Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Sexy Shift #MFRWSteam


Genre: M/M Romance, Paranormal, Supernatural, Shifters

Length: Novelette (14,000 words)

Heat Level: 5 Flames (nuclear blast)

Blurb for the Anthology

Monsters deserve love too…

From werewolves, vampires, and even Bigfoot, these beasts manage to find love. Whether they are able to sink their claws into that love and keep it is another story. When it comes down to it, don’t judge a book by its cover. This anthology brings a mixture of what ifs and happily ever afters.

Featuring stories from T.C. Mill, A.K. Moss, Toni Mobley, Barend Nieuwstraten III, Ashley L. Hunt, Charles Kyffhausen, Lil Deville, Kelly Piner, Jess Monica, and Karen Bayly.

Graphic sexual content is included within this anthology.

Blurb for The Beasts of Hank's Wood

Joe Schola III is the eighteen-year-old son of Joseph Schola Junior, a fire-and-brimstone preaching Fundamentalist televangelist. While young Joe is far less homophobic than his father, he is struggling to come to terms with his own sexual orientation. Will Joe dare accept the invitation to become part of a clan of shapeshifters, and will he accept the love being offered to him by the handsome fox shifter Lovell Azarola?

ALERT! This excerpt contains material suitable only for readers 18+.


I had a million questions, some of them not suitable for polite company. I’d not only pictured myself turning into a werewolf, but I’d also read and masturbated to gay shifter erotica, including the most graphic of graphic novels. Was it acceptable for a wolf shifter to mate with a fox shifter? While some lore says yes, other tales say no. Either way, I suppose it only mattered to Lovell and me.

I shuddered as Lovell nudged my hand with his cold nose.

Buy Link

Purchase the anthology for $4.99

Subscribe to Lil's newsletter and get a copy of the story free.

I am hoping to format and release this story as a standalone novelette for Halloween this year.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining the Steam Hop, Lil!

    Short but steamy excerpt, definitely.


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