Sunday, October 29, 2023

RIP Challenge 2023: Day 29: Psycho BFF

Ornery Owl's Rating

Mini Review

This movie states at the beginning that it's based on a true story, but I can't find anything saying what "true story" it's based on. It seems a bit contrived. 

I have to wonder whether plastic trash mean girls like Adele actually exist. Granted, I went to school in the dark ages, aka the 1970s and 1980s. There were preppies, but they were mostly harmless. There were snobs, but I steered clear of them. Most of my worst abusers were in the middle class like I was. 

When I was in high school, I didn't start things, but if someone like Adele had tried to start shit with me like she did with Deandra, I would have apologized for bumping into her. If she let it go, I would have let it go. If she had continued, I would have verbally ripped her to shreds. I was shy, but I also had a mean streak. 

Anyway, what can I say? It's a Lifetime movie. If you enjoy that sort of thing, you'll probably like this one. 

I'm not going to call Lifetime movies a "guilty pleasure." I don't feel guilty about the things I enjoy. I'll say it with no shame whatsoever. I like a little trashy entertainment sometimes.

Image by Gitti Lohr from Pixabay

"Hey, Foxy. Hey, Rocky. Thanks for bringing the snacks for Trash Movie Night!"

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