Sunday, October 1, 2023

RIP Challenge 2023 Day 1: The Midwife's Deception



Ornery Owl's Rating: 🌟🌟🌟

Mini Review:

Pregnant heroine Sara is astoundingly naive for a lawyer. She bonds quickly with Jina, a psychopath posing as a midwife who plans to steal Sara's baby. I would have kicked Jina to the curb after her first backhanded compliment, but Sara and her equally ingenuous husband Danny fall for Jina's sob story hook, line, and sinker, inviting her to live with them after knowing her for only one day.

This story is pretty much what you'd expect. The cast delivers decent performances. The ending will surprise no one who has seen this kind of movie before. 

Honestly, I'd rather spend time with a stray dog and the town drunk than the women in the Mommy Meet-Up group. Never be so desperate for friends that you'd surround yourselves with a passel of superficial, backstabbing, plastic Stepford wives.

Free use image from Open Clipart Vectors

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