Saturday, October 12, 2024

Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Alien Romulus Review


I live under a rock these days, or at least way off in the middle of nowhere, a minimum of 45 miles from any city, so I didn't know Alien Romulus was even a thing. From what Charlie says, it's good, except there's one ridiculous part. 

Here's what I had to say.

Whatever silliness there may be in this movie, it can't be as much of a rank stinker as Alien 3. Even Alien 4 wasn't as bad as Alien 3, and it was pretty bad. 
I liked both Prometheus and Alien Covenant. As far as the Alien quadrilogy, the last one of those movies I liked was Aliens.

To continue that thought, Alien 3 isn't just a wet fart in the Alien franchise; it's a steaming pile of Xenomorph spoor among all movies ever. My hatred of this movie is a hill that I will proudly die on. It's comparable to being fed a liver dish with a side of raw zucchini sprinkled with cilantro. 

I can tolerate the existence of the garbage fire that is Alien 3 slightly more than I can tolerate donald tRump, and that's only because while, like a tRump speech, it has the capacity to render audiences brain-dead, it doesn't have the capacity to destroy the United States from within.

By comparison, Alien 4 is a liverwurst sandwich served on 99-cent store brand bread with knockoff French's yellow mustard. Liverwurst is the only form of liver that I can tolerate, and my desire to consume it is limited. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Alien Romulus and crossing my fingers that the US won't be seeing tRump: The Sequel come election day. 

Ornery Owl Has Spoken

Fan art, not mine.
My old friend Peggy Sue says you shouldn't watch Alien 3.
It's a good idea to listen to Peggy Sue.

Free use image from Pixabay
Ornery Owl is hatching some plots.

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