Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Hardest Reading Challenge You've Ever Done

I stumbled on this video in my sidebar and thought that some of you voracious readers would be up to the task. There's no way I could even consider doing it officially, but I may come back to some of the challenges on the bingo board during the remainder of the year. 

In my defense, I'm already destroying my few functioning brain cells by participating in Camp NaNoWriMo plus Scribbling Through Summer and writing 60,000 words. 

I'm also editing a 75,000-word manuscript for a client.

Why would I do this to myself?

A) I'm insane
B) I'm a masochist
C) All of the above

Anyway, if you want to read a lot and go on reading-based quests, check this out.

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free use image by Open Clipart Vectors

What I'm going to feel like doing by the end of this month.
But I can't.

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