Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Book Blogger Hop Special: Increasing Intrigue


Erotic Romance, Gay Romance, Historical Romance, M/M Romance, Menage, Regency Romance, Steamy Romance

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Publication Date:

July 13, 2024

Ebook Price:


Book Blurb:

Sequel to An Unlikely Alliance

In Regency London, during the Season, after a brief and steamy courtship, the relationship between threesome Clem, Abe and Humphrey holds much promise.

But their busy routines and different lifestyles, as a professional secretary, society gentleman and an official informant to the military, interfere with their burgeoning romance.

Then sinister forces reappear to threaten their connection and even the life of one of the trio.

Can these three band together to save the day and keep each other from peril? And given the chance, might they forge lasting happiness together?

Book Length:

104 pages

This book is suitable for readers 18+ only.

The First Line/Book Beginnings

London, March 1808

“Make sure you get on with those letters before you consider stopping for luncheon.”

The Friday 56

It’s a jolly good thing that I’m accustomed to cantankerous old men, Humphrey reflected as he left Mr. Arbuckle’s residence on Whitcomb Street.

Heads up!

Come back on July 28 to read my full review of this book and its prequel.

Book Blogger Hop

26th-1st - Do you have a favorite novel that captures the enchantment of summer nights or has unforgettable moments set under the stars? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Is it gauche to hijack my own post to brag about one of my favorite stories written by me?

I don't care if it is; I'm going to do it anyway!

Story Blurb

Joe Schola III is the eighteen-year-old son of Joseph Schola Junior, a fire-and-brimstone preaching Fundamentalist televangelist. While young Joe is far less homophobic than his father, he is struggling to come to terms with his own sexual orientation. Will Joe dare accept the invitation to become part of a clan of shapeshifters, and will he accept the love being offered to him by the handsome fox shifter Lovell Azarola?

Exclusive Excerpt

I tucked my dreamcatcher under my pillow and drifted off to sleep. The next thing I knew, the cabin door was open. Oscar was standing outside.

“Oscar, close the door before we all catch cold,” I admonished. But I didn’t feel cold. Vic and Froggy rose from their beds. Froggy beckoned me.

“Come on, Joe, let’s have some fun!” he encouraged.

“Frog, wait up! You ought to wear your mask!” I advised.

Froggy was out the door before I could stop him. He was still wearing his pajamas and was unbothered by the cold night air. I saw Melanie approaching us, her long, golden hair like moonbeams against the black, starlit sky.

“Hi, guys!” Melanie greeted. “Oh, this is so much fun! Thank you, Oscar, for choosing us!”

The smiling Oscar morphed into a handsome deer with a glorious rack of antlers. Melanie became a tiny hummingbird flying above his head. A black crow swooped down from the tree to greet Melanie. A swan waddled out of the wood, and, speaking in a British accent, invited Froggy to join her at her pond.

“Come one, come all, you’re all invited!” the crow cawed.

Out of the forest scampered twin red foxes. They danced around Vic and me, nipping playfully at our fingertips and ankles.

“Come on, Bro, catch me!” Forest taunted.

The Beasts of Hank's Wood is one of the fantastic steamy paranormal romance tales featured in the Beastly Tales anthology from Dragon Soul Press. Grab your copy here! 

You can also follow the link below to sign up for Lil DeVille's newsletter and get your copy!

Do you have places to go this summer?

Audiobooks are great companions on a long road trip, on your daily commute, or while running errands.

People in the Northern Hemisphere, how would you like to kick back in the shade and let someone else do the reading? If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, you can cuddle up under a warm blanket while listening to a story.

I’ve got you covered either way!

If you don’t already have an Audible subscription, click the link below to get started with your 30-day free trial. You’re welcome.

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