Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Hardest Reading Challenge You've Ever Done

I stumbled on this video in my sidebar and thought that some of you voracious readers would be up to the task. There's no way I could even consider doing it officially, but I may come back to some of the challenges on the bingo board during the remainder of the year. 

In my defense, I'm already destroying my few functioning brain cells by participating in Camp NaNoWriMo plus Scribbling Through Summer and writing 60,000 words. 

I'm also editing a 75,000-word manuscript for a client.

Why would I do this to myself?

A) I'm insane
B) I'm a masochist
C) All of the above

Anyway, if you want to read a lot and go on reading-based quests, check this out.

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free use image by Open Clipart Vectors

What I'm going to feel like doing by the end of this month.
But I can't.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Authortube Writing Conference (Charity Sunday)


The Authortube Writing Conference is an annual online gathering where authors, professionals, and readers converge. This information-packed event is free to the public. The playlist can be found at the link below.

The event is completely run by volunteers. The group has set up a Ko-Fi page to help cover costs. You can learn more and make a donation at the following link.

I am going to share a snippet from C. L. Hart's forthcoming sweet second-chance holiday romance, Snowbound Hearts. You can learn more about the story and a special opportunity here.

 “Really, Marti? Blasting The Ride of the Valkyries while tearing up the Dalling Rise?” Ophrah Pololáník asked, checking her seat belt and looking askance at the driver.

You know The Ring is my focus music, OP,” Marta Benscoter said. The calmness in her voice belied the intensity in her light hazel eyes. She could have posed for the cover of a business magazine with her perfectly coiffed, collar-length pale blonde hair and her sharp gray suit jacket with the high-end dark-blue t-shirt underneath.

You look like a mild-mannered fifty-three-year-old interior decorator on the outside, but your devil-may-care behavior suggests a hostile takeover," Ophrah quipped. "Have you been possessed by a Valkyrie?"

I'm not devil-may-care; I'm just focused,” Marta explained. "I want to get to Arbofil before the storm hits. Those roiling clouds grow closer and darker every time I glance in the rear-view mirror."

You know best,” Ophrah said, nervously running a hand over her frizzy mahogany hair as if checking to ensure that she’d at least look good when they crashed. “You’re a good driver. It’s just that I’ve always been a slow-cruising kind of gal. I like to take my time and get there in one piece.”

I’m all for that, but we’re more likely to get there in one piece if we aren’t driving on slick roads.”

For a little added fun, here are some images generated by Pixlr to give you an idea of what these characters look like.



Follow the link preceding the snippet to read the entire story and help me out by being one of my beta readers. This opportunity ends on the 15th of July.

If you're worried that you don't have the skills to be a beta reader, don't be! Use the list of guidelines I provide in my post about my alpha and beta reading services to help you. 

You don't have to worry about issues such as spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. I've cleaned the document up pretty well, and my line editor will take care of the rest. I'm interested in your impressions as a reader, not an editor.

I hope you enjoyed the snippet. Don't forget to check out the Authortube Writing Conference playlist and Ko-Fi page! 

Sunken Leadership Book Blitz #rabtbooktours



Unlock the Secrets of Resilient Leadership


Just as the U.S.S. Constitution—"Old Ironsides"—has withstood the test of time through exceptional construction and adaptability, our written Constitution remains a pillar of strength in our society. Dr. Joe Aniello's "Sunken Leadership" draws powerful parallels between these two enduring icons, offering profound insights into how strong leadership can navigate and rise above challenges.


In "Sunken Leadership," you'll explore:

●       The remarkable resilience of "Old Ironsides" and what it teaches us about leadership.

●       How the foundational principles of our Constitution empower us to overcome modern obstacles.

●       The vital importance of viewing historical achievements with respect and understanding, rather than through a contemporary lens.


This book is not just a historical analysis; it's a call to action for current and future leaders to rise, adapt, and lead with strength and integrity.

Don't miss your chance to be inspired by the lessons of the past and apply them to today's world. Purchase your copy of "Sunken Leadership" by Dr. Joe Aniello today and embark on a journey to uncover the indestructible power of leadership.

About the Author

"Dr. Joe” AnieHo is a tenured, full-professor at Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina.

He has taught in their Schooi of Business for the last 21 years primarily in Organizational Leadership and Human Resource Behavior. He also has served as Executive Director of the Francis Marion University Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.

His holds an MBA in Marketing from Fordham University in New York City and an Education Doctorate from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. His dissertation is on ”Increasing Creativity in Adults.”

Prior to his Academic Career, ”Dr. Joe” spent over 20 years in major American Corporations rising to the level of Officer/Vice President.

He lives in Florence with his wife, Tracy, and their three young children: Elizabeth, Patrick, and Mary.

He has two great siblings, Anthony, his wife Sheila, and their children Autumn and Christian. Anne Marie Guerrero, her husband Danny and their children Jenna and Katie. Those families are all growing and fiourishing.

Joe also had two awesome parents, Anthony F., and Antoinette Marie who have since gone on to their eternal rewards given for lives devoted to others. They continue to become even more awesome to me with each passing year of my life.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Weight of the Kiss Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

Military Thriller

Date Published: April 17, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


Bombs, Bullets, and burnt-out vehicles are the order of the day in Kandahar, Afghanistan. War is afoot and everywhere you turn someone is hunting you. Follow Reaper-1, the leader of Reaper and Bang squads, as he takes a tour in Afghanistan. Learn about the military equipment, the soldiers, and the environment. Reaper-1 will show you plenty of shenanigans, struggle, and sadness. You will laugh when you read about all the characters and their stories, you will hurt as they are pinned down in combat, and you will cry when some of your favorite members are lost to war. Reaper-1 will walk you through struggles of friendship, combat, and post combat mental health. Reaper-1 will show you what it means to be alive and the pain of death. Come take a trip to Afghanistan, once the smoke clears, you'll be glad you did.

About the Author

Master Sargent, retired USAF, Derek Whaley hails from Twin Falls, Idaho. His life purpose are his two children. His son, 9 and his daughter, 15. Derek served 20 years in the United States Air Force, retiring under Honorable conditions in 2019. Derek transitioned to social work and earned his master’s degree from the University of New Hampshire. He interned with substance abuse disorders in Haverhill, Massachusetts and discovered a liking to the field and is now a Drug Court Therapist. If you’re ever looking for Derek, just find people struggling and Derek will be near to help.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Friday, June 28, 2024

Pleasure Seekers Review #rabtbooktours


Book Title: Glow (Pleasure Seekers, Book 3)

Author and Publisher: Kristian Parker

Cover Artist: Kelly Martin

Release Date: June 19, 2024

Genre:  Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Workplace romance, opposites attract, love awakening

Heat Rating:  4 flames

Length:  50 040 words/214 pages

It is book 3 in the Pleasure Seekers series and does not end on a cliffhanger. 

The books are best read in order.


Buy Links Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK 

Searching can uncover unexpected truths


Scott Fitzgerald is looking for love. Both his flatmates have met their forever someones—when will his turn come?

Then things at work get hectic after a consignment of Pleasure Seekers’ finest toys goes missing. There’s a thief in their midst and Scott has to find out who it is. 

Enter Prin Lau, the handsome IT technician who’s escaped Scott’s notice until now. When they’re thrown together, it’s not just the hunt for the villain that makes Scott’s heartrate rocket. 

But Prin has fled to Brighton to escape family problems. When he decides it’s time to face them head-on once and for all, where will that leave a barely begun relationship? 

With so much distraction, Scott must keep his eye on the prize—and come to understand what he’s really willing to fight for…


Prin had taken the table at the rear of the coffee shop. As it was early for a Friday, there weren’t many other customers other than a group of schoolkids and a couple of people on their own. The kids were more interested in being the loudest in the group than anything Prin was up to. As for the others, they were focused solely on their laptops.

Nervously, Prin sipped his hot chocolate.

The door opened and Scott walked in. Butterflies swarmed inside Prin. The whole thing had him on edge. Scott’s model looks didn’t help either.

Scott noticed him and came over. “Prin?”

“That’s right.”

Scott dropped his bag and sat down. Prin barely met his gaze.

Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s too bloody late now.

He shifted in his seat.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No thanks,” Scott replied. “I’ve got to go home and log on after this. How did you get out early without raising suspicion?”

“I often work from home so it wasn’t a big deal,” Prin replied.

Scott looked at him expectantly. For some reason, Prin had no idea how to begin.

“It’s probably nothing—”

“I hope not,” Scott interjected. “I’ve had a shit day. I’m banking on you making it a better one.”

Prin had been right. Scott was a self-absorbed queen. He should never have listened to bloody Colin.


Scott held up his hands. “I’m sorry,” he said. “My stupid mouth. I didn’t mean to sound like an arsehole. The truth is, I have a humdinger of a hangover. But I have no right to take it out on you. Can we start over?”

Prin’s nanny always used to say to him that he shouldn’t judge other people’s actions until he had an idea of what they were going through. Perhaps Prin had Scott wrong after all.

“I’d like that. Are you sure I can’t order you a drink?”

“Go on then,” Scott said. “I’ll have a flat white. It’ll give me the final hit of caffeine to get me home.”

Prin caught the eye of the barista. “Flat white, please.”

“Sure thing.”

Prin turned to Scott.

Fuck he’s too handsome to concentrate.

“Okay,” Scott said. “Let’s have it straight. I promise you it won’t go any further unless you want it to. I think I signed something when I joined that says you can sue me if I tell a soul other than a priest or a dog.”

Scott giggled to himself. Prin took a deep breath. This time he properly regarded the man across from him. His eyes were the most vivid blue Prin had ever experienced. Something radiated from him that gave Prin the trust he’d needed to attack this head on.

“My boss is Richard Brammin.”

“You have my sympathy.”

Prin smiled. “His son, Elliott, works in my team. You probably already know that.”

“Yeah. I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with him. Thick and arrogant. The worst combination going.”

“Agreed,” Prin said, relaxing a little. “Well yesterday he was booking a holiday. I know there’s nothing wrong in that. I guess his manner caught my attention. I overheard his conversation. I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything.”

The barista placed a cup down in front of Scott and left them to it. Prin waited until he was out of earshot.

“He asked his friend to pay and he would give them the cash. He told them they had to do it now. I don’t know. Saying it out loud it sounds ridiculous, but he was definitely on edge. Oh yes and he did say that there’s plenty more where that came from.”

Scott sipped his drink and frowned. “Go on.”

“I happened to mention it to Richard and he got really stressed. He stormed off to speak to Elliott about this holiday.”

Prin worried Scott would lay into him for wasting his time.

“It’s not just that,” Prin continued. “Even before that, I mentioned to Richard about the theft and he told me, in no uncertain terms, that it hadn’t happened in IT. I wasn’t to bring trouble to his door.”

Scott frowned. “Richard Brammin is on more money than you and I combined. Why would he want to rob a load of dildos? It doesn’t make sense.”

Prin stared down at his cup. “I shouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry.”

“No,” Scott said. “That’s not what I’m saying. This is suspicious as fuck. Problem is, we need a damned sight more before I can take on Richard Brammin.”

“You believe me then?”

“Of course I do.”

Prin beamed. He had been so sure he was sticking his neck out only to get it chopped off. Now he’d unburdened himself, he felt so much lighter.

“What’s next?”

“Let me sleep on it,” Scott replied. “Don’t mention it to anyone. Have no fear, Prin. I will come up with a plan. I always do.”

Scott followed this up with a wink that went straight to Prin’s groin. Being thrown together with this gorgeous man could be very interesting indeed.

Series Blurb (Three Books)

Pleasure Seekers is the online store for the nation’s naughty needs. It caters to all tastes from edible underwear to lube to things that are a little more niche.

Based in Brighton on the South Coast, Pleasure Seekers’ mission is to revolutionise Britain’s sex life. 

But what kind of person works in a company like this?

Meet Tyler, Eddie and Scott. Three men who are about to have the summer of their lives. 

Who says taking your work home with you is a bad thing?

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Ornery Owl's Series Review

Rating: Four out of Five Stars

I'm sorry to see this series end. These books about the romantic adventures of Eddie, Scott, and Tyler, three flatmates who work for the high-end erotic products company Pleasure Seekers, are a delight.

The platonic friendship between the trio provides a safe and solid base for both readers and characters to return to. Even when things are not working well in the romantic department, the guys can still rely on each other for support. There wouldn't be as much depth to the stories if the trio were friends with benefits. The author made the right choice in providing brotherly stability.

The three books are best read in order.

In Thrill, Tyler is hired as Head of Procurement at Pleasure Seekers. His work life is going well, but his personal life isn't. It's no fun living with his weird flatmates, and his homophobic family is pressuring him to conform to their wishes at his sister's wedding.

The Universe throws Tyler a bone when his co-workers Eddie and Scott offer him a place to live. Plus, Danny, who works in the warehouse, wants to be Tyler's sex coach. The friendship-with-benefits relationship turns into a beautiful, steamy romance. However, Tyler's and Danny's happiness is threatened by class differences and past traumatic experiences.

In Kicks, outgoing Eddie's freewheeling life takes an unexpected turn when he finds his job on the line. He meets a struggling shopkeeper who's considering selling Pleasure Seekers merchandise to stay afloat. Although there is an immediate spark between Billy and Eddie, their first meeting does not end optimally.

Despite their differences, Billy and Eddie start to get along on both business and personal levels. A foolish mistake Eddie made before the relationship began threatens to upset everything.

In Glow, Scott finds his special someone. He's been on so many disastrous dates he doesn't even consider the possibility that the right guy may be closer than he thinks. Kind-hearted, service-minded Prin manages the IT department at Pleasure Seekers and volunteers to teach seniors about computers on weekends. Plus, he has to put up with entitled Elliott, the IT director's annoying son.

Prin suspects Elliott and perhaps even his father are involved in the theft of a shipment of dildos. The only one he can turn to is Scott, whom he finds intimidating. Overcoming his tendency to avoid confrontation, he arranges a meeting with Scott.

Things get off to a bumpy start, but as Prin and Scott investigate the mystery together, they grow closer in ever steamier ways. However, when Scott inadvertently reveals Prin to be involved in implicating Elliott as the thief, his error may destroy their relationship.

This feel-good series is the perfect way to wind down and escape to a happy place after a stressful day. There is only one reason I don't give it a five-star rating. While these events are rare, and there is no overt body shaming, food policing occurs. For example, when Doris offers Eddie, Scott, and Tyler brownies, Eddie wants Scott to decline, but Doris says it's okay because Scott isn't fat.

It has been a long struggle for me to maintain a healthy relationship with food, exercise, and my body. This is because of trauma related to diet culture and orthorexia. I believe in Health At Every Size, not body shaming or food moralizing. Because of the struggles of myself and others in these areas, I always subtract a star from any story containing these elements, no matter how much I like the story otherwise.

Overall, I recommend this series for lovers of joyful, steamy M/M romance with a touch of angst. Because of heavy sexual content and adult themes, these books are suitable for mature readers only.

About the Author 

I have written for as long as I could write. In fact, before, when I would dictate to my auntie. I love to read, and I love to create worlds and characters.

I live in the English countryside. When I’m not writing, I like to get out there and think through the next scenario I’m going to throw my characters into.

Inspiration can be found anywhere, on a train, in a restaurant or in an office. I am always in search of the next character to find love in one of my stories. In a world of apps and online dating, it is important to remember love can be found when you least expect it.

Author Links

Blog/Website  |   Facebook  |  Instagram  |   Newsletter Sign-up  |  TikTok 

Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Extra Special Book Blogger Hop: Your Chance To Provide Input on C. L. Hart's New Novelette!



Sweet Contemporary Christmas Romance


Forced Proximity, Second Chances

About the Story:

Snowbound Hearts is a sweet second-chance forced proximity Christmas romance featuring middle-aged characters. Marta and her best friend Ophrah have booked rooms at the Winter Lake Lodge. They arrive just ahead of a heavy snowstorm that shuts down the roads. 

Marta's ex-husband Adam and his assistant Clara arrive not much later. Marta and Adam divorced seven years previously because of Adam's drinking and because of his tryst with his best friend's wife at the office Christmas party. Marta initially assumes that Clara is Adam's latest fling, but their relationship is platonic. 

Adam has gone through a successful rehab and has been clean for six years. He realizes he still loves Marta. Marta has feelings for Adam as well, but she isn't sure she can trust him.

Subplots include a budding romance between Clara and Ophrah, plus Adam reconciling with his best friend.

Story Length:


Heat Level:

Hallmark. Kissing only, no heavy making out, no sex.

If you'd like to be a beta reader for the project, follow the link!

This story will be included in the forthcoming For the Love of Winter anthology from First Coast Romance Writers.

You don't need to be a professional editor or writer to be an efficient beta reader. This post explains a beta reader's role in the book creation process.

The First Line/Book Beginnings

 “Really, Marti? Blasting The Ride of the Valkyries while tearing up the Dalling Rise?” Ophrah Pololáník asked, checking her seat belt and looking askance at the driver.

The Friday 56

Although the mood was festive and the dinner delicious, Marta’s spirits soured as she recalled the last time she and Adam dined—or didn’t dine—together. 

Book Blogger Hop

21st-27th - Will society suffer in the future as a result of the younger generations' lack of reading? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

Younger generations do read. I'm not going to say all younger people read is pure garbage because younger people are not monoliths. I was, however, surprised when I found out that many younger people read solely on their phones and that many of them don't know how to open computer files because they're used to doing everything with apps. 

I think my eyes would fall out of my head if I did most of my reading on my phone. I want at least an e-reader, and I prefer a full-size computer monitor. I rarely read physical books anymore. My younger self would be horrified. Back in the day, there was nothing quite so wonderful as having a book in my hand. 

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Ask A CEO Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

Hints, Tips, and Observations


Business, Management, C-Suite

Date Published: May 20, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media


From decorated NYPD Detective to CEO of an award-winning marketing agency, Greg Demetriou knows a thing about resilience and reinvention. When his career was cut short by a near-fatal, in the line of duty shooting, Greg needed to reimagine his life.

Never one to fear a challenge, he embarked on a new business path. With the conviction that failure was not an option, he immersed himself in learning the insand outs and challenges of growing an organization. Though the road was not always smooth, the small print and mail business he purchased 30 years ago is now a successful, full-service marketing agency. Along the way, Greg used his passion for writing to chronicle his experiences. This book is a compilation of those works-hints, tips, and observations-put together to impart a sense of the journey and day-to-day life in the corner office.

About the Author

From New York City Detective to CEO of Lorraine Gregory Communications.  I have directed the growth of my company into a leading marketing and communications agency it is today.  LGC now boasts a client list of over 800 with an expanding market share in the digital and online marketing sphere.


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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Calm in Chaos Release Blitz #rabtbooktours


Mindfulness and Meditation for Busy Professionals

Self-Help – Body, Mind, Spirit

Date Published: June 27, 2024



Unlock the power of mindfulness to navigate the storm of modern life and emerge stronger than ever.

In the fast-paced world of modern professionals, finding peace and balance can seem impossible. Calm in Chaos: Mindfulness and Meditation for Busy Professionals is your essential guide to integrating mindfulness into your daily routine, even amidst the most demanding schedules. Discover practical techniques and insightful wisdom designed to help you stay centered, focused, and resilient.

Explore the scientific benefits of mindfulness, learn effective meditation practices, and find ways to love what you do while shining as a positive force in the world. From handling difficult people to embracing open-mindedness and nonattachment, each chapter provides actionable steps to transform your professional and personal life.

Inside Calm in Chaos readers will find:

Practical meditation techniques to cultivate focus and emotional resilience

Insights on how to love what you do and find fulfillment in your professional life

Strategies for being a positive influence in your workplace and beyond

Guidance on leading with open-mindedness and nonattachment in the face of challenges

Techniques for handling difficult people and navigating conflict gracefully

Practices for self-love and self-care to maintain balance and well-being

Strategies for thriving in adversity and finding growth beyond challenges

Tools for focusing on the bigger picture and maintaining perspective

Practices for cultivating positivity and resilience in the face of setbacks

Guidance on navigating the aftermath of job loss and finding new opportunities for growth

And much more


Whether you're facing adversity, navigating job loss, or simply seeking a deeper sense of purpose, Calm in Chaos offers the tools you need to thrive.

Are you ready to break free from the cycle of chaos and reclaim control over your life? Get your copy today and begin your journey towards a more mindful, fulfilling life.

About the Author

Thanh was originally from Vietnam but later immigrated to the United States during her teenage years. During this time, she faced financial struggles, language barriers and even abuse from her caretaker.

However, after several decades, Thanh achieved two graduate degrees, one in Electrical Engineering and the other in Business Administration. She holds two United States patents, and also gained over twenty years of experience in corporate America. She served as the Vice President of Engineering at a prominent Engineering Procurement Construction firm before co-founding her own company.

As a certified coach, teacher, and speaker of John Maxwell Leadership Team, as well as a long-time practitioner of mindfulness, Thanh strongly believes in the power of the right mindset and support system to overcome challenges and make a positive impact. She is passionate about helping individuals thrive by sharing stories and techniques that foster a positive mindset and inspire courageous actions.

Thanh co-founded The Encourage Team to offer leadership and personal development, empowering people to live positively and lead courageously.

Connect with Thanh and embark on this journey of reflection, self-discovery, and accelerated growth.

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Snoodles In Space Episode 2: The Zoodles Strike Back Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


The Zoodles Strike Back

Children's Books

Date Published: August 13, 2023

Publisher: Enigami Publishing


In the award-winning book “Snoodles in Space”, Steven Joseph and Andy Case brought us further adventures of Herbie Snoodleman and Sour Croodle-man exploring the universe and battling the Zoodle Kidoodles for the Earth’s entire supply of noodles.

In this third instalment of the Snoodles series, the Zoodles are determined to have revenge and with the help of a grimy millionaire whose fallen on hard times, they intend to poison the Earth’s water supply and turn everyone into Willy Nilly’s and Dilly Dally’s.

Can Briana and Ricky save the Earth again? Will the outcast kids on the other side of the track rise to the challenge and help save the world?

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beyond Good Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

The Exceptional Husband's Guide to Married Life


Relationships, Christian Living



Transform your marriage from ordinary to exceptional with this insightful guide for husbands.

Beyond Good: The Husband's Exceptional Guide to Married Life provides a comprehensive approach to addressing all the important aspects of being a kind, faithful, and respectful husband. Not only does it offer insights and strategies, but it also encourages personal reflection and proactive behavior to create a loving, long-lasting marriage relationship.

Start your transformative journey toward renewed commitment and love in your relationship by reading Beyond Good: The Exceptional Husband's Guide to Married Life.

Drawing on 20 years of personal experience and deep insights into marriage dynamics, Beyond Good serves as a candid guide for the husband seeking to rekindle joy, respect, and intimacy in his relationship.

The journey to an exceptional marriage begins here.

Why Beyond Good is a great resource for men:

•         Provides a comprehensive approach to being a kind, faithful, and respectful husband

•         Provides insights and strategies for creating a loving, long-lasting marriage relationship

•         Encourages personal reflection and proactive behavior

•         Offers candid advice and real-life examples

•         Focuses on rekindling joy, respect, and intimacy in marriage

•         Suitable for husbands at any stage of their marriage journey

•         Offers a holistic approach beyond typical relationship guides

•         And much more

Join countless men who have taken the brave step of self-improvement.  Get your copy today and immerse yourself in these love lessons and become the husband your wife deserves.


About the Author

Andreas Baku is a married, health-conscious author and advocate for healthy living. With a passion he shares with his wife for cooking, outdoor activities, and sports, Andreas is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience to help others make better choices for their health and in their marriage. Now in his early 50s, Andreas has reinvented himself and embraced his lifelong dream of writing. His books, Fast Food Made Healthy, Comida Rapida hecha saludable and now Beyond Good, are comprehensive guides that empower readers to enjoy their favorite fast food while making smarter choices as well as being the best husband they could possibly imagen. With practical tips, valuable advice, and effective strategies, Andreas helps readers tobe an amazing husband or to navigate fast food menus with confidence, revealing hidden health hazards and providing healthier alternatives. Through his books Andreas is on a mission to transform readers' fast food experiences into nourishing ones or be the beyond good husband they ought to be.


Connect with Andreas on:

Instagram baku.andreas

Facebook andreas.baku.9

YouTube at andreasbaku891


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