Saturday, July 16, 2022

Ryan's Temptation Character Interview and Giveaway


After Chanel witnesses a murder, she and her sexy neighbor flee the city with the killer in hot pursuit.

Ryan’s Temptation

Series: Arresting Onyx (book 2.5)

Publisher: Daulton Publishing

Release Date: August 9th, 2022

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: 45k

Heat Rating: 4 Flames


Wrong place, wrong time. Now she’s running for her life.

Beautician Chanel Leroc can wield a pair of scissors like nobody’s business. After she witnesses a murder and lands on a serial killer’s hit list, she has to figure out how to protect herself—and fast. The killer tracks her down, but her sexy new neighbor, Dr. Ryan Naylor, drives the brute off.

The police dump the pair in a witness protection program, which doesn’t last long. Either the killer has a connection to the police, or he’s far more intelligent than they realize. All Chanel wants to do is get back to her safe life and get to know her neighbor better. Instead, she and Ryan hit the road and try to survive on their own.

How will they stay alive and keep their blooming romance intact with the killer hot on their trail?


Ryan sat on the edge of his bed as the TV news reporter droned on about a three-car pileup. He tunneled his hand through his hair, forcing the locks up at odd angles.

She bit back a moan, the nerves in her fingers tingling. If only she could grip his hair for him and make him moan. Heat flushed her face and spread down her neck to her chest.

Yep. I’m losing it.

Starting an affair in the middle of this god-awful situation ranked as one of the stupidest things she could do. But damn, he was hot. His dimples and that cleft chin—oh, mama! What did he look like beneath his T-shirt and slacks? His hard, toned biceps had been tormenting her for days. Her mouth watered for a bite.

She shook her head. No more thinking about Ryan naked, period.

The sketch of Dipper flashed on the television. Ryan turned up the volume as the drawing shrunk to quarter size.

The camera zoomed in on a blonde female news anchor. “The Streetwalker Killer is still at large. So far, the police have linked him with the deaths of four women. Two witnesses are now in police protective custody. If you have seen this man, call the toll-free number at the bottom of the screen.”

Sure enough, the number flashed beneath the image of the woman.

Ryan launched to his feet. “What the hell? Detective Boyle promised he wouldn’t tell the media about us. They shouldn’t know about any witnesses, let alone being in custody.”

She stomped away from the window. “At least the anchorwoman didn’t reveal our names. Call Mackeroy. Find out what’s going on.”

He reached for his pocket as a shot rang from outside.

Glass cracked. The curtain flapped as cool air rushed in. A bullet struck one of the upper cabinets in the kitchenette.

She screamed and dropped to the floor.

Character Interview 

What’s your name, and where are you from?

My name is Chanel Leroc. I’m originally from Aurora, Colorado, but I now live in the neighboring city of Denver.

What do you look like?

I’m curvy but also pretty tall (five-feet-ten), which slims down my frame. I’m usually pretty tanned since I frequent spray tanning booths and on rare occasions, tanning beds. My eyes are dark and fringed with thick lashes. I love the red streaks in my long, dark-brown hair (have you seen my book cover yet?). Since I’m a beautician, I always try to keep my hair soft and styled, but during those weeks when I was on the run with Ryan, my hair was the last thing on my mind.

What conflicts are you facing?

That’s a loaded question! I accidentally walked in on this evil, crazed man as he was killing a woman. Serves me right for not minding my own business, but then, I never could back down when I heard someone call for help. Anyway, I was too late to help the woman. For my own safety, the police dumped me into a witness protection program, but the killer found me. I had no choice but to run away.

What is people’s first impression of you?

That I’m a smart, put-together woman. I never leave home in rumpled clothes or without my face on. Though, I guess that’s not true anymore. At one point in my story, I’m running around the city barefoot without even gloss on my lips. I won’t spoil it and tell you why, but believe me, that was so out of character for me.

Do you see morality as black-and-white, or with shades of gray?

Gray, lots and lots of it. Even though I obviously hate the maniac who was doing his best to hunt me and Ryan down, I felt sorry for him. Sometimes villains start as victims who didn’t get the help they needed.

Why do you think your author chose to write about you?

I didn’t give her a choice in the matter. I kept pestering her for months—no joke!—and told her to give me a happy ending or she would never sleep again. Why she put me through the wringer first, I have no idea, but at least I got what I wanted. I always do eventually.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

Never stop fighting. Just because you’re dealt a bad hand, you gotta keep trying. You have to live life the best you can. My mom told me that weeks before she passed on.

What do you wish your author had not told others about you?

Well, since Amber shared it in my book, I guess I can say it here. Breast cancer runs in my family. I have the mutated genes, but they aren’t active, thank God. They could become so in time, however. It’s not really a secret, but I abhor pity. I don’t just tell anyone about it.

Are there any other characters from your book that you think your author should write about? Care to tell us who and why?

You’ll meet Shea and my other gal pal, Belle, during my story. Both of those ladies need to settle down and pop out some babies! Haha! I’m kidding, at least about the baby-making part. Shea and Belle are career-oriented women who’s love life is going nowhere fast. I’d love to see them fall head over heels in love with a man, and sure, if they want children, I’m all for being Auntie Chanel. I just want them to be happy, and I’m pretty sure I’ll get my wish sooner rather than later.

To celebrate the release of Ryan’s Temptation, I’m giving away two prizes.

First place prize: $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card

Second place prize: $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card

Contest runs from July 15 to August 16.

Official Book Trailer

About the Author

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the great feature. "Chanel" loved chatting with you. :)


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