Saturday, August 3, 2024

Thieves! My Real-Life Experience With Albert


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

 Financial Disservices

Ornery Owl's Rating

I'd give it no stars if I could.

Before you think to yourself, "Gee, signing up with Albert sounds like a pretty darn nifty idea!" read the one-star reviews, including mine. You'll notice some common themes.

I told you during last week's Charity Sunday that I was the victim of a Phishing attack.

 I mentioned in that blog post that the attack left me feeling similarly to the way I felt when I was the victim of sexual assault at the hands of my ex-boyfriend in 1997.

I never reported the assault to the police, because I knew what would happen. I was drunk when the assault transpired. I let the perpetrator into my apartment, not expecting him to sexually assault me. According to the police, my inebriated state and my error in judgment would have added up to me "asking for it."  My reporting the assault would only have resulted in me being victimized a second time.

In this instance, Albert was the police.

If you ever need to make a complaint against a "financial institution" that behaves like Albert, this is the link for you.

Albert essentially allowed thieves to rob a disabled person with very little money to their name. I should have severed ties with Albert months ago because of their insane fees, but I had the idea in my head that they were going to help me invest my money. Instead, they're the worst of the worst. They're the abusive boyfriend who love-bombs you and then says you made him do it when he hits you after you confront him about his behavior as well as being the misogynistic police who say you deserved your assault because you shouldn't have worn that provocative zombie hockey player costume at the Halloween party. 

That's what I was wearing when I was assaulted, by the way. A hockey jersey, baggy pants, and zombie make-up. 

I couldn't see any way to fight back then. My life was consumed by back-to-back panic attacks for a year. 

I may not be able to directly fight back against the hackers who tried but failed to take my money in other instances because the other financial institutions did their due diligence, canceling cards and closing accounts. 

I can fight back against Albert's aiding and abetting the hackers, and I will. 


Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay
Ornery Owl Sez: You'd be better off putting your money in a lagoon with the fishes than in an Albert account.
Please don't anyone tell me that what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. What doesn't kill me doesn't make me stronger, it just makes me not dead yet.

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