Sunday, October 13, 2024

Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Murder of Innocence


Genre: True Crime

Rating: TV-13+

Year of Release: 1993

Ornery Owl's Rating:

Five out of Five Stars

Valerie Bertinelli's dramatic acting skills come to life in this 1993 made-for-TV true crime drama. Laurie Dann was a psychologically disturbed woman whose increasingly bizarre behavior was ignored or minimized by her parents, the police, and the mental health system. 

The events of Dann's last day on Earth are condensed for the movie version. They were much more chaotic than the choreographed sequence in the movie depicts. Bertinelli provides a captivating performance nonetheless. This movie was the first time I recall seeing her in a role that was neither comedy nor romance. She certainly proved herself as a dramatic actress.

Most individuals with mental health disorders aren't dangerous, and patients with severe psychiatric problems can be challenging to treat. However, it is worthwhile to provide competent support to all patients with mental health issues, both to improve lives and to ensure that the few who do present a danger to the public are identified. 

Laurie Dann revealed herself to be severely disturbed on more than one occasion, yet nothing was done about it. Someone like Laurie can't receive a few therapy sessions and then be considered cured. A person with serious issues such as hers will require lifelong treatment. Had she been receiving competent treatment, perhaps the tragedy depicted in this movie could have been avoided.

~Ornery Owl Has Spoken~

Free use image from Pixabay
"How's your mental health today, Puppy?"
"I'm feeling snappy, Owl. How's things by you?"

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