Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Taken By the Valkyrie Teaser #rabtbooktours

A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novella


Taken, Book 6


Paranormal Women's Fiction

Date Published: July 5, 2024


Kara is tired of her role as a Valkyrie, not that she has much choice. Being a Valkyrie is her identity. It’s in her blood. But she can only witness so much death and destruction. Her faith in humanity has waned. Until she meets Eric.

Eric, a retired Airman, is just as tired. He’s seen things he believes no one else would understand. Then he picks up Kara and his world is turned upside down. She’s the one he never saw coming and the one he can’t live without -- if only she can handle his past.

The past might not be more than they can overcome, but what if these two warriors are exactly what they each need?




All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2024 Megan Slayer


“Don’t you dare get attached.”

Kara folded her arms and groaned. She’d heard that line so many times through the centuries. What did attachments have to do with her? She wasn’t about to hook up with anyone long-term again. She’d made that mistake once and nearly paid with her life.

Not again.

Brynhildr glared at her. “You’re not listening.”

Kara snorted and shifted her attention from her thoughts to the elder Valkyrie. “You’re right. I’m not.” She mentally repeated the rules -- Valkyries are duty-bound, not permitted to form attachments, should stay free and vigilant.

Fine. Except she didn’t want to be on duty any longer. The job had become too dangerous. She’d long tired of the blood, the gore, the anger. She’d retrieved so many warriors from the field of battle and delivered them to Valhalla, but she could only take the devastation for so long.

“I don’t like you getting into scuffles in bars.” Brynhildr shook her head and leaned her elbows on the high-top table. “You’re looking for trouble. What do you have? A death wish?”

“What if I do?” She picked at the peanut shell remaining in the bowl. The bartender needed to replenish the snacks. When the monster came back around, she’d say something.

“What do you mean?” Brynhildr asked. “You’re getting careless, like you’re inviting trouble. You do know there’s something big planned for you.”

“Is there?” At least she didn’t have to explain herself. She wasn’t about to tell the elder she wanted to rest for a long time -- like forever. She’d contemplated final solutions a few times, but the idea of actually dying scared her. Her ex had tried to kill her, but she’d been reincarnated. Helgi swore he’d never let her forget him.

She hadn’t.

But she also didn’t want to be with him any longer.

“There’s a plan for you, Kara. Don’t jeopardize it.” Brynhildr sighed and reached for Kara’s arm. “What’s got you so upset? Talk to me. You can’t bottle it inside or you’ll lose the battle.”

She knew that all too well. Brynhildr was right. They did need to talk. “I don’t want to retrieve any longer. I want a break. I can’t handle the death and gore anymore. I’m tired of seeing so much pain. My heart can’t take it. I don’t want to settle down, but I need time away. I’ve thought about just ending it all to make the pain go away.”

“Don’t do that.” Brynhildr squeezed Kara’s bicep. “You’re my dear friend. When you feel that way again, you tell me. I’ll sit with you as long as you need and even when you don’t.”

“I know you will.” She’d never doubted her friend and elder Valkyrie. “What’s this big thing planned for me?”

“Promise me you’ll call me when you get low.” Brynhildr held tight to Kara’s arm. “Promise.”

“I will.” She wouldn’t go back on that.

“But you asked about the something big,” Brynhildr said. “Not all warriors need to go to Valhalla. Some need care here first. It’s up to you if you’re interested in giving that care before they can go. It doesn’t mean they’re on the battlefield. In some cases, they’re still fighting even though they’re home.”

“Still?” she murmured. Someone else understood what she saw when she closed her eyes?

“You might even find yourself along the way.”

She hadn’t expected the elder to say that. She’d expected to stay lost and drift away. But if she could help someone, that would be good -- if she could even help. Most people were afraid of her. What if the person she was supposed to assist didn’t want her help? What if they didn’t like her?

“We have someone specific in mind for your first job. What if I could tell you what he looks like?” Brynhildr asked. “Could show you?”

“You could?” Now the elder had her full attention. “Show me.”

“Are you interested in taking a different route and helping him?”

She hesitated. She should say no and return to sulking. “I am.” The words spilled off her tongue. She didn’t hear the undercurrent of conversation in the bar, didn’t smell the cigarettes and stale beer in the air, or even notice the smoke swirling around her. Her senses hyper-focused on what Brynhildr said. “I want to see him.”

“Very well.” Brynhildr produced a mirror.

The image of a man formed in the glass. Brown hair, crinkles around his brown eyes, tension in his posture, too thin, but handsome. Kara narrowed her eyes. He was damn cute, but wasn’t he off-limits? “I can’t get attached to him?”

“You know the code.”

She did.

She also wasn’t entirely sure what he’d be like. He might be a jerk. Have the  personality of a brick. Or he could be damn sexy, enticing, and sweet. Just lost too. He could be the kind of man a woman wanted to chase, to wrap up in, and never let go. The kind she wanted to kiss, touch, and tease. To feel moving inside her.

Not the perfect man -- but damn close.

If he really existed.

He might not.

There wasn’t much point in getting her hopes up.

“Just don’t fall in love.” Brynhildr shook her head. “Remember how that worked out with Helgi? This one might be a better fit and not nearly so violent, but you’re a proud Valkyrie, and you should remain unattached.”

“I should.” She’d followed the rules during this life. Previous ones? Not so much. This time around, she wanted to be a good Valkyrie. A proud one. She didn’t have time for romance. No time to waste on something that wasn’t going to last.

What if it did? What if this wasn’t just a passing fancy? What if they fell in love?

She had to stop thinking like this. Just because falling in love was possible didn’t mean it’d happen. Falling on her head was just as possible. Gods, it was more believable. She wasn’t a kid and didn’t need love.


Everyone could live without love and affection.

What if she didn’t want to any longer? What if she wanted to be romanced?

What if he had the key to her happiness, and he held the key to her heart?

Only the power of the gods could show her that truth.

Where was a god when she needed one?

“He’s here in Eerie. I’ll bet you’ve seen him,” Brynhildr said. “Don’t spook him. I know you’re good at being blunt.”


About the Author

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on various e-tailer sites.

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Grabbing My Slyce #GayBookPromotions


Book Title:  Grabbing My Slyce! (​​Some Like It Haute! Gay Romance Series)

Author: Dann Hazel

Publisher: The Original Press

Cover Artist: Joshua Fippen

Release Date: June 24, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Forced Proximity; Hurt/Comfort; Slow Burn; Age-Stratified or May/December Romance

Themes: Family Strife; Loss of a partner/spouse; dealing with internalized homophobia

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length: 138 829 words/ 360 pages

It can be read as a standalone, but is part of a series.

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

How do you find your true love when the other business of life has always gotten in the way—until now?


As an only child, Frank Slyce is an independent, self-reliant gay man with a huge creative streak. 

Now, at thirty-two, he feels thrown off-kilter by a proverbial “urge to merge.” 

But how does a man like Frank find love when he has always related best to people older than he is?

Enter David Hawkins, a Unitarian minister who’s similar in age to Frank. At first, they seem to hit it off. But in their steamy pursuit of a relationship, they discover individual differences that feel insurmountable.

Then, Frank seeks a business loan to open Slyce! Pies and Pasta. The hot, charming banker who works with him, Nicolas Beaumont, is eleven years older than Frank. 

Age is not a problem for Frank. 

But what is it about Nicolas’ history or personality that causes the banker to retreat into silence when Frank, for the first time in his life, feels certainty about love?

A slow-burn, age-stratified, HEA gay romance.


Once they’d returned to the Round House dock, Frank helped Nick secure the boat all over again. There was, after their kiss, a certain timidity between them now. As though they had to process what had just happened at their own pace. As though speaking of it might somehow wipe what happened out of existence.

While they worked with the boat, Frank didn’t notice the arrival of a familiar car.

David’s car.

It was, after all, Nick who filled Frank’s consciousness. He could smell him. He could hear his rhythmic breaths. He could feel Nick’s body against his.

It was as though he walked toward the Round House on autopilot. It was as though he had no idea where he was, the magic still had such a blinding hold on him.

Then, from the familiar car, Frank heard his name.

A voice he recognized, shouting his name.

He looked up and saw David, a big smile on his face, a hand waving at him. More eager than ever to spend a day with his chef and their friends. As though those days of silence and isolation had never happened.

Frank smiled and waved back.

Nick noticed. He noticed and took it all in. He didn’t know exactly what was going on between these two men, but from his forty-two years on this familiar planet, he had an idea.

He knew that the best move he could take now was to make himself scarce.

He bid farewell to Frank, asking him to convey his regrets to their hosts, before he headed back to his boat. He was no longer feeling well, he said, and needed to return the boat to the marina, then get himself home and into his bed.

Frank was speechless, though he managed to ask if Nick needed him to accompany him. To make sure he was okay.

“No. That’s not necessary, Frank,” Nick replied. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a—thing—that happens from time to time. It’s not serious. Just my body’s warning that it needs a little rest.”

Nick boarded his boat, then sped away with a perfunctory wave.

Then, Frank turned back to David.

But David, he saw, was already heading into the Round House.

David, he knew, was mad as hell.

About the Author

Dann Hazel has been writing both fiction and nonfiction for more than twenty years. 

Besides writing romance, he has taught high school English and journalism, college psychology and human sexuality, directed federal grants and worked as a therapist in a psychiatric hospital. His fiction genre interests include thrillers, horror, literary and gay romance. He has published the Some Like It Haute Gay Romance Series, including Room for DessertMy Own Private Biscuit and Lonely Diner.

Nonfiction works include Witness: Gay and Lesbian Clergy Report from the Front and Moving On: The Gay Man’s Guide for Coping When a Relationship Ends.

Dann’s personal interests include reading and writing, cinema, jogging, Broadway, keeping abreast of current events and travel.

Currently, Dann lives in Central Florida with his husband, Josh, and their American Eskimo canine, Flurry.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Laughing Is Forever Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Date Published: March 22, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


Laughing is Forever is my second book. And while it’s gritty, rhythmic, dark and dangerous it’s also fun, quirky, and inquisitive. Topics range from growing up in the Deep South to questioning the mainstream narrative of how it all . . . came to be. I want people who don’t read much and who hate poetry (the largest demographic) to give this collection a chance and fall in love with books by reading something that they can relate to and/or be awed by. Laughing is Forever is a standalone book, a brand-new beast, but follows in the footsteps of Blameforest in the sense that it’s reinventing what poetry can be. And hopefully inspiring folks to take risks with their own work and stand out from the maddening crowd.


Reviews for Laughing is Forever


"These are the kind of tattered, beautiful poems I often search for and rarely find-the ones that explain, 'Just be happy with a beer after work. You know, quit all the complaining. It won't change a single thing. It just prolongs the suffering.' "

-Sean Thomas Dougherty, author of Death Prefers the Minor Keys


"Stocks's writing has a powerful immediacy, and his poems are packed with both profanity and pop-culture references . . ."

-Kirkus Reviews


"This collection is brave, unflinching and hits you like a punch in the jaw. It is at times brutal and vicious but also tender and intelligent. I was reminded of early Eminem in the poignant anger of some of the poems."

-Sam Szanto, author of If No One Speaks

About the Author

Jason Stocks is a writer and teacher living in south Florida. Before becoming a teacher, he worked in a chicken house, washed dishes, bagged groceries, waited tables, and sold cars. His first full-length poetry collection--Blameforest--was published in 2021 and was recently named a finalist in the 2024 American Legacy Book Awards for contemporary poetry. When not writing, he enjoys reading vintage YA horror, riding his Haro cruiser, and spending time with the family.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Monday, July 1, 2024

Dead Squirrels Everywhere Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Children's Book, humor, concepts counting

Counting to ten has never been easier for children who love the macabre! Dead Squirrels Everywhere is a fully illustrated children’s book with a slightly morbid twist. This book is perfect for teaching kids of all ages how to count to ten. Children will have so much fun; they won’t even know they are learning!

No squirrels were harmed in the making of this book.


About the Author

Gabrielle Ferrara is an artist and entrepreneur who creates Victorian-inspired art and jewelry with ethically sourced animal remains. She has a master's degree in Museum Studies and undergraduate degrees in Anthropology and Art History. Gabrielle enjoys spending her free time with family, venturing down the rabbit hole of obscurity, and talking about dinosaurs.


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