Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Beautiful One Guest Post #GoddessFish


Mary Cope


GENRE:  Young Adult Romance



Transformation, empowerment, love and music come together in the book, Beautiful One. 

Elizabeth Ryan is a beautiful, shy, naïve high school senior. Having never dated she meets the boy of her dreams, Aidan Mitchell. Despite his history of womanizing Liz is drawn to him. Soon Liz becomes the envy of all the girls on campus, when they become a couple and her dream boyfriend sweeps her off her feet and into the dating world that is all too new and strange for her. When other guys start to take notice of Liz, Aidan is troubled with fits of jealousy.

Elizabeth then meets the ruggedly handsome, Spencer Hayes and they quickly bond over their passion for music. Liz begins to struggle with the feelings that spark between them. In the end Elizabeth finds herself torn between helping Aidan overcome his jealousy and anger and giving into what her heart truly wants.


“Elizabeth.” My heart leapt as I opened my eyes, and my breathing stopped for a second. My eyes roamed over his handsome face. His jaw was slightly swollen and bruised, but other than that, his face was untouched. His grey eyes were unusually light from the angle where I sat, and his dark hair was tousled in a way that made me ache to run my fingers through it.

“May I?” He motioned to the bench next to me.

I was still surprised to see him, so I just nodded.

Spencer sat and shifted his body so it was facing mine. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Didn’t you get my calls?”

In my rush to see Aidan, I had left my cell phone at home, so I shook my head no.

Spencer gave me a ghost of a smile and softly chuckled. “Are you gonna talk to me or just nod your head?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just shocked to see you.” I shifted my body so it was facing his.

“After last night, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” His soft gaze traveled from my face to the length of my body. When he saw the bruises, his jaw clenched before he frustratingly blew out a breath of air. He gently lifted my arm to examine it further. I could sense he was trying to rein in his anger. “Did he hurt you anywhere else?”

Spencer reached to place a stray lock of my hair behind my ear.

My eyes didn’t leave his. I whispered, “No.”


Guest Post

Advice for new writers.

As a writer myself, I understand the challenges that come with beginning a new writing journey. Whether you're just starting to explore your writing passion or you're already deep into your first project, here are some pieces of advice that have helped me. 

Firstly, embrace who you are as a writer. Your voice, perspective, and experiences are unlike anyone else's, and that's your greatest asset. Don't try to imitate others or fit into a mold. Your authenticity is what will captivate your readers and make your work stand out.

Secondly, read as much as you can. Reading not only brings joy but also benefits you as a writer. It exposes you to different styles, genres, and techniques, sparking your imagination and enriching your writing. Pay attention to how authors structure their stories, develop their characters, and evoke emotions. 

Like any skill, writing improves with practice. Set aside time each day to write, even if it's just a few minutes. The more you write, the more you'll learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and the better your writing will become.

Don't be afraid to revise and edit your work. Your first draft is just a draft. Be open to feedback from others but also trust your instincts. You know your story better than anyone else.

Connect with other writers. Writing can be solitary, but having a support system can make a big difference. Join writing groups, attend workshops, or participate in online forums. Surrounding yourself with other writers can be motivating and inspiring.

Rejection is part of the process. Every writer faces rejection. Instead of letting it discourage you, use it as motivation to improve. Even successful writers faced rejection early in their careers.

Believe in yourself and your work. Self-doubt is common, but you have a unique voice and a story that only you can tell. Trust in your ability to bring that story to life. 

Writing is a process with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. Keep writing, keep learning, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself. You have a story to tell, so, tell it!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Mary Cope is a passionate romance writer known for her ability to craft characters that feel undeniably real. Drawing inspiration from both her personal experience and vivid imagination, Mary’s words resonate with readers. A romantic at heart, Mary believes true intimacy is what love is all about. 







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