Saturday, October 5, 2024

EngAIged Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Fearless Teaching in the Age of Bots


Nonfiction / Education / AI

Date Published: July 19, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


Venture into a world where AI acts as a catalyst for teachers, amplifying the everyday wonders that educators bring to life in their classrooms. Engage transformative innovations that elevate learning, liberating you to concentrate on your true passion: teaching. Discover that even in the age of teaching bots, the heart and soul of teaching can shine brighter than ever.

"In a world increasingly interconnected with artificial intelligence, the role of educators has never been more pivotal. EngAIged: Fearless Teaching in the Age of Bots is not just a guide; it's a clarion call to teachers everywhere to harness the power of AI while preserving the essence of education." -ChatGPT


"EngAIged is a must-read book for K12 educators. The book provides practical prompts and ideas that you can use in your classroom every day and is a comprehensive guide that will help you unlock the full potential of AI in the classroom and transform the way you teach." - Copilot 


"Learn how to harness the power of AI to transform your teaching and learning with EngAIged, a must-read for all K-12 educators. This comprehensive guide provides actionable strategies for integrating AI to personalize learning, boost engagement, and empower you to teach with more passion and creativity."  - Gemini

About the Author

Jim Bowler's lifelong passion for teaching is the cornerstone of his distinguished career. With almost two decades as a high school teacher and principal in the heart of Silicon Valley, he has an intimate understanding of classroom dynamics. Today, Jim stands as a driving force in the field of educational technology, advancing innovative technologies and AI solutions for educators.


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Reflections From the Soul Book Blitz #rabtbooktours


Acknowledge, Ruminate, Be Inspired


Grief, Self-Help



When you feel all alone in the ocean of grief, let Reflections from the Soul be your guiding star.

The loss of a loved one can often feel like being in the midst of a raging storm, alone on a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean. The shore of calm and joy is elusive and there are unpredictable, intense moments of sadness and emptiness and even riptides of anger that leave you shaken, isolated, and lost. The anguish of grief is expected when you have cared for someone you love, but you can navigate your way back to the shore, restore your joy, and reclaim your peace.

Reflections from the Soul serves as compassionate compass to guide you on the journey as you seek to understand, express, heal, and reconcile your pain and loss. You do not have to travel alone. Dr. Green offers you a soul-map to help you discover meaning in the madness, safety in your sorrow, and create peace and purpose from your pain. Reflections from the Soul lovingly invites you to acknowledge your personal feelings and to accept your sorrow as a normal response to your loss.


Key features of Reflections from the Soul:

•         Comprehensive Guidance on Grieving: Provides a thorough exploration of the emotional journey of grief, offering support and understanding.

•         Soul-Map for Healing: Dr. Green offers a structured, step-by-step approach to navigate and heal from the pain of loss, termed a "soul-map."

•         Structured Content: The book is organized into three distinct parts, addressing different aspects of grief—personal journey, spiritual healing, and family dynamics.

•         Practical Tools and Reflections: Includes actionable advice and reflective exercises designed to help readers understand and express their grief.

•         Focus on Spiritual Growth: Emphasizes the cultivation of spirituality as a means to cope with and ultimately transcend grief.

•         Communal and Individual Healing: Acknowledges the individual's need for personal healing and the importance of communal support in the grieving process.

•         Inclusive Approach: Covers a wide range of topics from handling survivor's guilt to maintaining hope and building resilience.

•         Emotional and Practical Support: Offers both emotional solace and practical steps for those navigating the aftermath of a loved one's death.

Begin your journey towards healing today. Grab your copy of Reflections from the Soul and take the first step towards understanding your grief, finding peace, and restoring joy in your life.


About the Author


 Dr. Eboni Green is an inspirational author, Registered Nurse, and passionate advocate for caregivers whose insightful books have become essential resources for those navigating the complex journey of caregiving. With a career spanning over 30 years in the healthcare field, Dr. Green's work has been instrumental in illuminating the challenges and triumphs faced by caregivers in a society that often overlooks their crucial role.

Her journey began as a nursing assistant, where she worked closely with top professionals and immersed herself in the intricacies of care systems. It was through these experiences that Dr. Green witnessed firsthand the pivotal role of caregiving and the profound challenges faced by caregivers and families alike. Recognizing a glaring gap in resources and education for both parties, she found her true calling: to champion the needs of not only those in need of care but also those who care for them.

Driven by a desire to make a difference, Dr. Green has authored several transformative books, including her latest work, "Journey Beyond the Yellow Brick Road: Finding Your Emotional Home as a Caregiver." This book provides a new outlook on managing life's hurdles, offering strategies to tackle complex emotions and situations effectively. Her other notable works, such as "Caregiving: Things You Need to Know," "Reflections from the Soul," and "The 7 Pillars of Successful Caregiving," serve as valuable tools, guiding caregivers through their journey with wisdom and empathy.

Beyond her writing, Dr. Green co-founded Caregiver Support Services with her husband to offer training to caregivers and support their mental health. Her impact extends to academia, where she shares her knowledge and passion as a college professor, further influencing the next generation of healthcare professionals. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and gardening.

Through her comprehensive efforts, Dr. Eboni Green remains a beacon of hope and a pillar of support for caregivers worldwide, advocating tirelessly for their recognition and well-being.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Chiller

Ornery Owl's Rating:
Four out of Five Stars

Basically a modern (as of 1985) retelling of Frankenstein, this story features uncomfortable contact lenses, chilling (see what I did there?) settings, and a cold-blooded villain. (Oops, I did it again!) 

This pun-filled mini-review rates five out of five stars for how cool the puns are and five out of five stars for how painful they are. I am unanimous in this.

Take it away, Mrs. Slocombe!

I'm leaving now before I get taken away.

Image by adventkaushik from Pixabay
Enough of this monkeying around!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Binder #SilverDaggerBookTours


 The Source is hunting Talents but Kara Jester is no distressed damsel...



The Price of Talent Book 2

by AK Nevermore

Genre: Spicy Dystopian SciFi Romance

On an alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of the population. Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical mutations, giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent upon the exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting them…

Flynn and Kara have made it to the north, but they’re far from safe.

In the city of Glynfyls, the ruling body known as the Assembly has become ineffectual at best and treasonous at worst, leaving the Northern Territories ripe for invasion. Under the threat of blackmail, Flynn Scot is forced into a leadership position to combat the corruption and to protect his family. Titus is coming, and unless Flynn can convince the Assembly that the threat from the Source is real, every Talent in the North faces harvesting.

Meanwhile, Kara is floundering.

Thrown into a completely new environment, Talent Kara Jester questions her place in the North and everything else. Plagued by wedding preparations and without the ability to bind her resurfacing memories of trauma, she’s a mess. Then, with the arrival of someone from her past, tensions skyrocket between her and Flynn.

And it’s mirrored within the city.

After a string of grisly murders and abductions, Glynfyls is in turmoil. With the Original Houses playing games and setting their machinations above the common’s safety, no one is free from recrimination and rumors abound. So do threats of civil unrest. And if Flynn can’t find a way to get out from under his blackmailer’s thumb and set things right, their fairytale wedding being planned amidst the madness won’t end in a happily ever after.

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Flynn sat, head hanging, hand running up the back of his neck.

He’d fucked up.

Eyes stinging, he collapsed into the plush wing-backed chair, fingers trembling over cracked lips. The wicked contusion staining his flank jolted fire alongside his spine. He grimaced, accepting it as penance. He’d promised he wasn’t gonna do that again…be that animal.

Christ, it’d felt good.

It always did. Until he came back to himself and saw the aftermath caught in the half-moons of his nails, the creases at his wrists. The memory of what he’d done leaving him shaking with that goddamn gnawing in his guts for a drink, trying to forget how much he’d liked it.

They’d deserved it.

He chewed his lip. What right did he have to make that determination? Shit, he’d earned worse…but Kara hadn’t. Neither had his kid.

If he still had a kid.

His gaze slid across the expansive room to the curtained fourposter bed. Her form lost in shadow, an extension of self, taking up every bit of talent he was pushing her, searing his insides raw. He didn’t care, the burn was nothing. He’d crawl through hell to save them. His eyes dropped to his hands, knuckles ragged and swollen.

He had. Jumped right into the fire, and it’d only made things worse. Goddamn his temper.

They’d all know what he’d done.

What he was.

“… I swear to God, I wish I was a fucking twist, then I wouldn't have to pretend…”

Flynn scrubbed a hand over his face. For once in his life, he hadn’t, and he’d pissed away House Scot’s political power in the process. If he confessed and registered, Cal might be able to salvage some of it. Maybe enough to protect her.

There was a soft knock at the door, and the massive oak slab was pushed inward on well-oiled hinges. French wheeled in a sterling coffee service. The flickering light from the marble hearth bounced off its polished curves onto the glossy pastries at its side.

Christ, he’d just wanted a cup.

The constable major will be in his office within the hour, per your request, sir,” the man intoned, working the cafetière. He’d gotten old. Flynn took in the familiar livery and stiff mustache waxed into precise loops, bone white instead of the salt-and-pepper grey he remembered. “I’ve brought suitable garments. Will you require assistance?”

Flynn’s eyes went to the freshly brushed jacket and trousers hanging from the bar of the cart. French handed him the cup and saucer with a flourish, then stood, awaiting his pleasure.

The enameled china chattered in Flynn’s hands, and he fought the urge to wing the fucking thing into the fireplace. “You’re gonna have to find a different jacket. The last one I borrowed from Lot didn’t work out so well.”

The seams would split when they cuffed him. The press would love that. He took a sip of coffee. Christ, it was a far cry from freeze-dried.

French began making him up a plate of pastries. “That shouldn’t be an issue, Lady Breakspear sent over several options, along with this.” He took an envelope from his breast pocket and held it out to him.

Flynn’s stomach lurched. Shit. There was only one thing the First Breaker could want to speak to him about. He stared at it for a long moment before taking it from the man.

It was unaddressed and heavier than it should’ve been, thick cream parchment with a raised wax seal the color of dark cherries. She’d used her signet to stamp a stylized ‘B’ into the blob. French held out a slim blade before he could ask.

Flynn’s hands went through the motions, opening it by rote, though it’d been years. No exotic perfume rose up with the gold-lined flap, and the page within was free of ill-conceived prose. Two words stared back at him.

Breaker Business.

What the ever-loving fuck?

They weren’t outing him… Anger devoured his bewilderment. It had to be blackmail. He flung the missive into the flames. Not up here ten goddamn hours, and he was already hip-deep in political fucking intrigue. They’d expect something in return for keeping this quiet…if they could. There’d been more than just Breakers kissing the ground out there. Flynn bit into one of the pastries French had set beside him. Still…it gave him time.

What’re they saying in the city?”

The aid-workers are reporting any number of improbabilities, everything from aliens to the second coming of Christ, but those whom survived the Sons’ attack have been markedly silent. One wonders how long that will last.”

Until their wallets become noticeably thicker. How many nobles were on the train?”

Just your party. The hour was a bit too raw for your brethren,” French said, topping off his coffee. “I’ve taken the liberty of scheduling Ernesto to attend to your needs before Assembly begins.”

Flynn glanced at the butler, reading all he needed to in his eyes. Bastard had known exactly what he was planning. Had he known what was in that note? Christ, he wouldn’t put it past him. Man was worse than Cal with that shit.

And now it was time to play the part.


The Price of Talent Book 1

On an alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of the population. Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical mutations, giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent upon the exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting them…

Self-exiled to the Outside, Flynn Scot is oath-bound to a life of strict penance.

Cursed with a vicious temper and haunted by the blood-stained debauchery of his past, Flynn’s sworn off women, whiskey, and violence, and doesn’t give a damn about whispers of the coming war. He sure as hell isn’t in the mood to make good on a debt when it’s called in, especially when playing white knight outs him as a Talent, and the damsel in distress as his soulmate.

On the run from her future as a broodmare for the Source, escaped Talent Kara Jester is no distressed damsel.

And the last thing she wants is to be trapped in a blizzard with a surly—and frustratingly captivating—thug. Without the suppression meds holding her libido in check, her biology’s primed to procreate, and Flynn’s growled assurances that he won’t touch her doesn’t match the hunger in his eyes.

It doesn’t align with what fate has in store for them, either.

With elite troops hot on their heels and the border set to close, it’s a race to the North, away from Kara’s horrific future and towards the dark past Flynn wants to keep buried. Clinging to the shreds of his oath, he’s forced to choose between protecting the woman he’s afraid to love and letting out the animal he swore he’d never be again. Either may destroy him, if Kara’s secrets don’t get them killed first.

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Flynn put his book aside and eyed the massive pile of wood Kara had brought in. She stacked the last of the logs against the wall, pensive.

“You good?”

Her smile was forced. “Yeah, it’s just so quiet. I’m not used to it.”

She knelt beside him and unwrapped the compress. It’d long since gone cold. His gaze slid over her inspecting his knee. There was a competence and economy to her motions that gave the impression she was very good at what she was doing. He shivered at her touch, and a muscle in his jaw popped.

She peeked up at him. “Cold hands?”

“Yeah.” They were, but that wasn’t the issue.

“You have to stay off it.” She reached forward like she was going to ruffle his hair, then pulled back when he tensed, biting at her thumb.

Goddamn it. That kicked-dog look was back on her face. Flynn closed his eyes, fighting the urge to pull her into his lap and tell her everything would be okay. Wasn’t his fucking problem.

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. Shit was gutting him. Why the hell he felt responsible for her…

He wasn’t. Couldn’t be. Couldn’t handle his own train-wreck. Adding her to that equation would only get her hurt. Last thing he wanted was for her to see what a monster he was. For whatever had been in her eyes before to snuff out.

Screw her not thinking he was a white knight; she’d despise him.

His stomach churned, sick over it.

“Mind if I put on some pants?”

Kara stared at her hands, fingers laced together. “As long as I can get to your knee.”

“Grab me those.” She got his sweats, and he moved the recliner back upright, feeling like an absolute dick. He jerked his head at the cupboard. “Couple cans of soup in there, if you’re hungry.”

She hopped to, like he’d given an order. Flynn’s brow furrowed, pulling on the sweats. What was that about? It was like a part of her had just shut down—

He bit back a groan. That look she had before. The one where he’d sworn she thought she was fucking defective or some shit, and he’d been flat out rejecting her advances. Christ, he wanted to kick his own ass. Having an ugly prick like him say no had to be great for her ego. Motherf—

“How do I…?” She was turning a can over in her hands, frowning.

“Opener’s where you found the forks,” he muttered, watching her push around his meager supply of cutlery. God, he was an asshole, and there wasn’t anything he could say without making it worse.

“This thing?” She held it up for his inspection.

“Yeah, just clip it on and turn the wheel.”

She put her back to him, and it sounded like she was botching the job. Like she needed another blow to her confidence. Flynn sighed, hoisting himself up. So much for staying off his knee.

“You shouldn’t be—”

“I gotta piss.”

Kara turned away, flushing. He limped the six steps to the table and steadied himself with a hand to one side of her, grinning before he could help himself. She was so frickin’ adorable fumbling with the damned thing. How could you be clueless about operating a can opener?

“Here, just—no, not like—come here.” He moved behind her, adjusting her grip, and firmly clipping it onto the side of the can. Damn, she smelled good. As in there-goes-taking-a-piss-right-away good.

“Go on, turn it.” Her fingers were long and slender beneath his. Smooth.

“Like this?” she asked, peeking over her shoulder at him, all innocent and sexy as hell. It twined around him in that heady musk. Flynn’s eyes dropped to her lips—

Fuck, he couldn’t do this.

“Yeah.” He reached past her to grab a stout stick leaning between the cabinet and the wall. Woman was killing him. “Next one’s all you.” He lurched into the bathroom, cursing himself.

Kara’s bra hung limply from the curtain rod, mocking him. He ran the water, splashing the glacial iciness over his head, hard-on throbbing for the umpteenth time today. Pretty soon frostbite wasn’t gonna be a deterrent to jacking off.

And he was supposed to take her north.

Fucking Cal.

Nothing had gone right since he’d answered his call. And now he was stuck with her and a mandate hanging over his head. Keep his dick in his pants. The hell he would, she wanted him, and if she kept offering it up, who was he to say no?

Flynn blew out noisily, scrubbing at his face. No. That wasn’t him. Not anymore, and she deserved better. Emotions running riot, he doused his head in the sink, soaking his shirt in the process.

Whatever. It stank, just like the rest of him. He peeled it off and chucked it onto the pile in the corner, sponging himself down. A Binder. Why the hell did she have to be a Binder? Bred for talent and beauty. They’d done a bang up job with her. Her in that lacy bra flitted across his mind’s eye. Shit, those halos. He’d never seen—Christ, he needed a cold shower. This goddamn knee. He wouldn’t be able to keep his balance in there…though sitting in six inches of freezing water held a certain appeal. He grimaced, grabbed his scissors, and snipped a few errant hairs off his upper lip—

What am I doing?

He threw the scissors back behind the mirror, disgusted with himself. He’d keep his hands off her. Ducking his head, he sighed, staring down at his tented sweats, then at the dirty laundry pile, and finally, the walking stick.

Fuck my life. How the hell was this gonna work? He snorted, trying to remember the last time he’d had to hide an erection.

Oh yeah, about an hour ago.


**Get the Prequel Breeder FREE!!**

AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen and writing a column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a chapter treasurer for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.

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Suits to Stilettos Book Blitz #rabtbooktours




Step into Italia Tornabene's world, where her life's triumphs unfold, one captivating page at a time. "Suits to Stilettos" isn't just a book; it's a front-row seat to witness the incredible resilience of the human spirit.

Join Italia's journey from a challenging start to defying odds and creating her own success story.

Born into adversity, Italia faced it all — from teenage motherhood to homelessness. But this isn't just about struggles; it's about the gritty determination that refuses to bow down. Her book is an immersive dive into the unconventional, and the story is an inspiration for those who seek a path beyond limitations.

"Suits to Stilettos" is a lifeline for those ready to transform their lives. Ready to be inspired? Grab your copy and start the journey today. Your circumstances don't define you; your choices do.

About the Author

Italia Tornabene, a self-made millionaire, author, serial entrepreneur, and savvy investor, shares her extraordinary life experiences.

From rubbing shoulders with elite individuals to her unconventional career as an exotic dancer and sex worker, Italia's journey is as captivating as it is inspiring.

Discover how she overcame hardships and built an empire through resilience and determination. Her story is empowering and empowering testament to the resilience inherent in us all, and she's thrilled to share her wisdom with everyone she encounters.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: The Strangers in 7A

Ornery Owl's Rating:
Four out of Five Stars

This 1974 thriller features a stellar cast of character actors. Andy Griffith stars as Artie, a philandering building superintendent. Ida Lupino is his wife, Iris. Susanne Benton plays Claudine, the temptress who seduces Artie, only to reveal that she just wanted to give her boyfriend and his pals a place to stay while they plan a bank heist.

Michael Brandon plays Billy, the leader of the would-be bank robbers. Brandon is an underrated talent because he can convincingly switch from playing affable nice guys hoping to change the world for the better, as he did in F.M., to portraying hard men like Billy. James A. Watson Jr. and Tim McIntyre co-star as Billy's sidekicks, Riff and Virgil. 

The film features lots of action and a satisfying redemption arc. Bonus points for the right amount of cheesiness and the stylin' '70s attire.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Sun's Secret Book Blitz #rabtbooktours



Energy For All Living Things


Children's Nonfiction / Science

Date Published: September 3, 2024



Discover the Sun's Mysteries!


Dive into the enchanting world of the sun with this magical children's book, perfect for curious kids aged 5-8! Feel the sun's warm rays as they light up our days, bringing heat and energy that makes all life on Earth possible. Watch in awe as the sun's golden glow helps plants grow tall and strong, creating the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. Every leaf and flower reaches up to the sky, painting our world with vibrant life and color. Join in this exciting journey to uncover the sun's magical secrets!

Through the fascinating process of photosynthesis, plants work their magic by transforming the sun's energy into food that animals and humans can use. This book takes young readers on an exciting journey to discover how plants become tiny factories, creating energy-packed food that fuels our bodies and keeps us healthy. It's a delightful adventure into nature's incredible power and the sun's vital role in our lives. Join your child in uncovering the wonders of photosynthesis and the sun's magic!

Perfect for curious minds and budding scientists, this book is an ideal way for parents to share the wonders of nature with their children. Sit down together and immerse yourself in the science of how the sun and plants work in harmony to sustain life on Earth. With engaging illustrations and easy-to-understand explanations, this book will surely spark a love for science and the natural world in young readers.


About the Author

Dr. Eric Bornstein is a biochemist, dentist, and photobiologist. He has patented technologies in the areas of lasers, circadian medicine, and biofilm eradication. He is widely published in peer-reviewed journals such as Current Trends in Microbiology and Compendium. Dr. Bornstein currently delivers CE webinars for the Institute for Natural Resources on the subjects of Hallucinogens and Psychedelics, Cannabis, and Opioids. His second novel, The Goliath Pathogen, will be published by Adir Press in Q1 2024.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

The Underdogs Book Blitz #rabtbooktours

Contemporary Fiction

Date Published: 9/26/24



The Underdogs was inspired by my time building a tech startup during the golden era of San Francisco, when Uber and Lyft were just getting started and battling it out. It’s a coming-of-age, immigrant story following a set of characters who are all trying to create a better future for themselves, for society, and escape their pasts.

Readers have shared that this story reminds them of The Prestige. Two geniuses, who came from nothing, competing against each other in a market that preys upon those who also come from nothing. Others have reflected on the story as a cautionary tale that stands the test of time — How “the few, the chosen” may end up taking advantage of the very same people who they grew up with.

About the Author

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Readers Imbibing Peril Challenge 2024: Summer of Fear

Ornery Owl's Rating:
Four out of Five Stars

That's five stars for enjoyment and three stars for execution. The plot is contrived, the acting is over the top, the contact lenses look really uncomfortable, and, damn it, it's a whole lot more fun than most modern horror movies. Bonus points for the dress that manages to look like Rachel (Linda Blair) made it from a shower curtain, but it somehow looks like a haute couture gown designed by a master seamstress when Julia (Lee Purcell) puts it on.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Hungry Butterfly Review #IndiGo

Title:  The Hungry Butterfly

Author: Eule Grey

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 10/01/2024

Heat Level: 2 - Fade to Black Sex

Pairing: Female/Female

Length: 18500

Genre: Horror, contemporary, thriller, body horror, bisexual, British, suspense

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Downtrodden charity worker Brenda can’t believe her luck when she gets a new job on a medical trial. It’s a dream position with a generous wage—almost too good to be believable. Life has never been better… Until Brenda discovers some concerning facts about the company facilitating the trial. Why is FixMe so impatient for results? She keeps telling her manager you can’t change lives overnight, but Thomas doesn’t listen. She should have noted the red flags.

 Fortunately, Brenda isn’t ultimately responsible for the trial’s ethics. Who’s going to care if she forges signatures? One or three teeny-weeny fibs don’t matter. She should have called the police. Bells ring when Brenda starts ‘forgetting’ things. Where did she leave her case notes, and why can’t she remember writing them? Then Brenda’s customers disappear, but it’s too late for regrets. She should have run. It’s a constant struggle to remember what truly matters. Brenda doesn’t mean to lie or cheat, not at the start. What begins as a second chance at adulting ends with a trail of body bags and a broken butterfly. She shouldn’t have done it.


The Hungry Butterfly Eule Grey © 2024 
All Rights Reserved 

 Brenda Thomas almost smiled. 

“We need evidence, Bren. It’s not enough to say you’ve made a difference. We know you have, of course. We are behind you, supporting you all the way. Certainly. But the funders—You understand. What FixMe need, FixMe get! Ha, ha, ha.” 

 Brenda’s stomach created a series of sounds and sensations similar to an operative building site. She became breathy and lightheaded and felt under attack. When she tried to speak, all that came out was air. “Off. Oof.” 

 A spray of spit landed on Thomas. He removed his glasses with a Dickensian grimace. 

“How many cases have you got? I trust you’ve brought the notes?” 

 Notes? Cases? Brenda turned a snort into a cough. She’d known on the first day the job would be a pile of crap. FixMe, a newly established charity, worked with people stuck in a cycle of crime. The job description boasted a worthy ethos and decent pay. The cold realities of the work had proved less attractive—no training or support, no induction, no structures or pathways, no risk assessments or colleagues.

 All Brenda had been offered as support was a tiny office in a storage facility. Thomas was based far away at an undisclosed location. Once a week, Brenda received an email with a list of names to contact and a reminder that she was doing an extraordinary job. Since starting the job, she’d trailed the streets, visiting crack dens and prisons. Got nowhere. She’d made hundreds of desperate phone calls to the police and cried in the storage facility toilets. Increasingly, she’d return home by one o’clock and chain-smoke in bed.

 “Fourteen cases,” she lied. “Two more sign-ups this week.” She’d meant to say four, which would’ve been an exaggeration since she had no cases. No cases. Zero. A big, fat nothing. 

 Thomas pointed one long finger; hand poised in mid-air. “Fourteen?” His fingernails were brown as if he’d been scratching at graveyards. 

 Brenda nodded and then couldn’t stop. Her head went up and down like one of those car toys attached to the dashboard, trapped by motion and movement. Stuck forever. 

 “You’ll need to up your load to fifty by the end of March.” Thomas licked his lips. “At least. A hundred would be even better, wouldn’t it? Hmm?” 

 Brenda’s voice hit the unpleasant notes of a shriek. “Fifty?” 

 “You sound surprised, Brenda. Fifty. Yes. If we want to get paid. And we all want money, don’t we?” Thomas tapped the desk with his FixMe pen, decorated with pretty butterflies. “Payment by results. It’s the deal. Hasta la vista, baby.” 

 Brenda’s resolve not to argue snapped. The words tumbled out. “But it’s not possible. It’s not! We’re talking about people with numerous barriers who’re entrenched in harmful behaviours. Most of them have mental health issues. There’re no easy fixes. It’s hard enough getting hold of them in the first place. They leave custody and disappear. I have no way of finding them.” 

Under the table, Brenda’s hands found each other. Her bottom lip wobbled. “I’m struggling. I can’t do it.” 

 Thomas sighed. He tapped his pen on the desk every few seconds. To Brenda, the noise of the pen was a frantic heartbeat and the background music of a cult horror film. Tap, tap, tappety tap. Thomas tapped aggressively.

 “Have you sought referrals from statutory services? Police and Probation. Social Services. Et cetera.” His head began wobbling like Brenda’s. “I presume so because you assured me it was the case last time we spoke. Hmm?” 

 Had she? Brenda tried to think back, to be professional and robust, efficient and resourceful, and all she’d promised at the interview. Effective? She’d been drinking too much and not sleeping, and anyway, her memory wasn’t what it used to be. 

“I. Yes.” It was all she could manage. 

 Thomas shifted some butterfly-patterned papers. When he spoke, it reminded Brenda of a film about interrogations. 

“Last supervision. The fourteenth of the month. Two p.m. You reported the project as going well with no issues. We’ve had ten supervisions altogether. It’s been gratifying having such a dedicated and positive employee.” He smiled nastily.

 Brenda suddenly needed the toilet.


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Meet the Author

Eule Grey has settled, for now, in the north UK. She’s worked in education, justice, youth work, and even tried her hand at butter-spreading in a sandwich factory. Sadly, she wasn’t much good at any of them! She writes novels, novellas, poetry, and a messy combination of all three. Nothing about Eule is tidy but she rocks a boogie on a Saturday night! For now, Eule is she/her or they/them. Eule has not yet arrived at a pronoun that feels right.

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Ornery Owl's Review

Rating: Five out of Five Stars

This thought-provoking novella addresses medical ethics being skirted in favor of prestige and profits. The story is only appropriate for readers 18+ because of the adult subject matter, including discussions of addiction and criminal behavior and depictions of sexual activity between adults. 

The book will appeal to readers who are interested in the subjects of addiction, the causes of homelessness, trauma, and overprescription of pharmaceuticals rather than addressing the root causes of these issues. It is not a light read, and some readers may find the story's use of body horror and sexual situations with dubious consent. Brenda is an unreliable narrator, but I fully believe that her sleazy boss, Thomas, is more than capable of slipping his prospective "partners" a roofie. 

Using powerful metaphors, The Hungry Butterfly addresses the need to get to the root cause of addiction and maladaptive coping mechanisms in patients with complex PTSD issues. Many homeless individuals struggle with their mental health. Having to live on the street certainly doesn't improve their plight. 

A for-profit medical system does not care about treating people with serious mental health issues. They certainly don't care about the homeless population, which is comprised solely of people who can't pay for their services. The approach with these people is to drug 'em up and put 'em back on the street. To claim that this tactic is ineffective is a massive understatement.  

Great stories inspire serious thought. The following are some of my thoughts on addiction, trauma, and the medical community's proclivities for treating the chart rather than the patient. 

Addiction and trauma are still misunderstood areas of psychological treatment, even in the twenty-first century. The tendency to throw pharmaceuticals at every mental health issue, often without providing counseling services in conjunction with said pharmaceutical treatment, has improved somewhat. 

As someone who went through most of my life believing I was fatally flawed, I have sought psychological support in understanding why I am the way I am for decades. In the 80s and 90s, the standard protocol involved prescribing psych medications, mostly SSRIs. For me, the cure is worse than the problem when it comes to psych meds. I can't take them. SSRIs make me manic and psychotic, and sedatives such as benzodiazepines tend to have paradoxical effects. 

I have bad reactions to most prescription painkillers as well, although if IV morphine were readily available, I would be addicted to it. This tells me that I would probably have developed an addiction to drugs such as cocaine and heroin had those been available to me at the point in time when I was willing to try them.

There is a tendency for psych medications to cause weight gain. However, there is such a powerful bias against larger bodies that the patients who do gain weight while taking these meds are treated with disdain. I often express my belief that a Health At Every Size approach is far more effective than a weight-normative approach. Shame is a poor motivator. Treat the patient, not the chart.

In my own case, I have found techniques such as art therapy to be far more effective in managing my anxiety and depression than taking pills that prompt anxiety spikes, hallucinations, nightmares, and even straight-up mania and psychosis. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health issues, an attitude of compassion and a willingness to listen are imperative in every case. 

Many mental health practitioners aim to create compliant patients rather than help those who are suffering find happiness. In defense of the practitioners, this is what they are trained to do, and often, they don't have the proper tools at their disposal to accomplish much else. This approach must change before real healing can begin. 


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