Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Chef New Release Blitz #IndiGo

Title:  The Chef

Series: Princes of Toval, Book One

Author: Mell Eight

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 08/27/2024

Heat Level: 1 - No Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 62200

Genre: Fantasy, culinary arts, royalty, mercenaries, soldiers, politics, magic, road trip

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Char is a level one chef, capable of imbuing magic into his cooking. Offered a job in a new city where he can further develop his skills and grow toward his goal of one day owning his own restaurant, Char undertakes a dangerous journey through the Spikehorn Mountain pass. However, deadly beasts, thieves, and dodgy recipe ingredients aren't the only challenges in the mountains. When the mercenary group he travels with is attacked and killed, Char wows their killers with his skills and chooses to join them instead of being left to travel on his own.

Figuring out how to cook over a campfire with only salted and dried ingredients is a unique challenge for Char, but the fighters promised to deliver Char safely to his new job once their own task in the mountains is complete. But the new fighters aren't everything they appear to be, especially Captain Fen, who makes Char think about something other than cooking for the first time in years. Surviving the mountain crossing was supposed to be tough, but surviving this new journey might prove impossible.


The Chef
Mell Eight © 2024
All Rights Reserved

The sounds of battle had been going on for at least ten minutes. Char ignored them. The harsh metal clanging of sword against sword, the screech as a sword slid against armor, and the groaning and gasping of fighters as they exerted themselves—and ultimately died. Char let all that mess flow around him.

Keeping the oatmeal from burning was much more important after all.

Char gave the deep pot a stir, gauging the softness of the oats. Satisfied with the consistency, he opened the pouch of dried fruit and tipped it over the pot, letting half the pouch fall into the oatmeal below. The heat and residual water would soften and partially rehydrate the fruit, making it a perfect addition to breakfast. Char also put in about a tablespoon of brown sugar—calibrated to be enough for a pot this large without forgetting the natural sweetness the fruit would also add.

He glanced below the pot at the cooking fire that was mostly embers and decided it didn’t need more wood. The oatmeal would be ready about the time the battle against whichever thieves had been airheaded enough to attack an armed mercenary company was over. After the mercenaries ate and tended their wounded, Char expected them to move out. He didn’t need to maintain the fire to make lunch, since lunch would likely be jerky eaten in the saddle. At least Char had a pouch of his own homemade chicken jerky, carefully spiced with sage and smoked with onion and garlic. He didn’t want to know what the rest of the band were actually eating when it didn’t come out of a pot or pan of something he prepared; Char suspected it would be something gross.

The oatmeal was starting to bubble and blurp, very close to being ready. Char gave it another stir and then stopped to actually pay attention to his surroundings.

Sounds of battle came from all directions, so whatever enemy the mercenaries were fighting had tried to flank them. Still, the number of bangs, clangs, and groans of pain hidden from him by the thick brush and rocky terrain surrounding the campsite were diminishing, so the battle was definitely nearly ended. Char stood, went over to the bags adjacent to where their pack donkey was picketed, and pulled out bowls and spoons. He returned to the fire and started laying out his supplies until he had two lines of bowls, each with a spoon resting inside. The last bowl and spoon he kept for himself.

He was just reaching for the pot to fill his bowl so he could eat before the onslaught of hungry postbattle mercenaries when something hard tapped him on the shoulder.

Char glanced back and froze in place, the tip of a bloodied sword brushing against his cheek.

“No blood near the food, please,” he said automatically.

But, as his eyes followed the length of the blade up to the owner, he wasn’t met with one of the mercenaries he had been feeding for the last week. The stranger was tall and his fair hair, where it poked out beneath his helmet, was darkened with sweat. A splash of someone else’s blood crossed his even features, and his hard hazel eyes glared down at Char.

“Er, hello?” Char forced out, unsure how to react.

“Captain, I think that’s the last of them,” someone else called from the edge of the clearing. “We can move out when you’re done with him.”

The stranger—the captain—only moved his eyes away as he replied, the sword not wavering against Char’s neck. “Check their supplies. I want any orders or paperwork indicating what they were doing out here, and we might as well take anything of use.” His gaze immediately returned to Char. “You’re a noncombatant?” he asked.

“Hired to cook and maintain camp for the mercenary company,” Char replied. “Do you want some oatmeal? It’s just about ready, and it sounds like the people I made it for are no longer around to eat it.”

“Are you bonded to a merc company or freelance?” the captain asked.

He was asking whether Char had any emotional investment linked to the mercenaries the captain and his people had just killed. Char didn’t. What he wanted was their armed escort through the mountain pass and, incidentally, their coin. A lone traveler wouldn’t survive the mountain lions, let alone the bandits looking for the easy pickings of travelers exhausted after the arduous climb. Adding a little spending money to help him get on his feet at his destination was an added benefit. Besides, aside from the mercenary captain, Char hadn’t learned their names or really spoken with any of them. They hadn’t been a friendly bunch, really more of a means to an end, so he wasn’t particularly upset they were gone.

“Freelance,” Char replied, trying to sound convincing. He would have shrugged, but that sword still hadn’t moved. “I wanted to travel east; they wanted someone to maintain their camp. Getting paid is a side bonus. I’m headed for Etoval. No idea where they were going. We only contracted through to Marketon.”

The captain continued to glare, his frown full of distrust.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Meet the Author

When Mell Eight was in high school, she discovered dragons. Beautiful, wondrous creatures that took her on epic adventures both to faraway lands and on journeys of the heart. Mell wanted to create dragons of her own, so she put pen to paper. Mell Eight is now known for her own soaring dragons, as well as for other wonderful characters dancing across the pages of her books. While she mostly writes paranormal or fantasy stories, she has been seen exploring the real world once or twice.

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Tales of the Wythenwood Week Blast #rabtbooktours

Dark Fantasy

Date Published: 08-31-2024



J.W. Hawkins' "Tales of the Wythenwood" masterfully blends whimsy with darkness, capturing the essence of dark fantasy and classic fairy tales while infusing them with modern sensibilities. The collection is rich in themes of nature, survival, morality, and the complex interplay between good and evil. The author’s love for rhythmic and descriptive language breathes life into the Wythenwood, making it a character in its own right. Each story, while unique, contributes to a cohesive world where the fantastical and the real intertwine seamlessly.

"Tales of the Wythenwood" is a testament to the power of storytelling, reminding us of the beauty, terror, and wonder that lie just beyond the veil of the ordinary world. Whether you're drawn to tales of cunning foxes, mysterious creatures, or the timeless struggle between light and darkness, this collection offers a rich tapestry of narratives that will captivate and enthrall readers.




The Taker of Faces (Sample from Tales of the Wythenwood)



Tonight is the night, thought the Taker of Faces. She stood within the moonlit forest looking out to a pool, eerie in its stillness. The Taker inhaled deeply, as grace itself walked into the scene, tall and elegant, powerful and strong yet with a step so light that she could imagine that its hooves would not bend a blade of grass as it trod. As moonbeams stained all they touched an otherworldly blue, she imagined them as fairies, half-remembered from childhood tales, come to light the darkness.

Slowly, the stag dipped its noble head to lap water from the pond, tiny ripples breaking its pristine surface. The Taker dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands as the anticipation welled, so giddy did she feel that the trickle of ochre that dripped from her hands to the floor went unnoticed. Then, the stag, ever so slightly, moved its head. Elation filled her, dizzying euphoria that tingled in her toes and heightened every sense, for now, she truly saw it—beauty. For barely a moment, a single, glorious moment the stag’s features were fully revealed beneath the shimmering cobalt rays. Glistening magnificently, its antlers cast a long and mesmerizing shadow. If there was such a thing as beauty in the world, this was it. She ran her fingers slowly down the length of her face, drinking in the sensation of the gnarled and mottled surface. And silently, she vowed that that beauty would be hers.

But, like a burrowing insect, a grain of doubt crawled inside, niggling at the dark recesses of her mind. Intrusive images flittered past distractingly, a gray pelt illuminated in the darkness, yellow eyes shining like flames untamed, a distorted reflection in the water’s mirrored surface. There were sounds too, her rasping tongueless scream played over and over as she relived pummeled the wolf’s tattered corpse with her fists until the skin of her knuckles was bare and ragged. It had deceived her—it was not the one, this time would be different.

Steeling herself, she took the rope from her shoulder, one end had already been secured around the trunk of a tree and hung across its sturdiest bough, before proceeding to lasso its looped end over the stag’s antlers. Immediately it tried to bolt, rearing onto its hindlegs as the rope pulled taut. The Taker found one corner of her crooked mouth, turning wryly upward as she watched the creature thrash in wild desperation. The moment when she could leave her body behind and be reborn in the form of something new felt near, felt tangible—she could almost taste it with what remained of her tongue. Dropping her guard, a short, sharp, mirthful bark escaped her throat. Swinging around, the deer turned to face her, eyes wide, startled and blazing with fury. Lowering its head, it charged full pelt towards the Taker, rearing up once more as again it reached the end of its tether. With faces inches apart the two stood with eyes interlocked, the stag roared gutturally at its tormentor while the Taker bared her teeth in a dog-like snarl, vehemently hissing all the while.

Slowly, without breaking her gaze she slipped one hand into the pocket of her tunic. For a moment she could not locate the item she sought amidst the folds of weatherbeaten leather. Staying calm, she felt a butterfly of elation flutter within her stomach as she grasped a small wooden cylinder, barely thicker than her smallest finger. Deftly, she slipped a second item into the tube and brought it up to her lips and blew. The stag reeled from the sudden sting, back and forth it swung its great head as it tried with all it could muster to dislodge the dart that protruded from its neck.

Now the butterfly truly unfurled its wings within in her and she danced upon the spot, snorting and giggling with childish jubilance as she did. The peak of the mountain she had tried to scale so many times was so near. Over and over the words jigged through her thoughts melodiously—this one is the one, this one is the one.

The glee in her eyes seemed all the merrier as the moon’s rays of incandescent silver glinted mischievously upon them. She knew this part well, watching as the stag’s movements slowed to a mournful trudge. The Taker sat down on the moist ground, licking the blood from her palms like a wounded animal and waited.

She did not have to wait long before all the will in the world was no longer enough to keep the stag’s eyes from closing. Grunting, she flipped the beast to its back and with practiced efficiency trussed its legs with the rope and tipped it sideways onto a crude sled, crafted from branches and twigs knotted together with vine.

Her muscles protested as she heaved her laden sled—but her heart sang. Like a caterpillar, she would soon be transformed, reborn into something pure and beautiful. Glancing down at the mess of twisted labyrinthine scarring that was her hand, she smiled, imagining it peel away like the used husk of a chrysalis. Soon she would be what she was always supposed to be, soon she would be elevated.


About the Author

J.W. Hawkins is a writer of Dark and Epic Fantasy, best known as the author of Tales of the Wythenwood. He is noted for his florid and descriptive use language and use of fantastical allegory that mirrors the empirical world. He lives in the UK with his wife Michelle and two boys Graham and Mark.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Book Blogger Special: Snow Angels In the Dust



Asian culture, family drama, fated mates, hero's journey, m/m romance, Vietnam war

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Publication Date:

August 27, 2024

Ebook Price:


Book Blurb:

“I have one more job for you.”

Milton Glass, an award-winning photojournalist, celebrated worldwide as one of the greatest documentarians of the twentieth century, has passed. However, he leaves an unfinished task for personal assistant Cristian Orr (Butterflies I Have Known): discover the fate of a soldier’s child who’d been born and abandoned during the Vietnam War.

Cristian hesitates to get involved until an even greater mystery presents itself in the form of a name uttered over thirty years earlier by a comatose man on the other side of the world.

A name no one there could possibly know.

In an unfamiliar country and completely out of his element, Cristian must uncover the life of a man born of two cultures, accepted by neither, and the man’s connection to the whispered name.

The answers draw Cristian into a personal journey unlike anything he’s experienced before, towards a fate two lifetimes in the making.

Book Length:

303 pages

This book is suitable for readers 18+ only.

The First Line/Book Beginnings

Cleveland, Tennessee rarely saw an abundance of snow cover its homes, churches, schools, and roads each December, but this year?

The Friday 56

Did Lành apologize? Did she cry? Did she and Hai Anh grieve together? Did Lành ask for forgiveness? Did she even deserve it?

Heads up!

Come back on September 3 to read my full review of this book for IndiGo Book Tours.

Book Blogger Hop

23rd-29th - Can you suggest a book that you believe everyone should read at least once in their lifetime? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Is it gauche to hijack my own post to brag about my work in progress?

I don't care if it is; I'm going to do it anyway!

For years, I've been threatening to write a memoir. I have many aborted attempts but have never been able to carry out the attack. Now, having realized that I will be unlikely to create a proper autobiography written in a precise linear fashion, I've set a goal of creating a collection of essays and suggested therapeutic techniques to be released on my sixtieth birthday: February 15, 2025.

I just remembered I must renew my driver's license a little before that date. Isn't that fun? 

This impressive volume will be called Sixty, which is very on the nose, but I don't GAF. It will be full of essays, pictures, reflection exercises, and a bit of something extra, just like its author. 

My life and I are very unusual, so if you've been looking for a memoir that isn't just the same old, same old, Sixty is the book for you!

If you're looking for a memoir by someone whose name doesn't inspire you to say, "Who the fuck is that?" check out Audible. For instance, I've been enjoying Carrie Fisher's brief, irreverent reflections on her storied life. Carrie was the real deal. 

Everyone should listen to or read Carrie's memoirs anytime they like and pick up a copy of Sixty when it's released on my forthcoming birthday. 

Now that school is back in session, it's a great time to take a break from homework with an audiobook.

If you don’t already have an Audible subscription, click the link below to get started with your 30-day free trial. You’re welcome.

Follow our Start page to keep up with the latest from the Naughty Netherworld Press crew.


Liddy-Jean Marketing Queen Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Fiction / LGBTQ / Romance

Publication Date: June 11, 2024

Publisher: Bywater Books


Novelist and filmmaker Mari SanGiovanni introduces readers to the irrepressible Liddy-Jean Carpenter, a matchmaker with special talents who will charm readers with her wit, wisdom, and sensibilities in this warm, enchanting love-is-love office romance.


Liddy-Jean Carpenter has learning disabilities. But she also has a surprisingly genius plan.

While she spends her days doing minor office tasks with nobody paying attention, she sees how badly the wand-waving big boss treats the Marketing Department worker bees. So, she takes lots of notes for a business book to teach bosses to be better.

While compiling pages of bad behavior notes, she finds she likes office-mate Rose and Rose’s new friend Jenny. But she doesn’t like Rose’s creepy boyfriend. So how can she save Rose?

Liddy-Jean knows with certainty that love is love, and she concludes that Rose should be with Jenny, bosses should do better, and everybody needs the services of Liddy-Jean, Marketing Queen.

About the Author

MARI SANGIOVANNI is a novelist, filmmaker, screenplay writer, and owner of Love Is Love Productions. She is the author of the award-winning novels, Greetings From Jamaica, Wish You Were Queer, Camptown Ladies, and 80% Done With Straight Girls, and she wrote and directed the award-winning short film, The Sibling Rule. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, she splits her time between Boston, MA, and Coventry, RI.


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Instagram: @SanGiovanniMari


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Slaying the Dragon Release Blitz #rabtbooktours


A South African Billionaire's Battle to Conquer Opioid Addiction


Personal Memoir

Date Published: August 29, 2024

Publisher: Elite Online Publishing


Ever wondered what it takes to rise from near-death to extraordinary success? This book is for anyone looking for inspiration, resilience, and powerful business insights.


Uncover the dual journey of Antonio Iozzo, who battled addiction while rising as a visionary leader, providing you with the strength to overcome your own challenges. Get inside the mind of a CEO managing a multibillion-rand empire while facing a crippling addiction, so you can apply these lessons to your personal and professional life. Discover the dangers of opioid addiction and the path to recovery, giving you the knowledge to protect yourself and your loved ones. The bravest book you’ll read this year! Gain access to business insights and strategies from one of Africa's top entrepreneurs, enabling you to elevate your own business ventures. Witness an incredible story of overcoming adversity and achieving greatness, inspiring you to tackle your own life's obstacles with renewed vigor.


●     Authentic, Best-selling Story: Delve into a narrative backed by guaranteed, proven insights.

●     Secure Journey: Experience a path that is tested and verified.

●     Research-backed Strategies: Gain results-driven strategies supported by thorough research.

●     Ironclad Authenticity: Enjoy a promise of genuine and authentic content.

●     Official and Recession-proof: Trust in a story that withstands economic challenges.

●     Lifetime Account: Benefit from a no-risk, no-questions-asked, money-back assurance.

●     Privacy Protected: Rest assured that your privacy is safeguarded.


Don't wait—unlock the secrets to resilience, success, and unparalleled business acumen. Buy now and transform your life today!


Antonio Iozzo’s story is a compelling blend of memoir and business wisdom. As the first local business memoir highlighting addiction as a core theme, it sheds light on the emerging Oxy opioid crisis in South Africa and addresses Oxy and Suboxone addiction. Both inspiring and highly informative, the book offers a unique perspective on overcoming addiction while achieving business success.




I would like to share with you a principle that I apply every day in my personal and business life: the Japanese concept of kaizen. It’s a philosophy that emphasises making consistent, incremental changes to improve processes, procedures,  products and, perhaps most importantly, oneself.

The importance of continual improvement in business is crucial to success, as it fosters innovation, enhances efficiency and builds resilience. This boosts staff morale,  increases customer satisfaction and retention, and leads to greater profitability.

Applying the principle of continual improvement in our personal lives – by making small incremental changes by prioritising our health – enhances our overall state of well-being and long-term vitality.

When we live a life of continual improvement, we are consistently developing new skills and working on important relationships. This ultimately amplifies our sense of fulfilment and happiness.

If continual improvement were a superhero, its arch nemesis would be complacency. Complacency is the state of being self-satisfied and unconcerned with improving the status quo. Complacency’s friends would be laziness,  denial, procrastination and mediocrity.

Complacency is disastrous for a business. When a company becomes complacent, it stops innovating, fails to recognise market shifts and loses its competitive edge. Failing to continually advance technology and refine customer services often results in a business being outpaced by more agile competitors, leading to declining sales and market share.

In our personal lives, complacency leads to stagnation and missed opportunities. Without the drive to better ourselves, our relationships become strained, our health deteriorates and challenges are left unmet.

Continual improvement requires curiosity, dedication,  resilience and actively working to avoid complacency. It's a principle that I have implemented in my own life and business endeavours.

During my gruelling battle with opioid addiction, there were many days when it felt like I was losing the fight.  Upon reflection, it was the principle of kaizen that inspired me to persevere until the day I would finally be free from this affliction.

I hope that my book inspires you to embrace the principle of continual improvement, to challenge the status quo, to set small incremental goals, and to take the first step towards achieving them.


About the Author

Antonio Iozzo is a distinguished entrepreneur and business leader known for his exceptional journey from humble beginnings to achieving remarkable commercial success. As the CEO and founder of IUM, Ãœber Property Developments, Body Action Gym, and The 11th Floor Rooftop Restaurant and Cocktail Bar, Antonio leads a R3 billion conglomerate, spanning insurance, construction, hospitality, and the health and wellness sectors.

Antonio's expertise lies in his ability to transform challenges into opportunities, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to continuous growth and making a meaningful impact. His journey began when he had to leave school in Grade 11 to support his family after his father was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Despite numerous setbacks, including a failed restaurant venture, Antonio’s resilience shone through as he ventured into the insurance industry, ultimately founding his own brokerage in 1999.

In 2018, Antonio had a near-death accident on his Ducati Panigale superbike at a notoriously dangerous South African racetrack. Despite sustaining significant injuries, including a shattered T7 vertebra, 14 broken ribs, and punctured lungs, medical professionals were incredulous that Antonio had not been left paralysed.

During a series of operations in South Africa and the United States, he was prescribed OxyNorm, the opioid painkiller commonly known as Oxy in the US, where it's been linked to millions of overdose-related deaths. No one in the medical fraternity ever warned Antonio of its highly addictive nature.

Over the next five years, this highly driven businessman grappled with a dual existence. His once magnificent life, built from rags to riches, began to unravel as he consumed copious amounts of Oxy to manage his debilitating back pain, alternating with even more addictive Suboxone to withdraw.

As he expanded his multibillion-rand business empire, Antonio found it increasingly challenging to conceal his inner turmoil. Finally, in a mammoth surge of determination and willpower, Antonio went to battle with the opioid dragon and triumphed.

His incredible story is a testament to his robust spirit and refusal to ever give up. Today he is free of his addiction. As an inspiring leader who believes in leading by example, Antonio continues to motivate his team and countless others with his mantra: “Strive for continual improvement in everything that you do.” His journey serves as an inspiration, proving that with resilience and determination, any challenge can be conquered.


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Twitter: @antonioiozzo_official

Instagram: @antonioiozzo_official


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Songs For the Deaf Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

Speculative Fiction


Songs for the Deaf is a wonderful story with the unforgettable presence of Miles Curtin, the protagonist. Following his bombshell discovery, the tug-of-war within his soul creates the kind of depth and literary richness that is one of the hallmarks I look for in great writing. Mariel Hemingway, Oscar-nominated actress, author, and granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway





About the Author

Ken Silver discontinued his education for two years to pursue a career in fashion design. He then worked his way through law school designing clothing for a French fashion house and was ultimately admitted to the New York Bar, but continued to work as a fashion designer, fabric designer, and colorist.

He went on to design and build a chain of clothing stores in Canada that featured his own exclusive designs. Following his return to the States, Mr. Silver spearheaded the design and concept planning as an active partner in large-scale mixed use real estate projects in and around NYC. While doing so, he exhibited his photography in venues throughout the US, including solo shows in the gallery districts of Manhattan, East Hampton, Beverly Hills, and Carmel.

Visit His Website


RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Enochian Spellbook Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Forbidden Archangel Magick Volume 1: 77 Forbidden Enochian Invocations


Occult Spiritualism, Occult Occultism, Occult Magic

Date Published: July 2, 2024



This is an Enochian Grimoire about Forbidden Magick rituals and how to perform them.

Within the pages of this ancient grimoire lies a profound exploration of forbidden magick rituals, meticulously recorded by a curious seeker of arcane knowledge. Revealing a clandestine world of esoteric practices, the text delves into the hidden corners of Enochian magick, offering tantalizing glimpses into rites that defy conventional wisdom. As the pages unfold, the reader will discover detailed instructions on how to navigate the mysteries of these forbidden rituals, harnessing their power for their own purposes. Yet, in their pursuit of forbidden magick, one must remember that such power comes at a price, and the consequences can be both wondrous and perilous.

The reader explores the realms of Enochian magick, a potent system of mystical practices rooted in angelic communication. Through precise invocations and incantations, the Initiate learns to bridge the chasm between the physical and spiritual planes, summoning ancient forces and bending them to their will. However, as the journey progresses, the true nature of the Archangel reveals itself, forcing the Initiate to question their own motives and the moral implications of tampering with such formidable powers.

The author transports readers into a world of forbidden magick with an intimate glimpse into the rituals and practices of Enochian mysticism. Unfolding the secrets held within the grimoire's cryptic pages, readers follow in the footsteps of the Archangel's teachings, exploring the boundaries of power and morality. For those who dare venture into this forbidden realm, the grimoire promises a path veiled in shadow and illuminated by the fleeting light of ancient divine wisdom.


About the Author

Liber Occultis is a preeminent scholar and modern-day scribe devoted to the arcane and esoteric traditions of old. With an unparalleled expertise in ancient grimoires and eldritch texts, Liber Occultis has not only deciphered some of the most cryptic manuscripts known to humankind but also breathes new life into forgotten traditions through meticulous compilation and interpretation.

With a deep-seated specialization in the Enochian language—a sacred and mysterious language purportedly revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley in the late 16th century—Liber Occultis bridges the temporal chasm between antiquity and the present day, offering readers a profound connection to the hidden realms.

Educated in both classical languages and the mystical traditions of various cultures, Liber Occultis possesses a rare blend of academic rigor and intuitive insight. Their work not only preserves ancient wisdom but also provides practical guides for contemporary seekers of hidden knowledge.

In addition to their scholarly endeavors, Liber is an avid lecturer and mentor, often conducting workshops and seminars aimed at demystifying esoteric practices for a broader audience. Their contributions continue to inspire and enlighten those who dare to explore the shadows and luminosities of the occult world.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

David Walking With Grace Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Heal Yourself and Others by Laughing, Loving, and Learning

Personal Memoir

Date Published: August 27

Publisher: Oxygen Publishing


Embark on a transformative journey of self-healing with David Walking With Grace, a remarkable non-fiction work by Dr. Neal Boeder. Raised on a humble family farm, Dr. Boeder inherited a profound sense of service from his parents. However, his own life was not without its trials and tribulations, as he faced personal adversity and experienced the pain and wounds that touch many of us.

Unyielding in his commitment to confront his own pain, Dr. Boeder embarked on a courageous quest to transform his suffering into a wellspring of healing power. With grace and resilience, he embraced the challenges that lay before him, embarking on a remarkable path illuminated by listening, learning, laughter, and love. Along this awe-inspiring journey, he encountered unexplainable miracles, tangible manifestations of a higher power at work.

Through the lenses of a parent, patient, and physician, Dr. Boeder fearlessly delves into tough and sometimes controversial subjects, infusing his narrative with poetic humor. In David Walking With Grace, he invites readers to join him on his odyssey of pain and healing. From grappling with life-threatening heart conditions to battling two cancer diagnoses, from navigating the complexities of divorce to confronting his own inner demons, Dr. Boeder discovered profound methods to heal himself, his family, and his patients.

For those ready to embark on a profound expedition of self-discovery and empowerment, this book is an absolute must-read. Dr. Boeder's powerful insights will ignite a flame of inspiration within you, encouraging you to embrace the lessons, laughter, and love that can be found even within the depths of pain. Prepare yourself for an extraordinary experience that may just be the prescription you have been yearning for.

Open the pages of David Walking With Grace and unlock your potential to heal yourself and others. Dr. Boeder's poignant storytelling will guide you towards a transformative understanding of your own journey, and inspire you to navigate the labyrinth of healing with courage, compassion, and profound self-discovery.




Science is a critical element of how I explain things. As a physician, science is how I heal. Sometimes people describe miracles that  they don’t understand, but as a physician, there is a logical medical  explanation. I advocate for people to use modern medicine in their healing. I  am not just a physician, I am also a patient.

At 43, during the summer of 2022, I received the distressing news that I  had again developed head and neck cancer. I went through it in 2017.  Surprisingly, this was not a recurrence of my previous cancer but a completely  new one on the opposite side. It is an exceptionally rare occurrence,  happening only to about one in every 2,000-3,000 individuals. Unfortunately,  luck was not on my side this time. My daughter witnessed the unsettling sight  of her father undergoing surgery, resulting in matching scars on both sides of  my neck, five years apart. Surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, enduring pain,  and significant weight loss consumed our summer. Our eagerly anticipated  summer bucket list, which we create every year, had to be put on hold. The  many conversations about life I had envisioned having with my daughter now  hang in uncertainty. The amount of time we have left to spend together on this  Earth is unclear. Little did I realize that this seemingly unbearable situation  would transform into the most profound blessing of my life.

I completed surgery in mid-July; technically, my surgeon completed  the surgery. I just took a long nap. Typical man, sleeping on the job while a  talented woman does the work! My surgeon is kind, intelligent and skilled. I  recommend her to anyone. She’s so skilled I am helping her pay off her med  school loans, one surgery at a time, every few years. She is going to need to  name an exam room after me!

The surgery or nap was a tough one to wake up from, a lot of hurting but  also a lot of healing. The kind nurse would give me pain meds to help and heal me with empathy and kindness. We talked about families. She pulled up a song  I asked her to. It comforted me, Peace Be Still by Hope Darst(2). It reminded me  of that day in the pool with my infant daughter. “I don’t want to be afraid every  time I face the waves.” I was hurting, but the voice sang, “I’m not going to be  afraid, Cause these waves are only waves, Peace be still, Say the words and I  will.” Years ago, I was trying to help my daughter be calm and understand she  should face those waves when she went under the water. I wanted her to hear  my voice and be calm. Now I was the scared child, being told I could face these  waves. Just to be still. As I lay in pain, that song and conversation about life  had as much to do with easing my pain as the pain meds.

Ten nights later, the most powerful healing in my life would occur.


About the Author

Neal Boeder is an internal medicine physician, a two-time cancer survivor, and a dedicated father living in Minnesota. Born with a genetic heart condition, growing up on a farm and then living most of the past 20 years in the Twin Cities metro area has shaped his worldview. It allows him to relate to both “blue collar “and “white collar” worlds with humor and empathy. He values remaining humble, humorous, helping others, and the importance of hard work which his parents taught him.

After experiencing a miracle during his second cancer journey, Neal felt compelled to share his insights on healing. His debut book David Walking With Grace is a candid and refreshingly humorous account of his journey of recovery, science, and faith. He gives readers insight into all dimensions of “healing,” including the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social aspects. He writes through the lens of physician, patient, and parent. He explores a wide range of conditions and experiences, from medical aspects such as cancer, pain, depression, and addiction, to life challenges such as divorce, societal divides, and abuse.

Neal hopes to help individuals, families, and society find ways to heal—to create a better world for future generations. Beyond his professional work, Neal volunteers his time, talents, and treasure into efforts and causes supporting children in third-world countries, as well as a diverse group of people in difficult circumstances in the U.S.

He prioritizes raising his daughter. She is a major inspiration for his writing. Neal hopes she leaves the world a little better than she found it. Being born during a total eclipse of the sun added a touch of cosmic wonder to his life. His genetic heart condition adds a reminder of our mortality. Neal has worked at multiple top hospitals and renowned healthcare systems. Neal enjoys spending time with his family and friends. With a wide range of interests, his favorite aspect of his hobbies is getting to know people and their personal stories. During rare downtime alone he works on self-growth, enjoys comedy, and enjoys watching a variety of sports.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Katherine Teaser Tuesday #rabtbooktours


Maw of Mayhem MC 4

A Maw of Mayhem Shifter MC Romance


Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense

Date Published: August 30, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press


Voted in as prez and back at the clubhouse, Grimdarke James has won back the Maw of Mayhem MC, but his problems are far from over, and his migraine isn’t helping. Neither is the arrival of a rival MC, a wolf pack, or the crime lord en route.

And Reaper’s still on the loose.

Grim definitely can’t seem to catch a break, and neither can Kit. Now that she’s been officially introduced to the club as Grim’s ol’ lady, it’s up to her to get a handle on the mollys. Will she be able to keep them in line and prove she’s the rightful queen of Mayhem, or will someone else try to usurp her throne?



All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2024 AK Nevermore


Grim’s phone wouldn’t stop ringing.

He slapped it silent and groaned, pulling a pillow over his throbbing head. Jesus fuck, how was it light out already? Whatever, he didn’t give a shit. Whoever was calling him could fuck off. At his side, Kit murmured, nestling closer. Her bent leg skated up the back of his thigh and hooked over his hip.

Mmm. He rolled to face her, and she snuggled against his chest with a sigh of contentment. Damn, she smelled good. He inhaled, drawing her scent into his lungs. Something about it eased his head. Woman just made him feel better all around. His fingers idled through her hair, down her back to cup her juicy ass, morning wood going rigid as it brushed against her slick core.

“You dreamin’ about me, baby?” he murmured, still groggy, running the length of his cock along her slit and notching himself at her entrance.

“Maybe.” Her hands skimmed up his chest to lace around his neck. She tipped her hips, and Grim nudged into her, groaning as he sank home. Fuck, she was tight. Kit gave a soft cry, her nails rasping over his shoulders. “Maybe not.”

His eyes flew open; a spike of jealousy shooting through him. He pinned her beneath him, growling, a hand rising to stroke her throat. “That right? You wanna clue me in to who the fuck you’re thinkin’ about while I’m dick deep inside your pussy?”

She shrugged, not intimidated in the least and so sinfully fucking sexy…

-- brat -- Darke muttered.

She is. Grim bared his teeth in anticipation. “You want that ass spanked, Kitten?” He twined his fingers with hers, raising her arms up over her head, slowly pistoning his hips between her spread thighs. “‘Cause sass like that? You’re just asking to be punished.”

“Am I?” Her lips parted at the snap of his hips, lust darkening her gaze. The scent of her heat thickened the air. Christ, the mating pheromones she was putting off were so ripe he could taste citrus and cinnamon.

“You are.” He growled again, some deep, primal need waking. The urge to sate it, to fill her with his seed and make her his, thrummed through his being. He teased her lips, nipping at them. “You gonna be this sassy when my baby’s in your belly?”

She bit back a smile. “Probably?”

Grim chuckled. Goddamn, he fucking loved --

A series of texts pinged on his phone. He shot a glare in its direction. Deuce? The fuck did he want? Kit’s mouth traced Grim’s jugular, nipping and diverting his attention. Mmm. His lips claimed hers, her scent Manna on his tongue, sheathing himself in the hot velvet of her cunt over and over again.

She panted, arching up, and he latched onto her breast, sucking its pebbled tip into his mouth. Christ, she was fucking perfect. He drove his cock into her wet heat, bottoming out and dragging back against that spot deep inside her. “Oh God, Grim! Please, I can’t…” She gasped, cried out. Her eyelids fluttered, core convulsing, demanding…

He thrust into her again, tingle zinging the length of his spine, balls drawing up, cock impossibly hard, spurting, emptying himself to fill her. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, groaning, pressing deep. “Goddamn, that’s it. Fucking take it --”


He lifted his head. The hell?

BAM BAM. “Grim!”

Deuce was at the door. Shit, didn’t he just try to call?

“Sec!” Grim yelled over his shoulder, then turned back to look down at Kit. She watched him with hooded eyes, her lips bee-stung and a sheen of sweat glossing her skin. Goddamn, she was fucking beautiful. He trailed his knuckles down her throat, just wanting to --

BAM BAM BAM. “Dude! Seriously, we got problems.”

When didn’t they? Grim sighed, all that banging racketing through his temples. He gave Kit a quick kiss. “Don’t fucking move. I’m not done with you.”

About the Author

AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks. Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time. AK pays the bills writing a copious amount of copy, along with a column on SFF. She belongs to the Authors Guild, is an RWA chapter board member, volunteers for far too many committees, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.

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