes for a figure to appear in the mist, insubstantial and amorphous but irradiant.

“Alexander,” the figure said. The voice had a tremulous quality but was easy to hear. “Why have you reached out to me?”

Alexander bowed his head briefly. “I apologize, Valas. I have been feeling something, a sensation at the back of my mind. The only thing I could think to do was contact you.”

The agglomeration of colors spun like fluid inside the mist-filled hemisphere of the magic circle. The flashes of light occasionally suggested a beaked head, wings, and a long, feathered tail. Alexander watched the manifestation patiently. Subtle anxiety had been building in his mind, urging him to action.

“The patterns suggest an inflection point formed sixteen million years before this moment. Beginning now, the probabilities unravel,” the figure told him.

That was interesting information. Opaque but interesting. What is the inflection point? Was it related to the events of my dream? Can I recover them with a waking dream enchantment?

The Grade Five magic was only as reliable as the ephemeral threads of the mind—so not very.

The sorcerer bowed his head again. “Thank you, Valas. I appreciate your willingness to communicate with me.”

“You are welcome.” The figure began to dwindle; the light faded at the edges into eldritch sparks that winked out as they drifted toward the floor. “I would add one last thing: the time is upon you. You cannot wait.”

Alexander froze. “Are you certain?” he stupidly asked.

Valas Amris is a celestial being. Of course, it is certain! he thought scathingly.

The figure faded until only the mist on the floor remained within the Spaera Mystica, but Valas murmured one last sentence.

“Yes. Complete your work with Skawen’na’há:wi. You are close.”

Alexander took a deep breath as the mist drained into nothing. He released the magic circle with a snap of his fingers and stood there for a long time. His thoughts were jumbled and raced in circles. He felt excitement, anticipation, nervousness, and fear.

After several minutes of stillness, he stirred and turned from the symbols carved into the floor. He retreated from the workroom and planned to return to his bedroom. Instead, he detoured into the library and sat in his favorite chair. Around him were more than a thousand books, including tomes, treatises, and grimoires. He looked at them with unseeing eyes, wrapped in his thoughts. They ran to the two people he loved most: Imara and SirenÄ«. He hadn’t seen them in a long time, but that was about to change.

Once he finished his training, of course.

Alexander remained in the library until dawn. He blinked when the sun shone through the windows and stabbed his eyes. Turning his head, he cracked his neck and looked around. He'd contemplated and discarded a dozen plans in the few hours it took for the sun to rise.

What is the best way to make contact? he wondered.

Imara lived in Louden, Sirenī in Glendale. He drummed his fingers on his thigh, brow furrowed. Nothing came to him.

Still, he left the library with a bounce in his step. In his heart, he felt excited by what was coming. For almost fifty years, he’d had a lump of stone in his chest, but now he felt it begin to soften and pulse once more.

About the Author 

I'm an artist and author who's been crafting stories since my childhood. My debut series, 'The Ring of Worlds,' is inspired by my love of high-fantasy and science fiction. When I'm not writing, I enjoy gaming, reading, and exploring new worlds—real and imaginary.

Author Links

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Susie Drake and the Stolen Memories Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Date Published: 01-06-2024

Publisher: 44th Morning LLC


Haunted by insurmountable grief, the nearly indestructible Susie Drake temporarily sacrifices all memories of her human friends. Unbeknownst to her, Ren Pith, a semi-immortal plagued by seizures and OCD, snatches her remembrances in pursuit of a time traveler, with the hope of rewriting the past.

Meanwhile, recruited by the grandchildren of her forgotten friends, Susie confronts a murder investigation intertwined with her purloined past and teams up with a private eye to unravel a perplexing link between her stolen recollections and a man who taunted her nearly a century prior. Racing against the possibility of total memory loss, Susie and the detective navigate time and space to follow a lead and venture into the future of an alternate Earth.

Susie’s quest intertwines self-discovery, justice, and a high-stakes race into a tangled web bridging past, present, and parallel worlds.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Cowboy Up Teaser Tuesday #rabtbooktours


Cowboy Romance, Age Gap, Suspense

Date Published: April 26, 2024



Mia – I ran away from home when I was seventeen and attached myself to a too-old-for-me cowboy. Then he knocked me up, slapped me around, and left me. My baby and I would have had nowhere to go, but the sweetest cowboy I’ve ever met threw me a lifeline. It was only supposed to be a marriage of convenience. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him. When life keeps throwing us one obstacle after another, I have to wonder if I made the right choice. What if I’m ruining Jackson’s life?

Jackson – I have really big shoes to fill. Not only is my dad a retired rodeo national champion, but he’s also part of the Dixie Reapers MC. He saved my mom, and he’s been my hero ever since I was a kid. So when my friend starts yelling at his girlfriend and slaps her around, I know I have to step in. Now I have a family I didn’t plan for, and I have no idea how to tell my parents. But with trouble following us no matter where we go, there’s only one place I can turn – to the Dixie Reapers – because I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe.


Carter’s face twisted into a snarl, his grip on the beer in his hand tightening until I feared the bottle might shatter. I should have known things would turn out this way. Although, I’d never seen him act like this with a woman before. I remained tense and ready to intervene the moment I thought he was going too far.

How many beers had he had? Five? Six? He looked completely plastered. I was thankful I’d decided to come to this rodeo. At first, I’d thought to pass and go to a different event, but when I found out Carter was heading here, something told me to follow.

Why the fuck was he doing this right by the arena? I could barely focus on my upcoming ride. A quick glance showed I needed to get moving if I wanted to make this ride count.

“You stupid little whore,” he spat, his words laced with venom and rage that made my blood run cold. “You think I’m gonna stick around and play daddy to some brat? You’re out of your Goddamn mind!”

Mia recoiled, her eyes wide with terror. Shit! If he took a swing at her, I’d have to forget my damn ride and go help her. Hold on just a bit longer.

“Jackson, it’s now or never,” said one of the cowboys waiting for me. I pulled my attention away from Carter and Mia, hoping I wasn’t making a mistake. I knew I’d ride like shit if I sat here worrying about her.

Closing my eyes, I cleared my mind, blocked out all the noise around me, adjusted my grip and gave the cowboy a nod. He opened the chute and the bronc beneath me bolted in a straight line. Bastard didn’t start bucking until we’d reached the other end of the arena. If I got a shitty score for drawing this horse, I was going to be pissed.

The horse’s hooves would pound into the dirt, then he’d go airborne again. He did his best to scrape me off on the arena fencing when he couldn’t seem to throw me. Sweat dripped into my eyes and I held on, hoping for a high enough score to at least keep my place. I was gunning for nationals and needed every point.

As the buzzer sounded, I jumped off the bronco. The moment my feet hit the arena floor, I took off for the fence. My body still hummed with energy from the ride, every muscle tense. I cleared the fence and closed the distance.

I’d never seen my friend act like this before, and it sickened me.

“Please, Carter,” she begged. “I didn’t want this to happen either, but we have to do something.”

“Then get rid of it!” he bellowed, causing heads to turn in their direction. “I don’t give a damn how, just make sure it’s gone!”

The bond between us as friends had shattered in an instant, and I couldn’t let Carter hurt Mia any further.

“Hey!” I shouted, my voice firm and commanding. “Leave her alone, Carter!”

He whipped around to face me, his eyes blazing with fury, and for a moment I saw the man I’d once considered a brother. But that fleeting glimpse disappeared as quickly as it had come, replaced by the monster he’d become. I’d like to hope it was only the alcohol, but I worried I might be seeing his true self for the first time.

“Stay out of this, Jackson!” he snarled, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “This ain’t your business!”

“Like hell it isn’t,” I shot back, my heart pounding in my chest as I positioned myself between him and Mia. “You don’t get to treat her like this, not while I’m still breathing.”

My words hung heavy in the air between us, a testament to the line we’d crossed and the friendship we’d just left behind. We stood there, two men who’d once been closer than brothers, now locked in a battle neither of us could back down from. I’d never let him, or any man, hurt a woman. Not in my presence. I’d been raised to take care of those weaker than me, and Mia definitely qualified.

“Get the hell away from her, Carter!” I demanded, my voice unwavering. She trembled behind me. I heard her suck in a breath and sniffle, which meant she was most likely crying. I felt her shaky hands press against my back.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Carter seethed, his bloodshot eyes filled with rage. He threw his beer to the ground, the glass shattering against the dirt, and clenched his fists.

“Someone who won’t stand by and watch you hurt a woman,” I replied, my pulse racing, knowing the situation was spiraling out of control.

“Stay out of it, Jackson!” Carter spat, his face contorted into a snarl. “I told you this ain’t your business!”

I shook my head, refusing to back down. “It became my business when you laid a hand on her. Or are you trying to tell me one side of her face is redder than the other for a reason besides you hitting her?”

Carter’s nostrils flared, the alcohol and anger fueling him like a wildfire. He lunged at me, swinging a wild punch aimed straight for my face. I could feel the heat of his fist as it narrowly missed me, my instincts and years of rodeo reflexes kicking in as I expertly dodged the blow.

“Is this how you want to handle things, Carter?” I asked, my heart pounding even faster now, adrenaline coursing through my veins. But before he could answer, I retaliated with a powerful punch of my own, connecting with his jaw.

“Son of a bitch!” he cursed, stumbling back a few steps, clearly stunned by the force of my blow.

“Leave her alone or I swear, I won’t hesitate to knock some sense into you,” I warned, my eyes locked onto his, showing him I meant every word.

He glared at me, his face reddening with humiliation and fury, but he didn’t make another move. His hands fisted at his sides, and I wondered if he was going to take another swing at me. The sweat dripped off my brow as I stared into Carter’s rage-filled eyes, preparing for his next move. I couldn’t afford to let my guard down -- not with Mia’s safety on the line.

“Is that all you got?” Carter snarled, wiping blood from his mouth.

“Leave her alone, Carter,” I warned, my chest heaving with the effort it took to keep my emotions in check. “This ends now.”

“Over my dead body,” he spat back, throwing another punch. But I was ready. With practiced ease, I sidestepped his attack and landed a decisive uppercut to his jaw.

He came after me again, but in his drunken state, he was no match for me. As much as I hated to hurt the man who’d once been my friend, I landed blow after blow to his ribs, gut, and face. If he’d backed down, I’d have let him go. He charged me again. I slammed my fist into his cheek.

Carter’s body crumpled to the ground like a rag doll, the fight finally drained out of him. Silence fell over the rodeo arena as everyone held their breath, waiting to see what would happen next. Shit! I hadn’t even realized everyone was watching us. Didn’t surprise me no one was stepping forward. They all wanted to watch the drama unfold, but no one wanted to take responsibility for whatever happened.

He groaned and struggled to get to his knees.

“Stay away from her, Carter,” I warned.

“Think you can tell me what to do?” he spat, his voice slurred with alcohol.

“About Mia? Yeah, I do,” I replied. “Someone needs to protect her from you. When did you become such a mean drunk?”

“Who are you to decide what’s best for her?” Carter sneered, wiping the blood from his lip as he advanced.

“Someone who won’t lay a hand on her in anger.” The alcohol had completely pickled his brain. “Go sleep it off, Carter.”

He staggered to his feet and disappeared into the crowd. I had a feeling he’d come for her again. Maybe not today, but sometime in the future. I trusted my gut, and it was telling me Mia was still in danger.

“Jackson, please,” Mia whispered, her hand on my arm. Suddenly, the noise of the surrounding chaos seemed to fade away, and all I could hear was her voice, her fear and vulnerability plain for me to see. In that moment, I realized this wasn’t just about teaching Carter a lesson. It was about showing Mia she had someone in her corner, someone who would protect her no matter what.

“Okay,” I said. “It’s over.”

I took her hand in mine, leading her away from the crowd. I might not know a lot about pregnant women, but the stress couldn’t be good for her or the baby. She needed somewhere quiet, and we both needed time to think.

“Where are we going?” Mia asked, her eyes still brimming with fear.

“Somewhere safe,” I assured her. “Away from all this. Just trust me, okay?”

“Okay,” she agreed, her voice barely more than a whisper.

I could feel her body trembling as we moved through the sea of people, and I wished more than anything that I could take away her pain. But for now, all I could do was guide her toward safety, one step at a time.

“Almost there,” I murmured, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. “Just keep holding on.”


About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book. She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies. Visit Wylde's website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and don't forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts and other exciting perks.


Contact Links

Author on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok: @harleywylde

Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress

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