Friday, August 11, 2023

Friday Book Blogger Hop Special: The Shape of Heat Price Drop and Promo Opportunity



The Shape of Heat: Awakening

Genre: Erotic Romance (BDSM, m/m, m/f/f menage)

Tropes: Friends to Lovers

Length: 10,000 Words

Heat Level: Nuclear Blast (5 Flames)

#bisexual #menage #m/m #m/f/f #BDSM #spanking #discipline #first time

Buy Link

Price Drop for ebook:


Read an explicit sample from the book when you sign up for Lil's newsletter.


When you’re surrounded by lust, an awakening of desire is inevitable.


Candi knew hot things happened behind closed doors at the Pearl Beach Resort. After all, the place was owned by bisexual billionaire playboy Boris van Donk, who had a reputation for taking on all comers.

Candi's family of origin was strictly religious, and she has never given or received more than a chaste kiss in her 21 years. Between bad-boy Boris and her geeky, fun-loving, porn-writing housemates, an awakening of her desires is inevitable.

About the Author:

Lil DeVille is a former nurse who started writing erotica after becoming disabled in 2019. She enjoys imagining quirky characters involved in lusty encounters anywhere from a tropical paradise or a rustic mountain village in the present day to an all-male mining colony on an asteroid in the distant future. 

Lil likes to end her stories on a Happy for Now note with a promise of more good things to come. Although her writing sometimes addresses difficult subjects such as alcoholism or past abuse, she brings a note of love and support to scenes involving these issues.

Lil lives in a remote prairie town in Northeastern Colorado with her adult son and three cats. When she isn’t cooking up spicy stories, she enjoys baking and crafts.

Lil’s Links

Amazon Author Page

Naughty Netherworld Press Blog

Naughty Netherworld Press Books

Naughty Netherworld Press Substack

Readers Roost Book Blog

Readers Roost Twitter

The First Line/Book Beginnings

Two women and a man, all hospitality workers in their early twenties, sat in a remote spot on the soft pink sands of Pearl Beach Resort. 

The Friday 56

The title of the next video was Claimed by Dr. Mummy.

(Note that this line may differ from the 56% mark on your e-reader. I was using my manuscript, which is 37 pages long. 56% is approximately page 20 in said manuscript.)

Book Blogger Hop

4th - 10th - What fictional character would you most like to meet in person? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

I'm currently listening to the last book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Roland would probably find me a bit of a useless schmuck, but then again he was nice enough to the old folks he and his Ka-Tet met during their travels. I could probably win him over if I offered him a Tooter Fish popkin and a cup of coffee and gave him a bottle of Astin for his travels. Hell, I'd do him one better and share my CBD gummies with him.

And now for the special opportunity I mentioned at the beginning of the post. Writers, if you have books with LGBT characters, you'll want to consider participating as you can get a lot of eyes on your book. Readers, if you like stories with LGBT characters, you're sure to find something you'll enjoy. Many thanks to Kayelle Allen for sharing this info with the MFRW group.

Writers, if you aren't a member of the MFRW group, go check it out. It's free to join. I know it's Marketing for Romance Writers, but you don't have to write romance to sign up.


Here's a link to a one-day promo event that has an enormous reach potential. Queer Your Bookshelf (QYB) invites authors of gay romance to take part in this Sept 4, 2023 Labor Day weekend promo. No cost to join, other than to promote the event. Will be hundreds of authors, so this is a good chance to be seen. Pricing for that day must be no greater than 99c, so plan ahead. Read more details on the form itself. Recommended - join the QYB Facebook group (link in the form). A copy of your submission will be sent to you.

This link leads to a short Google form to fill out.


  1. Deadline to Submit
    The deadline to submit a book is Sunday, August 20th.
  2. What counts as "queer"?
    You, as the author, decides whether your book is queer. If you feel comfortable describing your book as queer, then it counts.
  3. Pairings Question
    If the characters in your book don't fall within the listed gender pairings, please use the "Other" field to indicate their gender identities. Whatever you put in the field will be copied directly onto the website.
  4. $0.99 Pricing in All Markets
    Books should be on sale in all countries as we're targeting authors and readers everywhere. Books should be $0.99 USD or equivalent in the sense of "lowest price point above free". For Canada, I would price at $0.99 CAD rather than whatever the exchange rate works out to be.
  5. International Pricing
    This promotion is intended to be international since we have authors and readers outside the US & UK. You can use Kindle Countdown for the US & UK, but please also manually adjust prices for all markets a few days before the promo.
If anyone is unhappy about the lack of spaces between the paragraphs, tough. I copy-pasted the info from the MFRW message and I can't be arsed to figure out how to add spaces and keep the numbers sequential. When I tried to add spaces between the paragraphs, weird things happened. So it is how it is. 

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