Saturday, June 29, 2024

Authortube Writing Conference (Charity Sunday)


The Authortube Writing Conference is an annual online gathering where authors, professionals, and readers converge. This information-packed event is free to the public. The playlist can be found at the link below.

The event is completely run by volunteers. The group has set up a Ko-Fi page to help cover costs. You can learn more and make a donation at the following link.

I am going to share a snippet from C. L. Hart's forthcoming sweet second-chance holiday romance, Snowbound Hearts. You can learn more about the story and a special opportunity here.

 “Really, Marti? Blasting The Ride of the Valkyries while tearing up the Dalling Rise?” Ophrah Pololáník asked, checking her seat belt and looking askance at the driver.

You know The Ring is my focus music, OP,” Marta Benscoter said. The calmness in her voice belied the intensity in her light hazel eyes. She could have posed for the cover of a business magazine with her perfectly coiffed, collar-length pale blonde hair and her sharp gray suit jacket with the high-end dark-blue t-shirt underneath.

You look like a mild-mannered fifty-three-year-old interior decorator on the outside, but your devil-may-care behavior suggests a hostile takeover," Ophrah quipped. "Have you been possessed by a Valkyrie?"

I'm not devil-may-care; I'm just focused,” Marta explained. "I want to get to Arbofil before the storm hits. Those roiling clouds grow closer and darker every time I glance in the rear-view mirror."

You know best,” Ophrah said, nervously running a hand over her frizzy mahogany hair as if checking to ensure that she’d at least look good when they crashed. “You’re a good driver. It’s just that I’ve always been a slow-cruising kind of gal. I like to take my time and get there in one piece.”

I’m all for that, but we’re more likely to get there in one piece if we aren’t driving on slick roads.”

For a little added fun, here are some images generated by Pixlr to give you an idea of what these characters look like.



Follow the link preceding the snippet to read the entire story and help me out by being one of my beta readers. This opportunity ends on the 15th of July.

If you're worried that you don't have the skills to be a beta reader, don't be! Use the list of guidelines I provide in my post about my alpha and beta reading services to help you. 

You don't have to worry about issues such as spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. I've cleaned the document up pretty well, and my line editor will take care of the rest. I'm interested in your impressions as a reader, not an editor.

I hope you enjoyed the snippet. Don't forget to check out the Authortube Writing Conference playlist and Ko-Fi page! 


  1. Thanks for joining us this Sunday, Cie!

  2. Second try: Thanks for sharing this resource. I love the generosity of the writing community.


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